Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


AND GENERAL postoffice at Marion, Indiana, as second of Congress of March 8, 1870. Western Representative: Eastern Representative: A. W. ALLEN, M. C.

WATSON. 919 Advertising Building, 286 Fifth Avenue, 4 Chicago, Ill. New York City. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. City Edition, by carrier, per week 10c Rural Edition, mail on rural routes in Grant and adjoining counties only.

per ear in advance $2.60 Mail Edition. any where in the United States, per $3.00 Weekly Edition. per rear $1.00 TELEPHONES: Business Offre, 14 and 234. Editorial Rooms 2 Rings on 14 and 234. Bunching the Holidays A correspondent of the New York Sun, presumably depressed br the un-.

holiday -like weather on Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays, complains that our holidays are rerr poorly distributed. He proposes a wholesale and revolntionary revision of our holidars so that we may get the greatest possible gord out of them. He has observed that when a holiday falls on a I'ridas or a Monday it is usually made equivalent to 3 three days' rest. since Saturday is a sort of half holiday Four of the seven holidats fall in the winter. What he desires is to shift these over into the- summer month- when they will least inconvenience business and offer the InAst opportunity for holidaymaking.

Further, he would have them set tor Fridays Mondays so they would be three days' oases in the round of toil. It would somewhat startling to celebrate Christmas in August not to supak of Yar's dar in June, but they manage to do it. so far as weather condition- are concerned, at the antipodes. The scheme for expanding this holiday into three days of rest. however.

is likely to be more Whatever may be the practice where the sponsor of the. change. is uployed the Vast bulk of the working population and the Business enterprises do. not so casily count Saturday as 3 dies non at' pleasure. We will hive to continue taking our holidays, like the weather.

as they com and make the best of them. The Out Ex-Convict purpose with which an advertisem*nt for A "middle-aged man re(ently rel aped from some penal institution" was inserted in 3 New York wa- 001 to gratify curiosity nor to prove to dou' ters how practical charity fort devoted to uplifting ex-convicts. It was in pursuance of somebody's brieht idea that 15 men with prison records should be hired to deliver short talks at as many "Les Miserables" film shows. But those who interrogated the applicants had 3 sad on tit- handicap of the down-and-out former offender. No.

that: 140 (A who could qualify under the conditions. Nearly everyone had 8 famille, .411 but one -eemed to be tryng to make good under ins They were "courteous." but "desperately in earnest." THe who had to ho -ent away showed that it was no pea to be draied employment. The rarity with which fallen men get a chance to retrieve their n.istakes explains why -o many return to evil ways. Captious of the in Bit principle, the modern parole the plan of golden rule convict colonies. fails to take into consideration the tact that Suit for offenders do not end with the confacent Jail Terms for Monopolists The Now York seem to have been.

bearing. from. 01 In 'of these courts thirteen members of the Tru-1" were convicted of conducting an agreement in restraint of of controlling 90 p. of Now York's poultry business. and of n4 tionate prices.

The trial court. sentenced -ach mall to par $5990 and to serve thee in jail. course, the convicted catortion.rs ty 7 higher court. Com 1.01 the' extraordinary news that this higher court bas afthe ntence in. posed by the inferior court.

and that thirt. monopolists will actually he forced to do time behind the bars. This. it tin proves true. if the thirteen shall to finally legal hook or to escape the penalties imposed.

will a of the: inter theory that the way to preveut oppressive price lies is to imprison the monopolists. One fact seems fairly it thro jail sentences sand. the outraged gentlemen behind the bars will he to pass thi- portion of their punishment along to their patron, in the form of 1 prices. And that some small The Liitle Master Little Master lies so still. With quiet hands and folded eves; i rafi liot be it is his will To lot the bright hours slip away, Forsaking ail his merry play 1 1 1 a strange and sad surprise! Master sleeps so dev.

ji0 not list to any call; H- does hear his mother teD, Or hear the happy robbing sing, tal.es ho heed of anything 1. can not him at all: The Master so long; The day and right to him ar. No eching prater. or morning 0)r tripping It the stair. Or ringing laughter anywhereHi- Mitte time j- done: 1 Oh.

Little Mar'44. still and roll. Fairer than all the fair. you Tai- last hour in the dear hom-fold. And then vour coup a low.

1. Win sweet towers strewn aloto Your Little Boy. good-by. good-by: 1. Lente in l'armd Journal.

Apr REMEDY FOR orm Appendicitis, Blood Poison, Pneumonia, Quinsy, Ovarian Troubles, Sprains, Cuts, and Inflammation of the Bowels. OR SALE BY AND FREE BOOKLET AT Freet Mason, W. K. Starrett Drug Co. Drs.

homas Thomas THE ONLY PAINLESS DEN. TISTS IN MARION Nine Years in Present Location. Full Set of Teeth $4.50 Best Teeth $7 50 22-K Crown or Bridge $3.50 All Work Guaranteed for 10 Years. Phone 1037. N.

E. Corner Market 8t. Logansport. Resinol clears bad complexions The regular use of Resinol Soap, with an occasional light application of Resinol Ointment, stimulates the skin, permits natural, healthy action, and rida the complexion of pimples, blackheads, redness -and roughness quickly, easily and at little cost. Your druggist sells Resinol Soap (2c) and Ointment but for liberal samples, write to Dept.

10-M, Resinol Chem. Baltimore, Nd. Resinol SOLDIERS' HOME HI. W. A Adjutant.

McGowan's morning re- pofresent for duty, 726. On extra duty, 234. Present sick. 371. Total present, 1.331.

Absent with- leave. 231. In hospital. Washington. 24.

Absent without leave. 21. Total absent. 276. P'rosent and absent, 1.007..

Temporarily at post. 8. C'ompany vacancies, 57. Hospital vacancies, 24. Friday bill of fare: Breakfast -Fried bacon, cream gravy.

boiled potatoes, broad. butter, coffee. Dinner- Baked ham, browned pofatnes. stewed corn. bread.

but.er. coffee. Supper--Oyster stew, crackers, pickles. catsup, bread, butter. coffee.

The funeral of William Watson. who died at o'clock Tuesday morning, March 3, will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Decedent saw service in C'ompany H. 120th Indiana infantry, civil war. He- was admitted to the Home Feb.

14. 1914. The Misses Ruby and Amy Richardson have been employed at the Sickle Plato, and will begin their today. Postmaster E. (.

Palmer and John attended the Eleventh con-! gressional district convention at 10- gansport on Tursday. They are very enthusiastic over the renomination of Mr. Ranch. Sorgeant G. Raines has SO far recovered from his recent illness 88 to he able to return to his duties 88 dusk sergeant at the guard house.

Zach Sanderson has returned from hi- trip to Richmond. and from visit to a friend in North Carolina. Cameron Merriweatber has returned to No. 1 from the hospital. The body of the late Abraham Williams.

who was a member of Company! 1. 137th Indiana volunteers, has been talon to Converse for burial. He WAN admit. to the Home last month. Evan Lundy.

who saw service in'! G. 69th Indiana volunteers. who hail4 from Fort Wayne. is now and is assigned to the hospitai for treatment. He is A4 years ot and this is his first entrance to a The family of Capt.

E. B. White, who are still in Hampton. Va. are expected.

March 10. His family cousists of his wife and two dangl: en of whom is a young lady. The body of the late John B. Bishop. 1-t: Indiana light artillery, has been takon to Coatesvill: for intorment 1 soldier.

was crossing the grounds, he attacked by Jack Weinhardt. another soldier of his regiment, and was 0 MI 1. the latter three times. the first thrnst of the knife penetrating the! body just above the left lung. the seeond making A tosh wound on the And the third wounding him on 1 the hand.

Weinbardt then loft him with it threat that lie would "got him" t. Dr. (. 1. Peters was called and the wounds, and Bolt is oinfortably in the hospital.

loft the grounds immodiat-l3. and it is thought that he passed the back way and went in the direction of. Gas City. Dr. Peters states that it is too early to state what may 1 the outcome of tho wound near the long.

Weinhardt claimne that Bolt owing him ten dollars, and that had refused to pay him, but Bolt states that hi intruded to pay hint as soon as ho should draw his pension, morning as F. M. Bolt. 14 ho Wit a Spanish-American war WAR ON POPLARS The hoard of worl. 8 has inaugurated war upon C'arolina poplars and will the citizens with notice to reTe all such trees within city lim-1 its.

About' 300 notices will "be sent: as cut dowa. all such tropg on his promises within ten days after. rehis notice. Recovered frem Ir.Jammatery Rheamatism. Mra.

Stanley Duty's Son. of Mount Vernou, writes "Sly wother was a great with, inflammatory. rheumatism. Her ankles and feet were swollen out 4 of shape. She could not pnt on her shoes or walk a stop in three months.

We tried Dr. Jones' Liniment and the first bottle gave her relief. After using two bottles she could walk as well as ever. Our neighbors and friends congratulated. mother on bor wonderful; recovery." Dr.

Jones' Liniment has been in use for the put 44 years for rheumatism, backache, header he, bruises, and all pains, and has performed many cures, A by Overman's And All Druggists, Read the Oil Cloth and Friday: Special Full line Below. to Select From 3 IT Carpet Drapery Sale SPRING SHOWING of Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Etc' -BLUMENTHAL'S BIG DAYLIGHT CARPET AND RUG ROOM- 5 HAVE you arrival given of balmy thought spring to the days? house Won't cleaning you need problems a rug that or are two, attendant several upon new pairs of lace curtains, some new draperies? Come let us show you our splendid spring stocks; and with such values as we. offer this season you will enjoy selecting 'new home furnishings here. SPECIAL PRICES ON CARPETS Three-Quarter and Yard- Wide Goods We invite your inspection of our complete Spring 3-4 and yard wide carpets. Many hundred patterns to select from.

Whatever your taste, whatever your need, and whether your outlay is limited or extensive, we can furnish just what you want. Be 3-4 YARD WIDE CARPETS- Tapestry Brussels, the yard -75c Velvets, the yard and $1.15 Axminsters, the yard 10c yard extra for making and laying on the floor complete. YARD-WIDE CARPETS- -All Wool, the yard- and 75c Half Wool, the ya.d Cotton Carpets, the yard 5c the yard extra for making and laying, on the floor complete. RUGS TO GRACE THE HOME Every Wanted Size Spring line complete. Not mere floor coverings, but rugs that give color and character to the rooms of which they become, figuratively, a part.

Soft, warm shades to blend harmoniously with any color scheme, or brighter rugs to add cheer and life to a colorless. environment. 9x12 Tapestry Brussels $12.00 9x12 Velvet Rugs $20.00 and $22.50 9x12 Smith Nepperhan $15.00.4 113x12 Smith's Axminster $28.00 9x12 Philipsburg 106x136 Smith's Axminster 9x12 Smith's Axminster $20 and $22.50 113x12 Biglow Axminster $32.50 9x12 Biglow Axminster 12x15 Smith's Axminster $35.00 SPECIAL PRICES ON SMALL RUGS Most every home has two or three nooks and corners or rooms that require unusual sizes in small rugs. We show a great assortment of the very choicest kind of rugs and the present prices mean considerable savings to you. Prices Range From $1.50 to $7.00 CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES SPECIAL PRICES ON WINDOW SHADES For immediate inspection is our complete Spring lines, When you want shades this spring buy the best made, assortment of the most popular and up-.

and buy them here. All regular shades cut 7 feet long. 4 very ANCHOR SHADES, all colors, extensive to -date fabrics for beautifying the home ever shown in 7 feet long 25c to our city. furnish, No Colonial, matter what Bungalow, kind of a Modern house you English may or have Cot- all colors EXCELSIOR SHADES, 7 feet long, 50c tage, beautiful. you'll find 1 the correct thing here for making it 7 HAND feet long MADE SHADES, all colors, 60c Messaline Silk Petticoats on Sale Friday From 9 to 12 o'Clock at This will be one of our very best offerings of the year.

Just the style Skirt that the present day fashion demands, and we are sure you could buy none prettier, and more than sure you can buy them cheaper here during the three hours selling than you will ever have the chance to buy them again. Every color and black. Don't fail to be here promptly at 9 o'clock. SECOND STROKE Best Family Laxative Lewis S. Ray of Sims, suffered a gorond stroke of paralysis Tuesda night, his lower extremities being Mr.

Ray in an emplose of the glass He suffered slight paralytic stroke several months ago which lie had recovered. Beware of constipation. Use Dr. Kings New Life Pills and keep well. Mrs.

Charles Smith of West FrankVin, Me. them "Our family laxag betters tor aged. Get them: today, 256. Reconmended by. Freel Mason 'and 'all Druggists.

(Advertisem*nt.) TWO ADDRESSES Frier on these tripe. CLASSIFIED Prof. George M. Frier of Purdue University will commence' bis work in Grant county today, delivering two addresses at the gymnasium in Swayzee at 10 a. m.

and 1 p. m. His subject will pe corn and weeds." He will be at Matthews tomorrow where he will hold meetings morning. afternoon and night and the general topics will be corn and weeds. County Agent Otis Crane will accompany Mr.

Frier on these tripe. JOINT SENATOR We, the "undersigned chairmen of the: Democratic Central committee of the respective counties represented, hereby have arranged the Joint senatorial convention of Blackford, Grant and Wells counties. Indiana, to be held at Marion, Indiana, on March 10th at 2 p.m. The convention will be called to order promptly at that hour and date. Said convention will meet in the circuit court room in said city.

The respective counties shall have the. following delegates: Blackford, 11; Grant, 29; and Welle; 18. of 'February, 1914. ALEX. PURSLEY, Chairman County.

C. H. TERRELL Chairman Grant County. A. W.

Chairman Wells County. TOWNSHIP GREEN TOWNSHIP. A convention for Green townsbip democrats will be held Saturday, March; 7, at Point The hour for 2 in the afternoon. The convention will be held for the purpose ol nominating a full township ticket. (Signed) J.

P. PETRO. 3-7 CLASSIFIED 1c PER WORD. ONE VETERAN STABS ANOTHER Harry: Bolt, civil war veteran, lies seriously wounded in the Soldiers' Home hospital as 8 result of a knife stab in the left breast, the knife the lung above the heart. John Winehart, also member of the Home but said to be a Spanish-Americad soldier, who did the stabbing, according to report, has fed and is not to be found.

The stabbing occurred in front of barrack. 5, about o'clock yesterday morning. The sheriff was not notified until sometime later. but had then fled trace of him has beentobtained. Word from, Bolt at the Home.

lest was that- be was" in about the same condition as when taken to the hospital. His condition is regarded Lag critical. The two men are said to have had trouble on' other occasions and when they met yesterday Winehart is said to have borne the other veteran down and struck him with a knife. G. A.

MORRIS ILL G. A. Morris, the general secretary of the Y. M. C.

A. here, is ill at his home on West Fifth street. He has been confined to his bed since Feb. 15, but improved and was able to be down town the Week; them, however has suffered a relapse and is now very Ill and inable to he around the house. There Is Only One "Bromo Quinine" To Get The GENUINE, Oall For The Full Namo.

Laxative Bromo Quinine Used The World Over to Oure a Oold In Ono Day. of Look. Whenever the for name this you feel signature Laxative a cold on Bromo, coming the box. on Quinine. think 25c..

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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