Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

FIRST AND BEST-AS USUAL MARION, CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, JUNE 21. 1938 SEVEN Telling Is Selling Tell the Whole Story When You Use a Want Ad The WEATHER Fair tonight and Wednesday; somewhat warmer in south and extreme northwest portions Wednesday. ILLINOIS: Generally fair tonight and. Wednesday; somewhat warmer in extreme south and extreme northeast portions Wednesday. LOWER MICHIGAN: Fair tonight and Wednesday; somewhat warmer in extreme east portion Wednesday: OHIO and KENTUCKY: Fair tonight and Wednesday; little change in temperature.

DEATH NOTICES -Robert, 1620 Euclid avenue. Milford. ANNOUNCEMENTS Card of Thanks AMMON We wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to our friends and relatives for their thoughtfulness and kindness shown us during the sickness and death of our beloved father: and Signed, Letitia Ammon and Dee W. Ammon and Family. Funeral Directors 5 DIGGS FUNERAL SERVICE 504 W.

Third St. Phone 169 -DEPENDABILITY "The Home for Services" RAVEN FUNERAL HOME 911 S. Wash. St. Phone 1480 AND SON Funeral Directors 805 S.

Adams St. Phone. 1552-W MILFORD FUNERAL HOME Phone 1815-W Sincere Service and Fair. Prices P'ersonals AUCTION--Sale, June 23, what have you to sell? Phone 1698-W. Hazel Lemon.

Moving, Storage. MEN OLD AT 40! GET PEP! New. Ostrex Tonic Tablets. contain raw oyster invigorators and other. stimulants.

One dose starts new pep. Value, $1. Special price, 79c. Call, write Muir or Hook's Drug Stores. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 BUY IN AT MARION: SCOTT'S 1937 Ford Deluxe "85" Sedan trunk, black, heater, low mileage, and an exception.

1931 Coach, dark blue, one owner, low mileage, good tires, exceptionally nice. 1936 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan, green, good tires. In good mechanical condition, and 8 bargain. GLENN A. SCOTT 307 E.

Third St. or car. Phone Gas City 4691. 1930 Sedan, clean, heater, $85. 709 S.

Wash. St. PLYMOUTH1936 coach with trunk. A beautiful green, A-1 condition throughout, good rubber, heater, seat covers, a deluxe model dual equipment. Marion Garage and Auto Inc.

Used Car Lot 308 W. 3rd St. WHY PEDAL? Get this spick and span 1925 Ford Sedan for only $30. Botkins' Truck Service, 114 East 12th St. 129 Hudson Sedan $22.50 $28 Sedan $27.50 '30 Studebaker Sedan $45.00 129 Plymouth Sedan $45.00 330 Chevrolet Roadster $57.50 Hollingsworth, 716-18 S.

Adams. '33 Plymouth Convertible Coupe $245 '33 Plymouth Coach (good) $225 $32 Ford Coupe $135 '31 Coach $95 STOKES 221 W. Second St. Auto Trucks for Sale 12 ONE DELUXE-'37 Hayes trailer, 18', fully equipped, mahogany finish. 949 N.

Washington. Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 EQUITY--In good 1937 -Ford coach. Sell or trade for livestock 5- AUTHORIZED PACKARD SERVICE SEYBOLD ARCHER 24 Hour Service 6th Adams St. Phone 3241 -FOR YEARS- -We have handled the same high grade gasoline, made from Smackover crude oil. None better.

SILVER EDGE GAS STATION 4th Boots Sts. WE -Straighten axles cold without removal. Marion Frame and Axle Shop. Opposite City Hall. AUTOMOBILES Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 WE REBUILD- Wrecked automobiles.

Expert service and workmanship. Klaus Auto Service, 305 West Second St. BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered 18 LAWN MOWERS- Sharpened repaired. United Radiator vice. 110 10th.

Phone 986. Beauty and Barher Shops 18A END CURLS- $1.00. 308 West 5th. Phone 260. to $5..

Erma Cain, 200 N. Neb. Phone 2354 Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 INSULATE--Your attic now with Ru-Ber-Oid rock wool. Pays for itself. Free estimates.

State Roofing 115 E. 6th St. Insurance and Surety Bonds 23 FIRE- -Strikes at home--at business--on the road. INSURE. Indiana Insurance Realty Corp.

110 W. Third Phone 1477. Where Insurance Isn't a Sideline. Underwriters Brokers, Inc. H.

E. Sellers. C. J. Nelson Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 PAPER HANGING Cleaning, guaranteed.

Bridenthal. Ph. 6061 Typewriters and Supplies 27A CORONA With Floating Shift $1.00 per week Beckley Typewriter Supply Co. 124 E. Fifth St.

Phone 136 Professional Services. 28 STENOGRAPHER-Notary. MimFirst Nat'l. Bank eographing. Peggy, Perdiue, EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Female 32 LADY- -Middle aged to stay with older lady.

927 S. Gallatin. WANTED--Competent: maid for general housework and cooking. Go home nights. Phone 346.

Help Wanted -Male I 33 DEPENDABLE- -Man for hoeing scything weeds near city. Call mornings or evenings. Indiana State Employment Service Cook, full charge, 21-45, $18 wk. 313 S. Boots St.

No Fee Charged MAN- -Drive service car collecting delivering nursery stock orders, city and suburbs; pay weekly. Will give hustler chance to earn $350 monthly, and learn landscaping business. Emmons, Newark, N. Y. MAN AND WIFE--To run coffee agency.

Up to $46 first week. Automobile given bonus. Write Albert Mills, 4574 Monmouth, Cincinnati, O. THE JOHN KELLEY CO Will consider the employment of a well recommended man for the Hoover Dept. You will qualify through a training course.

Sub'stantial earnings to start. Must have car. Apply 9-10 a. m. Wednesday only.

Help-Male and Female 34 WANTED- Local and traveling agents. Inquire Edna 1401 W. Nelson, rear entrance." -FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 NEIGHBORHOOD Grocery for sale. Well equipped clean stock of goods. Chronicle 649.

INSTRUCTION Local Schools, Colleges 43 BUSINESS EDUCATION The backbone of achievement, gives. you accuracy, speed in figuring, knowledge of law, system, methods, accountancy, English, letter writing, "penmanship, stenography, and office practice. Ask for "Bulletin." Marion Business College. Instruction 43A LEARN -Why our operators earn more money. Fox Beauty School, Kokomo.

FARMERS' COLUMN Horses, Cattle. Hogs 48 BROOD SOW Farrow in Sept. Ernest "McClellan, 2 miles north of Matthews on Upland Pike. CHOICE QUALITY CALVES Steers and Heifers Light Weight, Priced Right Thorne Coal Phone 75. FINE- Fresh cow, 6 years, and calf, 6 weeks.

Sell one or both. Phone A. A. Mittank, Upland. GOOD- -Milk cow, 4 years old, giving good flow of milk.

Jesse Smith, Kokomo Road, North of Jonesboro. JERSEY And Guernsey cow. Phone 3503-3. RIDING- -Horse, 5-gaited, sound. Charles Dyson, Petroleum.

USED CARS -Mules, Hogs, Horses, fresh cows and springers. Shell Station, Fairmount. FARMERS' COLUMN Farming. Implements 48A FOR TRADE -Guernsey heifer and good used dump body for" hay baler. Herbert Templeton, miles north of Lafontaine.

HAY ROPE Pure manilla, long fiber, waterproofed, lubricated, government requirements. Buy the best. MARION HARDWARE CO. McCORMICK Binder $20, trade for livestock. Ray Barnes, Banquo.

Lafontaine phone. I SEE US FOR BINDER TWINE THOMAS MILLING CO. WEED SHOVELS--Fits all cultivators: Repair work. Pence Mfg. 33rd and McClure St.

Poultry and Supplies 49 BABY CHICKS Tuesday p. m. and Wednesday, $6.50 per 100. Big healthy chicks, easy to raise. Ovies Hatchery, north Postoffice.

FRIES- Tender and delicious because they are raised on wire in batteries. Full dressed. Ovies Hatchery, north of Postoffice. STARTED CHICKS--While they last, 200 4-week-old White Leghorns, --150 barred rocks, 100 White Rocks. Marion Hatchery Store 407 E.

4th "Phone 2604 WE BUY-And sell fancy poultry. Phone 2492. Marion Produce Co. 405 E. 4th.

St. Wanted to Buy--Live Stock -50 WEANED Phone 147 after 5 p. m. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 guitar for sale. 1324 Spencer Ave.

BICYCLES- For sale or rent; Pulley, 417 No. Wash. St. Block machine, 100 castiplates, $25. Phone HOOVER-Sweeper like new, with complete set of cleaner attachments, $30 cash.

Phone 2109. 3 SHOW CASES CHEAP SWANGER McCLAIN Boats--Fishing Supplies 52 FISHERMEN-We have new and used fishing boats, new and used boat motors. See Marion's only boat dealer, Pulley, 417. No. Washington St.

Building Materials 53 ALUMINUM PAINT Best quality for outside or inside use. Quart Gallon $2.29 Pint SO. MARION BUILDERS' STORE Wash. and 33rd YELLOW Poplar siding, also rough lumber. Phone 995-R.

Fuel, Feed. Fertilizers 56 INTERSTATE MINERALS For hogs, cattle and sheep at big savings. Goldreich Fertilizer Corporation. MR. FARMER Let Us Make Your Feeds and Save You Money GRANT COAL, FEED CO.

215 E. Bradford Phone 3022 ORDER A. TON--Of our quality coal, price and quality to suit all. Wilkinson Coal Co. Ph.

454. WE TRADE--Soybean meal for soybeans. Hoosier Soybean Mills, Phone 2402. Good Things to Eat 57 RASPBERRIES Reece, 2 east of Home Corner. RASPBERRIES- Bring container, 2225 W.

12th RASPBERRIES-1012 S. 4th. St. Gas City. Phone 6958.

Household Goods 59 STUDIO COUCHES -Back, spring filled cushions, arms, $34.50. Morris Furniture 217 E. 4th WE TAKE--Stoves in trade on bicycles---new tires--automobiles. Boats and Motors, Pulley, 417 No. Wash.

St. 6 ANTIQUE--Cain bottom dining room chairs, drop leaf table, antique hall rack. Apartment Colonial Apts. Musical Merchandise 62 KIMBALL--Made grand piano, Continue the monthly payments. MARION MUSIC HOUSE Seeds, Plants, Flowers 63 ALL KINDS--Of garden seeds in bulk.

Also Vigoro. Chas. Beshore Co. POTATOES- -Can plant safely to July 12. 1714 So.

Washington St. Specials at the Stores 64 ATWATER-KENT RADIO Good, $14.95 KELLEY'S EXCHANGE STORE BOYS -Wash 2-Pc. zipper camp suits. Sizes 7 to 14, $1.59. Boys' Shop.

Opposite Post Office. TELL and SELL Readers of these want ads d-1 want to know all the details of the offers which interest them. When you use. an ad here be sure to tell all these details so as: to get the best results. The Chronicle, Leader Tribune Classified Ads Always the Same In Service Always Different In Opportunity: PHONE 244 MERCHANDISE Specials at the Stores 64 BIRD BATHS $1.49 NATIONAL CHINA CO.

Books, Stationary, Greeting Cards THE BOOK STORE Next to Luna Lite. COMPLETELY Rebuilt Maytag washer, square aluminum tub. Either electric or gasoline motor. Only $39.50. Johnston's Bargain Basem*nt DOTTED- curtains, 46 in.

wide, yds. long, $1.19 pair. Haners, 122 W. 3rd. KITCHEN CABINETS--The famous Nappanee cabinets, regular or built-in styles, biggest values of the season.

Also utility. cabinets and breakfast sets. SO. MARION FURNITURE CO. 3108-10 So.

Washington St. Let Johnstan's Have Your Washer Troubles. Expert: Service and Parts All Make Washers. JOHNSTON FURNITURE CO. Phone 772 NEW -Lawn mowers, $4.98 up.

mowers sharpened to new. Stewart Bros. Ph. 1896. NEW--1938 Motorolas.

Must sell our stock. Cost. prices, prevail. Terms. Goodrich Silvertown Stores.

New Modern All White American Beauty Washer $1 Week -9 BROYLES' ELECTRIC CO. PRE-OWNED-Studio couch, special, $0.95. Johnston's Bargain Basem*nt. RECONDITIONED Electric refrigerator, only one at $33.88. MONTGOMERY WARD CO.

-REAL BUYS NOW AT SWANGER McCLAIN'S Combination Range nearly new $19 New Kitchen Heater $6.88 New Gasoline Range $22.50 Large Ice Refrigerator, regular price $56.00, now $18.00 Large Ice Refrigerator, slightly used $9.88 New Ice Box, 100-lb. size $5.50 Roasters to $1.19 Biscuit Pans Clothes Baskets 58c SWANGER McCLAIN In New 'Location, 4th St. SEWING- Machine, drop head, for quick sale at $5.00. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. THREE -Floor model sinks, perfect condition.

A real bargain. SEARS, ROEBUCK USED -Electric refrigerator, 5 cubic ft. size, $65. BUTLER MUSIC CO. WHEN YOU PAINT! PAINT RIGHT USE PITTSBURGH PAINTS McATEE'S DISCOUNT -On all Summer goods.

Camp chairs, porch chairs swings, wicker sets. Caldwell's Exchange, 3115 S. Wash. St. Phone 613.

3 PIECE Modern bedroom suite, bed, vanity and chest, $69.50. CALDWELL'S North of Paramount Theatre ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms for Housekeeping 69 garage, shady. Adults. Lyon N. of Mulberry.


REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE DRUG STORE--In a good live county seat town, clean stock and good location, to settle estate. ROOMING -Close in at an attractive' price, will take a small house in trade, balance cash. 14 rooms, double garage. NORTH MARION-6 room modern house, garage, new roof, price cash $1,000, balance financed. 40 ACRES--Close to.

Upland, 6-1 room house. Price $1,000, to settle estate: trade. MODERN 7 ROOMS- North Ma: rion, large beautiful lot, furnace reconditioned, 2 car garage, new North Marion high school district, on Bradford $750 cash, balance financed at $25 per month including interest. 2300 BLOCK WEST 9TH-7 rooms gas, light, water, new roof, clear. Will trade on modern house closer.

to square. Jeffras cottage, gas, lights, water, garage, close to school and car line. $1,000. No trade. WEST MARION-10 rooms, new garage, ideal for duplex.

Price $1,800. WEST MARION-1639 W. Ist, room bungalow type, 2 car gar. age, 2 lots; price $1,650, with cash payment of $650, balance $15 per month. SANDERS, Room 2 Webster Bldg.

Over Roesaler's Jewelry Store. SWAYZEE ST. 606-7 rooms, bath, large garage, $200 cash, balance TO $18 per 10-ROOM-Double, month. John 2 S. baths, Haines.

small down payment, easy terms, West 4th Marion. Write Desk 525 State: Life Building, Indianapolis. Lots for Sale 83 BUILDING--Lots in W. Marion, low down payment. Make your own terms.

Chronicle, Box 648. AUCTIONS LEGALS NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR No. 7084 Notice is hereby given. That the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the estate of Alvah J. Brady.

deceased, late of Center Township, Grant County, Indiana. Said Estate is supposed to be solvent. DON A. EARNHART, Executor. Brown, Campbell Gemmill, Attorneys.

E. June 14-21-28. JONESBORO ITEMS JONESBORO, June 21 The American Legion Auxiliary meeting which was scheduled for tonight with Mrs. Hubert Hodupp has been postponed to July 5. Officers of the Jonesboro 0.E.S.

will practice Wednesday at 7:30 I p. 111. Mrs. Mattie. Wright has received word from her daughter-in-law, Mrs.

Ralph Wright, Miami, who has been confined to the hospital there following a major operalion, that she has been removed to her home and is improving. Mrs. E. K. Nutter was entertained Sunday at the home of Marion Wine, -North of Marion.guests were Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Dicken, Oklahoma City, and Mrs. George Cassady, of Pontiac, Ill. Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Farrington and daughter, Beatrice, entertained recently as their dinner guests Miss Alice Little, Chicago, and Mrs. HI. H. Jay, Sweetser. Mr.

and Mrs. C. W. Swingley enMr. and Mre, Robert Bullard and tertained as a their Sunday guests son, Bob, and Mr.

and Mrs. Jack McCoy and daughter, Marjorie, Indianapolis. Mrs. Clifford Robinson entertained the Fidelis club recently at her home on Water street. Bunco was played following the business session and prizes were, awarded Mrs.

HI. H. Petty, Mrs. 0. H.

Schrader and Mrs. Ellis Clifford. Refreshments were served to Miss Mary Harris, Mrs. Hubert Mrs. Ellis Clifford, Mrs.

H. H. Petty, Mrs. Clifford Harris, Mrs. Rees J.

Morgan, Mrs. 0. H. Schrader and the hostess, Mrs. Clifford Robinson.

Mrs. Virgil Lewis will entertain the Social Hour club Wednesday night. The Jonesboro Masonic held called meeting Monday night to confer the Entered Apprentice degree. Mrs. Frank Hannan will be hostess Wednesday to the regular meting of the Priscilla club.

The Thursday Evening Bridge club was entertained Thursday night at a dinner party at Ross Pence farm. Following the dinner the group returned to the home of Mrs. Allen Duke for bridge. Mrs. Clifford a Robinson, Duke were given prizes.

Those a Ernest Roberts and Mrs. present. were. Mrs. W.

C. Shields, Hubert Hodupp, Miss Ethel Wright, Mrs. Ernest Roberts, Mrs. Max Johnson, Mrs. Forest Whitacre, Mrs.

Mabel Smith, Mrs. El- Special Dairy Cow Sale! AT MONTPELIER SALE BARN FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 24, 8:00 O'CLOCK 20 HEAD OF JERSEY COWS FROM ORANGE COUNTY, INDIANA. 10 Cows, 3 to 6 years old, with calves at side; 7 Jersey close up springers; 5 2-year-old Guernsey heifers, bred; 5. 2-year-old Jersey heifers, bred; 1 young Jersey bull. FRED LEE, Owner Ellenberger Auctioneers lis Clifford, Mrs.

Nina Ferguson, Mrs. Clifford Robinson, Mrs. Rees J. Morgan and Mrs. Allen Duke.

Plans have been completed for the annual "Home Coming" of the Jonesboro Eastern Star lodge to be held night. at A the potluck Masonic supper hall Thursday feature and members have been asked to take their own table vice. A memotial service will be included following the routine business. Rev. and Mrs.

Oral Panky son, James, Tulsa, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Barnett and sons, Richard and Wendall. Winchester, Mr. and Mrs, Paul McDaniel and family, Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Daniel, Kalamazoo, have returned to the respective homes af6-Tter having been called here by the serious illness death of Mrs. Elizabeth Me Daniel. Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Scott entertained as their recent guests Mr. and Mrs. E. Sales of Chicago. Ruth Lamb returned home with them where she will spend the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhodes and family are moving into the Leer property on Main and Sixth streets. Mr. and Drs.

Ross Wintrow. and daughter, of Marion, were Sunday guests of relatives "here. ALEXANDRIA JUNIORS. LOSE. TO- MUNCIE.

NINE ALEXANDRIA, June In the opening game of the spar son for the Alexandria Junior hegion team Monday the Muncie nine won by a score of 10 to 2 in Athletic park. Coach Myrle Rife and the local team will entertain Coach Archie Chadd and the Anderson Junior Legion team Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 p. The local team manager would like to: book a game with the Marion team to be played here. DEPARTMENT OF WELFARE BOARD MEMBERS MEETING Monthly meeting of the board of the -Grant -county public welfare department was being held today in the organization's offices in the city hall. of Routine allowances matters for aged and anal dependent children were discussed.

'The members also held a discussion on the new law which lowers old age assistance limit from 70 to 60. Will Williams, chairman, had charge. FAIRMOUNT FIRM AWARDED ROAD BUILDING CONTRACT Contract for the paying of 3,529 miles of road 27 in. Adams county Other-between-Monroe: and was let by the state highway commission today to the Fairmount: Confirm was $79,449.80, an Associate struction Co; a Bid of the county ed revealed. Press dispatch received here WOMEN PROTEST DANCING IN BEER ESTABLISHMENTS ALEXANDRIA, June 21, In answer to protests filed with the city council against dancing 10- cal beer parlors, City.

Attorney Dee R. Jones has produced 8 lettor from the state excise department. at Indianapolis stating cities and towns have no right to regulate beer taverns. The Women's Council here requested that dancing be prohibited in beer places. LEASE NEW QUARTERS ALEXANDRIA, June 21.

The Indiana General Service Co. lias announced closing of El lease. on the R. (: Gipe building on North Harrison street. The present ollices on West Washington street will.

be moved to the new location in a few days. GAS CITY REPORTS ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms for Housekeeping 69 2 rooms, clean, cool. 315 S. Branson. Where to Eat 71 OVEN FRESH pastry for your breakfast.

Barney's Grocery and Meat Market, opposite Postoffice. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats 74 ATTRACTIVELY Furn. mod. private apartment, 204, S. Race, BOOTS 1506-3-room unfurn.

apartment, private bath, furnace. heat, lights, gas. Couple adults. BOOTS 610-3. room unfurn.

apartment, 2 furn. rooms. No children. mod. equipment, private bath, phone, refrigeration; adults.

2212 S. Boots GALLATIN 818-2 rooms and bath, furn. downstairs, -private. -Adults. NELSON ST.

W. 513--3 rooms, bath, furn. Phone 3226-W. SPENCER AVE. 613 Mod.

4- room, unfurn. apartment. Hardwood floors, redecorated, heat, hot water. Phone 1962. WASH.

ST. 325-Apartment, private bath, Frigidaire. 3 AND 4-Rooms and bath downtown. Phone 112. Houses for Rent 77 ADAMS S.

1008- Thoroughly mod. house, sleeping porch. Phone 112. BRANSON ST. S.

710-5 rooms, bath and furnace. M. G. Gotschall Agency. Phone 2537.

3-ROOM-Mod. house, close in. Box. 175.. 2 rooms, E.

11th, $8. 2 Rooms, private, $17.50. 3 S. Adams. 4 Rooms, S.

McClure, $11. 4 Rooms 1601 Euclid, $15. 5 Rooms 203 E. 2nd, $35. Business Rooms, Close in, 219 E.

4th SHUGART, Ph. 1558 Lake Cottages- For Rent 79 COTTAGES On Lake near Monticello, where fishing is best. Glenn A. Scott, 307 E. Third St.

1328. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Brokers In Real Estate FARM LOANS interest No principal payment. John S. Haines, 202 Iroquois Bldg. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS HOUSES TO Eli E.

Coats Agency "Phone 2603 Farms and Land for Sale 83 80 ACRES -Near Jonesboro. A good farm. A snap at $5,000. See J. Winters, "The Land 413 Glass Block.

96 ACRES-6 miles from Marion. Mod. buildings, good land, will consider good city property. Ellis' and Taylor. "Houses for Sale 841 BOOTS room house, 200, terms.

Ellis and Taylor. COTTAGE- Lake. Price reduced, furnished, $350, $100 down, $10 month. George F. Ring.

FOR SALE OR TRADE- Modern home, large lot, double garage. Phone 998. NEW-4-room house, just finished, 3 lots of fruit, good garden spot, well built house, good neighborhood, owner has changed plans and will sell for less than cost of house on terms. 1605 East Thirty-fourth St. GAS CITY, June Friendship class of the, Christian church held a pot luck supper.

Thursday at the church. A- short business sesison was held, at which time Bea Walsh, Grace Herd andVirginia Linville were named as a nominating committee for the election of officers. Mrs. Linville was named as reporter. Contests were held and prizes awarded Leonard Burris and Clyde Ward.

Present were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Walsh and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ward, Mr.

and Mrs. Leonard Burris. Mr. and Mrs. John Hinant and children, Mr.

and Mrs. Tom Herd, Mrs. Herd Hazelby, Royal Center; Mrs. Orie Linville, Mrs; Glen White, Mrs. Roscoe Johnson, Mrs.

Homer Riggs and children, Mrs. Ray Brindle, Mrs. Lester Bailey, Mrs. Harold Braithwait, Mrs. Rusrell McKinney, Mrs.

Donald Simons and son, Mrs. John O'Brien, John Turner and F. W. Hengstler, The. American Legion Auxiliary meeting, which Mrs.

WAS Hubert scheduled Hodupp to- to night has been postponed to July 5. The Past Noble. Grand club was: entertained Thursday at the home of Mrs. Agnes- Buteher near-Fairmount, assisted Mrs. Margaret Ray.

Mrs. Grace' Herd presided. Bingo prizes were awarded Jane Hazelby, Ruby Wheeler and Vivian Braithwaite, Refreshments were served Mrs. George Wheeler, Mrs. Harold Braithwaite, Mrs.

Lee Linville, Mrs. Frank Sprague, Mrs. William Bowman, Mrs. Walter Thomas, Mrs. Glen White, Mrs.

Tom Herd, Mrs. Walter Swisher, Mrs. Orie Linville, Mrs. Robert. Ray, Mrs.

Herd Hazelby, Royal Center, Mrs. Butcher, hostess, Rev. and Mr's. C. A.

Byrt had as guests Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Floris Knox, and Margaret Ellen Tucker, Kokomo. Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Arndt have: moved into the Carl Steel property. The Missionary Society of the Christian church was entertained recently at the home of Mrs. Ernest Brown with a one 'o'clock pot luck luncheon. Officers for the ensuing year were elected. Devotions were given by Mrs.

Orie Linville. Mrs. Isane Harter was program leader, Papers were read by Mrs. (. 0.

Lonfesty and Mrs. Harvey Oliver. Present were Mrs. Isaac Harter, Mrs. Lois Schmidt, Mrs.

Donald Simons, Mrs. Lester Bailey, Mrs. Orie. Linville, Mrs. Lee Linville; Mrs.

Smith Poor, Mrs. Lige Meyers, Mrs. Thomas Walsh, Mrs. Russell McKinney, Mrs. Clifton Me Mannis, Mrs.

Frank Warner, Mrs. Chester Mason, Mrs. J. F. Mrs.

C. 0. Lenfesty, Mrs. Harvey Oliver, Mrs. Bessie Brown, Mrs.

Mary Shipley and Mrs. Ernest Brown, hostess, Mrs. J. F. Linn and Edith Linn were guests Sunday.

of the former's brother and family, Logansport. Ladies of the Methodist church have been requested by the president of the Ladies Aid, Mrs. Harry, to meet at the church annex Wednesday morning to clean the annex. The meeting called for the Missionary society of the Baptist church for Wednesday afternoon has, been postponed until next CHRONICLE PATTERN PATTERN 9665 Now's the time to start work on your Summer wardrobe and if you ale the kind of person who likes to finish things up quickly, you're. -bound to be delighted with tern 9665.

It's one of the easiest to use you've ever Seen and the result is exceptionally smart. It will look especially gay if you use a polka dot print like the one pictured. And you this dress for really hot -weather thant wear, cut the back down to a low sun-tan line. A Complete Marian Martin Diagrammed Sew Chart is included. to help you with your dress-making.

Pattern 0663 may be ordered only in misses' and women's sizes 14, 16, 1 18, 20, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Size 16 requires .3 yards 36- inch Send fifteen cents in coins 01 stamps (stamps preferred) for: each Marian Martin pattern. Be sure to. write plainly your size, name, address and style number. 1 (iet into the spirit of Summer put your wardrobe in shape without delay! Write today for Marian Martin's new book of Summer patterns.

Thirty-two pages of stunning' clothes 10 carry you smartly through every hour of the whether you go to an office, school cr party. or stay busily at: home. Revel in the charm of these easy-to-sew patterns. Order now! Price of book fifteen cents. Price of pattern fifteen Book and pattern together "only twentycents.

Send your order to. Marion Chronicle, Pattern Department, 610 S. Adams Marion, Ind. The International Society of Col. lectors of Lead Soldiers displayed more than 10,000 such toys at their Paris convention.

I 1 9665 9665.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.