Espresso Martini Recipe With A Bonus Variation (2024)

Have you ever rubbed the sleep from your eyes and thought about getting yet anotherboring ol cup of coffee to keep yourself going just a little bit longer? Coffee based co*cktail recipe to the rescue!

Mixing coffee and booze can be a sophisticated way to make a stiff yet relaxing drink to help you wake up and wind down all at once.

Here’s how to make a classic espresso martini, and, a cool delicious variation for you chocolate lovers out there.

Espresso Martini Recipe With A Bonus Variation (1)

For a quality Espresso Martini, you need these ingredients:

There are a few things that you will need for both of thesecoffee co*cktail recipes. We’ll take a look at the main ones here, and get into specifics for each individual recipe below.

(Quality) Coffee

You can use brewed coffee if you’d like, but for best results, use a shot of espresso. Many varieties of coffee work well so experiment and have fun with it. Of course, beans that go well with pressure brewing will do the best here. I’d recommend a bean with a strong coffee taste such as a Brazilian.

Need a hand picking your new fave? Check out our list of Home Grounds’ favourite coffee beans here.

(Quality) Vodka

The basis of good coffee co*cktails is a good coffee liqueur (you can make your own). In anespresso margarita, a good tequila is a must, but in a coffee martini, the basis of a good coffee liqueur is a quality, high-calibre, clean vodka. Preferably not an infused one as you want to taste the coffee front and centre. Remember; don’t skimp and buy sh*tty ingredients, unless you want to drink a sh*tty martini.

A FewHandfulsOf Ice

Ice in coffee is not a new thing. In this case, the ice serves the important double role of both cooling down and mixing your drink.

You’ll need a decent chunk of ice for shaking this bad boy up with, so make sure you have enough beforehand (say 3 handfuls per drink)

A Martini Glass and A co*cktail Shaker.

Some co*cktails call for a standard coffee-looking glass. But the coffee martini is a little more classy. Obviously, a martini glassis ideal, but any glass should do just fine. This is what you’ll drink your coffee martini in.

A shaker is a great choice for a “mixing” container as well, but if you don’t have a shaker you can simply stir it in a normal glass. But I would not recommend this.

PRO TIP: Freeze your glasses ahead of time, to help keep your drink cold for longer.

Feel free to add sugar or sugar syrup to any of these recipes if sweetness is a must for your speciality drinks.

Craving for more coffee recipes?You’ll find 19 Mouthwatering Coffee Recipes In Our Beautiful, Print-Worthy E-Book.
>>> Click here to grab this coffee recipes e-book completely FREE!

If you have guests to impress,you can also include a variety of finishing touches, from anorangepeel(1) to the classic coat of sugar around the rim of the glass (first rub the rim with vodka to get it to stick), or even a few whole beans or chocolate shavings on top.

Got everything pulled together? Great. Let’s make some coffee martinis!

an espresso martini recipe

An Espresso Martini isa sophisticated way to make a drink that’ll help you wake up and wind down all at once. Use quality ingredients and you get a quality drink!


  • 30-60 mlespresso(or 60 ml very strongly brewed coffee)
  • 30 mlvodka(non-flavoured)
  • Ice
  • 30 mlKahlua Liquor
  • 15 mlsugar syrup
  • 3whole coffee beans (for garnish)



4 min


1 glass

    Extra notes:

    • Freeze your glass beforehand to help keep your drink chilled for longer
    • Start with half a shot of sugar syrup, and increase it until it hits the spot.
    • Don’t use a light roast bean; opt formedium or dark roast espresso beans.
    • Don’t have an espresso maker? This cold brew martini recipe is just as great.


    1. Brew espresso or strong coffee.
    2. Add espresso, vodka, kahlua, sugar syrup and ice to the co*cktail shaker,
    3. Shake hard for 30 seconds.
    4. Pour into chilled martini glass through a strainer or sieve (this avoids ice entering the drink).
    5. Garnish with coffee beans.

    Bonus espresso martini Variation: The Creamy Dark Chocolate Martini

    This recipe takes a twist on the original by adding some Crème de Cacao Dark and half and half for the ultimate chocolate martini experience!

    Espresso Martini Recipe With A Bonus Variation (2)

    What You Need

    • Either a double shot of espresso or 60 ml of very strongly brewed coffee
    • 45 ml ounces of vodka
    • 30 ml of Crème de Cacao Dark
    • ¼ cup of single cream
    • Ice
    • Mixing glass or shaker
    • Drinking glass


      1. Brew your coffee.Make your espresso, or brew your coffee with a strong, concentrated flavour.
      2. Put it together.Combine coffee, vodka, Crème de Cacao, and single cream into a shaker or glass filled with ice cubes.
      3. Mix it up!Shake or stir for about one minute.
      4. Pour it and enjoy.Strain out the ice and pour the coffee martini mixture into your glass. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

      Now, if you want to try more coffee co*cktails, why not try the following:

      • Caffè Corretto Recipe: A Zesty Italian Coffee co*cktail
      • How to Make Irish Coffee (A Simple Recipe)

      Final Thoughts

      Espresso Martini Recipe With A Bonus Variation (3)

      Three great ways to wake up, relax, and cool down all at once. These recipes are great for anything from a hot day in the sun to a late night pick-me-up. Which espresso martini co*cktail recipe have you tried before?

      Let us know! And don’t be shy – share these recipes and spread the coffee martini joy.


      1. How to add a twist of orange to a co*cktail Retrieved from
      Espresso Martini Recipe With A Bonus Variation (2024)


      What is the 3 bean rule for espresso martini? ›

      While there are many variations on the espresso martini co*cktail, you could say there's one standard garnish: three espresso beans floating on top. Tradition holds that these three beans represent health, wealth and happiness.

      Is Kahlua or Baileys better for espresso martini? ›

      Kahlua is a coffee liqueur with a strong coffee flavor and a hint of caramel. It is a good choice for espresso martinis that you want to have a strong coffee flavor. Baileys is an Irish cream liqueur with a creamy texture and a flavor of chocolate, vanilla, and cream.

      Can you pre make a batch of espresso martinis? ›

      You don't want to be shackled to your martini shaker all night or spend your entire party churning out drinks from behind the bar, so making a batch of co*cktails in advance is the perfect solution to give your party-goers the drink they really want.

      How to jazz up an espresso martini? ›

      Swap out the vodka for rum or whiskey or change up the flavor of your coffee liqueur. You can use everything from vanilla and cinnamon spice to the viral Parmesan cheese trend used for espresso martinis. You'll have a ball playing with textures, especially when it comes to garnishing the rim of the martini glass.

      How to add flavor to espresso martini? ›

      Change Up the Flavor
      1. Sweeter: Add 1 teaspoon of simple syrup instead of 1/2 teaspoon.
      2. Less Sweet: Leave out the simple syrup completely. ...
      3. Just the Coffee Please: Don't want the cream? ...
      4. Mocha Espresso Martini: Add .5 oz of chocolate syrup to the co*cktail shaker along with other ingredients.
      Dec 2, 2021

      What is the best coffee for an Espresso Martini? ›

      Our preferred coffee for the Espresso Martini is the Brazil Santos Sweet Cup. By using freshly roasted and freshly brewed coffee, the espresso is still degassing, which creates that awesome creama on the espresso, leading to a beautiful, thick foam on the Espresso Martini.

      Do you need to double strain an espresso martini? ›

      If you have a small kitchen strainer, I'd recommend double-straining your martini. New to this? All you need to do is use your co*cktail strainer, and pour it over the strainer into your glass. I like to do this to create an ultra-smooth drink, but it's not a requirement for a great espresso martini.

      Do Italians make espresso martinis? ›

      This Italian spin on the classic Espresso Martini calls for Amaro Averna in place of vodka, coffee liqueur, and espresso.

      Should I chill espresso for espresso martini? ›

      The shot of espresso in your Martini should always be cold. That doesn't mean it can't be freshly brewed, but should always be popped in the fridge to chill before you add it to your drink. If your Espresso is warm enough to melt the ice in your shaker, it's too hot!

      How can I make my martini taste better? ›

      A good martini is all about balance - the gin and vermouth must be perfectly balanced to complement each other. An ideal ratio is around 3 or 4 parts gin to 1 part dry vermouth. This allows the botanicals of a good quality gin to shine through, with the vermouth just gently softening those flavors.

      How can I make my espresso taste better? ›

      How To Improve Your Espresso At Home
      1. If you haven't recently made a coffee, purge the grinder of 1 dose worth of coffee and discard it. ...
      2. Tamp straight - take a look at your coffee after you've tamped it. ...
      3. Use filtered water. ...
      4. Only ever use the double basket. ...
      5. Use gram scales to weigh your dose and shots.

      How do I get more crema on my espresso martini? ›

      The most satisfying part of an Espresso Martini is the foam. To create this, firstly you need to tap and swirl the shaker after adding the ingredients. Once you've done this make sure you shake the shaker hard for 20-30 seconds, this allows the natural oils in the coffee to combine with the air bubbles.

      How do I get my espresso martini frothy? ›

      Now, the way to get foam with an espresso martini. is by using fresh espresso, which is full of CO 2. CO 2 is what causes espresso to have cream. Then when you shake it with ice, it aerates the liquid.


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