Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

1 I 19 1 i. Seek Acquittal Decision Is Expected In Price Fixing Case TULSA, Okla. (AP) U.S. Judge Royce -H. Savage decides today.

ion a key motion for acquittal of one of 29 oil companies being tried on price fixing conspiracy charges. The motion involves Cities SeryIce whose attorney, former U.S. Judge Simon H. Rifkind of New York, based the move on the government's only summary of the antitrust case. Rifkind told Savage in the opening session of: the criminal trial Monday that he filed the motion 1 for acquittal "with timid- Kindness Has Its Own Fast.

Reward DETROIT (UPI) Being kind to a "poor" old man led to a $100,000 inheritance today for Carl W. Borge, 47-year-old Great Lakes Steel Co. worker. When Lewis William Armstrong, died Sunday, he considered Borge, a neighbor, and the steel. worker's family.

his only real friends. He hinted to the Borges that when he died they "would be surprised." Borge said he never "dreamed" the old bachelor, a shipyard worker, had any money. Armstrong left another $100,000 to the University Michigan -for a medical: research foundation and $1,000 to his church. In his will, Armstrong listed his only relatives as "a bunch, of cousins." He noted they were never too interested in him. Borge and his family cared for the old man, cleaned his home and brought him his meals.

Armstrong was said to have used his money to invest in real estate. Cold Damages Vegetable Crop In Florida WASHINGTON (UPI)-The Agriculture Department said today a Jan. 20-25 cold spell in Florida caused serious damage to tender vegetables. It is too early, however, to determine how much of the winter vegetable crop was destroyed. The department estimated on Jan.

1 that the winter-season harvest of 20 commercial fresh vegetables would be about 9 per cent larger than last winter and 7 per cent above the 1949-58 average. WASHINGTON (UPI)-The Soil Service said today that 310,000 acres had been damaged by wind erosion in the Plains. this season as of Jan. 1. This compared with 441,000 acres on the same date last year and 928,000 acres on Jan.

1, 1958. These reports were from 265 counties covering about 240 million acres in the Great Plains. About 192,000 acres of the ero-' sion-damaged area on Jan 1 were in Nebraska and Kansas. New Mexico reported no erosion damage. 0 The Jan.

1 estimates indicated that about 12,700,000 acres were in condition to blow in the Great Plains. This is about the same as a month ago but about 3,700,000 acres more than on the same date a vear ago. About 90 per cent was cropland. The conservation service said soil moisture conditions in the Great Plains continued favorable, although poor moisture was reported in parts of all the states. I- No severely damaging windstorms have occurred in the Great Plains this season.

since the government has taken such extensive preparations for the trial." in this courtroom, I realized the "As I looked at this great: show governments want it to go on," he said. "But on the basis of the government's brief and the appen: dix on both the theory and support of the case, I feel a judgment of acquittal is in order. The government has established no prima facie Savage rejected two other motions. One sought dismissal of charges against three The other motion asked dismissal of all defendants. All are charged with conspiring in 1956 and through January 1957, to "raise, fix and stabilize" the price they paid for crude oil and got for gasoline in a 43-state marketing area.

The opening session dealt largely with admitting into court records the numerous defense-owned documents by which the government hopes to prove 'its case. There were 154 such documents and an additional 137 stipulations between the government and defense. The stipulations Jargely involved corporate identities, positions of the defendants in interstate commerce, their share of the gasoline market and posted prices and 1 purchase of crude oil. Savage, on a point involving government exhibits, ruled the defense could enter into the record an entire list of price covering a greater period than the ones the government submitted as evidence. On this' point the government was accused by one defense lawyer of "trying to pick and choose" from available records.

Fowlerton FOWLERTON Mr. and Mrs. William E. Richards gave a wedding shower Saturday in honor of their nephew and neice, Mr. and Mrs.

Dennis Wayne Richards. A The gift table, napkins and plates were decorated with wedding bells. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Richards, Nancy Richards, Mr.

and Mrs. James Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Richards daughter, Judy, Mrs. Don Richards and Miss Jean Miller.

Couple Honored. At Wedding Shower junior and senior M.Y.F. groups are planning a swimming party location Saturday, at the Community Memorial Building in Marion. They will meet at the church at 1 p.m. PLAN SWIMMING PARTY The Methodist W.C.T.U.

TO MEET W.C.T.U. will be at 1:30 p.m. FOWLERTON De The Kingsly Wednesday at the home of Crystal Reeder. Mrs. Roscoe Hichman, vice president, will be charge of the meeting.

BUY, SELL AND TRADE THE CLASSIFIED WAY COMPLETE HEATING SERVICE bryant KAISER ALLEN 312 W. 3rd NO 2-6146 We wish- to publicly express our appreciation for the alert and efficient manner in which the Marion Fire Department protected, us at the time of our recent fire loss. We can all be proud of them. 3 The fire damage was all restricted to living quarters; there was no damage to the portion or our building which is for public use. THE OF MEMBER, THE ORDER Needham Son GOLDEN RULE FUNERAL HOME 4 814, SOUTHI ADAMS STREET Phone NOrth 4-5168 PARKING PRIVATE 00 gIT 1 F.

8 FRANTIC SEARCH Men and machines dig where Dukels arm was spotted by a bulldozer frantically to rescue 60-year-old James Duke after operator. He was finally rescued by fellow workhe was buried alive in a massive snow slide near men. Duke was reported in good condition and Vancouver, British Columbia. The indicates. suffered only minor cuts.

(AP Wirephoto): Architectural School Proposed 1. I Studied State Commission INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) Sub-1 jects ranging from the establishment. of a school of architecture to advertising reform and the problem. of constables were to be discussed by the Indiana Legislative Advisory Commission today. A proposal to establish a graduate school of architecture was brought up by Paul Frank Jernegan, state chairman of the committee on 'civic planning of the Indiana Society of Architects.

Jernegan said his group has been advocating such a school since 1956 ning. as an aid to community He. warned that Indiana would continue to be handicapped. in planning for the future did not follow the example of Illinois, Michigan and Ohio, which have one or more large public-supported schools offering, architectural and city planning degrees. Jernegan submitted an advance report outlining the pros and cons for locating the school at either! Purdue or Indiana University.

The report listed Purdue's advantage on the fact that it already has outstanding schools of engineering and agriculture and its location between the Calumet- Chicago area and Indianapolis. For I.U., the report cited the possible correlation with its courses in art and painting, law, sociology, geography and ics, and I.U.'s location between News From Montpelier MONTPELIER Karen Ely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ely, was among the from grades 5 through 12 who won superior ratings in the district music contest held Saturday at Central High School, Fort Wayne, for voice, a piano and string students, Miss Ely played a piano solo. Also 'winning a superior rating was Nancy Beavans of tHe ter Center School, southern Wells County.

Judy Foy and Tom Winger, Montpelier, won ratings, and Barbara Anderson. also of the local school, received good rating. I Ratings In Contest Are Announced Indianapolis and Ohio River industrial The ISA said Indiana's only legiate school of architecture is at Notre Dame, which is a private, church-supported institution large portion of its graduates going to east and west coasts." In other activity at the meetring, Lethel N. Sanders, secretary, land Philip G. Van, Meter, president of the Indiana Constables asked to bring the constable problem before the Legislature.

L. A. Jackson, general manager of the Better Business Bureau of Northwest Indiana, also asked for time on. the agenda to present a suggested advertising law for Indiana and "suggestions regarding 'going sales." TOUCHES OFF BLAST (UPI) A next door neighbor smelled gas coming from the apartment of Gabriel Steiner, 25, Monday and rang the doorbell to investigate. The spark from the bell touched off an explosion that 13 persons in the building and shattered hundreds of dows.

Steiner was found dead of asphyxiation with a suicide note be- 4. 4. There's still nothing like a tr ROCKET 4 1 SUPER 88 HOLIDAY SCENICOUPE. 5 Marion, Indiana, Chronicle Feb. 2, 1960 Backstairs At The White House Among Anglers With 'New' Bait President Endangers High Standing By MERRIMAN SMITH WASHINGTON (UPI) 'Backstairs at the White House: President Eisenhower may lose his high standing among the dry fly fishermen of the nation for something he did last Sunday in California.

He fished for trout with cheese for bait. To trout fisherman, this is sin with a capital S. A fly fisherman ishes with flies and nothing else. Eisenhower has said so on frequent occasions as he pitied those who cast all pride aside and fished with worms. The desert air must have, been heady or his host unusually persuasive.

The President was taking Evangelism Week Program Is Announced Activities in Grant County during National Child Evangelism Week Feb. 21-28 were listed today by the county committee. Literature will be distributed in churches, Good News Clubs will have open houses and participants will attend a dinner meeting, Miss Elaine Handy, director, announced. Officers of the county 'organization include Dr. Maynard Mylin, president; Rufus Remple, vice president; Floyd Bolden, secretary, and J.

A. Meredith, There are 25 Home Good News Clubs in Grant County with 600 children attending classes, held one hour a week after school. Annual spring rally will be April 25 at the 4-H Park Community Gov. Harold Handley has issued a proclamation for the week in Indiana. A FAST SHUFFLE PARRIS ISLAND, S.

C. (UPI) The Marine Corps cut red tape by demoting Leatherneck Jesse L. Altman in order. to get his promotion through quickly. Altman had the temporary rank of captain as officer in charge of clothing issue at the boot camp here.

In order to promote him to warrant officer, headquarters busted him down to his permanent rank, master sergeant, then promoted him to warrant officer and quickly reappointed him temporary captain. side him telling of an unhappy love affair. What can there be in the styling of any automobile to make it stand out from all the others on the road? One look at a '60 Olds will tell you. look about this car. There's There's a clean-lined, but brawny.

modern style skillfully molded in metal with all the "inner space" you could ask for. Every line of this '60 Olds tells i. you exactly what it is.a fresh and spirited beauty with styling that will "grow on you" SAP. style to make it the most satisfying car you've ever owned. Don't wait another day to drive it.

See your Oldsmobile Quality Dealer now! GO OLDS '60! 1. 4 YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED DEALER DURING OLDSMOBILE 'HIS Festival of Values! QUALITY NOTTINGHAM SEE THE DENNIS O'KEEFE SHOW (a scooter tour of the La Hotel's new golf course south of Palm Springs last Sunday with E. Allen, his host. They stopped to look at a small wi which recently had been stocked with fish. A member of the hotel staff thrust a rod in the President's hand and rather selfconsciously, he cast the cheese bait upon the waters.

The lake was teeming with fish, but none interested in the President's cheese. Without so much as a nibble, he quit after five minlutes and drove away, probably hoping the news never reaches his fly-fishing pals in Colorado. The announcement that Mrs. Eisenhower would' not accompany the to South America came as to her friends. In fact, they were most surprised by the original announcement of some weeks ago that she would undertake the gruelling 17,000 miles of air trav.

Mamie Eisenhower is socially charming, but she she is not strong physically. had gone to South she would not have been able to participate in many aspects of the visit. Wright Finance LOANS-FINANCING Main Street, Jonesboro Phone OR 4-3366 The White House says she still plans to go to Russia in June with the President, but that remains to be seen. White House denials have done. little to shake the belief of many southern Californians that the President is shopping around for a small winter place in the vicinity of Palm Springs.

This much is true: Several of his friends have been looking over likely places not only in southern California, but in Arizona, too, on the theory that after he leaves office, he will want a warm place to go in the winter. ARNEY'! I CAFETERIA 512 So. Washington A Good Place to Eat .0 Can't, Sleep Don't let sleepless nights rob. you of precious energy a Pep SOM ETS can help give you relaxed undisturbed, quiet rest. where nervous tension keeps you tossing away your sleep.

Somets: are not habit forming contain NO bromides. NO barbiturates. Approved medically take 'as directed. 24 Capsules 98c. TAM'S DRUG STORE Mail Orders Filled Advertisem*nt Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch -Relieves Pain Now York, N.

(Special) For the astonishing statements like "Piles first time science has found a new. have ceased to be a problem!" healing substance with the aston- The secret is a new healing subishing ability to shrink hemor. stance of Thoids, stop itching, and relieve, a world-famous research institute, pain without surgery. This substance is now available case after case, while gently in suppository or ointment form relieving pain, actual reduction under the name Preparation H. (shrinkage) took place.

At your druggist. Money back Most amazing of all-results were guarantee. thorough that sufferers made U. 8. Pat.

Of 3 all COME IN DURING OUR BIG FESTIVAL VALUES THE MOST SPECTACULAR COMPLETE HI-FI STEREO VALUE EVER OFFERED! The STEREO MAGNASONIC beautiful console! NOW ONLY $15950 in mahogany. YOU MUST SEE IT AND HEAR IT 'p This amazing Magnavox is exciting and revolutionary in every way: -in its performance in operating convenience--in functional furniture--and in its modest price! Now, music becomes magic everywhere in the room, regardless of where you sit. Complete with: powerful stereophonic amplifiers, 4 Magnavox high fidelity speakers, tone control, exclusive Magnavox precision changer' that plays all recordings, and Stereo Diamond Pick-up. Gliding. panel opens to convenient top-mounted changer and controls.

Mahogany, oak or dark American walnut finishes. NOTHING ELSE TO MAGNAVOX- YOUR BEST BUY ON ANY BASIS Butters Corner of 4th at Boots St. to of 4 1 .0 3 4 nO. 'I. 4 16- OLDSMOBILE 3 EVERY WEEK ON CUS-TV HEAR LOWELL 307 4 A THOMAS AND THE NEWS MONDAY E.


Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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