The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

i 424- 'fiusmar': Services Eii WOW VVICtOOiSEE WHATS OH, PfAR NOW CM if 1n'T UKiTlL WIFE rMGWOOOLt. you TiaKreM Twie HEL? THE MATTER WITH THIS BUCKLEAND ITHEM FASTEN MY STARTS 'GETTlMS DReSSECi THAT A HUSBAND FEELS REALLY NEDD npu xtpea MY PRCSft QUICK Eyes Before Youi -sprs- ManV rJZZ IT. 4 -JL Many people have trouble- of one type another on New coverage. -football fan. pnf in.

IUcker nM1 by twitching, enter ebIli that flicker with -iUt''-4 'jS-JJ-zt! 'reea' Mississippi, -e-o, "nmelItw ker. iri. VsNi), 6 be unison. Then he can not only televised hv NBC at watch but see the Big Four of COTTON BOWL at Dallas -gmf 'L fourth-ranked. Texas, WM, vs.

te0g" Frop Tea No. 7 Louisiana State, 8-1-1, to be Ab.V JLtf' ELECTRONICS OUTrTT BOmSj lJ.U 1 mTLc 1 -T IN BOZEKWN, V' MANA Jit THE Fr' MACHINS? k. fllACK? MOMMM' OOP, IN THE 1 imrO 11 tr-H OF ANOTHER A 1 h-r jmsdi i "-ai' i B' cAese anp CHissaTYTHlySk 1 supposes feels nojthats irs an I szmro have great sort of fatherly A not rr intellectual i Shop. JYormwesv corner of Bqutb O'Brien at Centennial S-AfP, for athlete's foot, guaran teed, uaiy vac. aeymour Fnarm-act.

phone 522-3193. fOR BEFBIGEllATlON Service; call ou-i. raxaieca sties and Service. pPTIC tanka Locally owoea. a-i aamiauon Co.

Thone 822-805S. JlOVINO Expert handling of juuf tutuiiiut Of A. UX- alture, 622-4670 fcCSTOM Butchering Stelnker Meat Marnet, zia So. Chestnut Phone 822'1854. BCRAPER SKBV1CE For larger lakes or longer' nauis, call C.

J. Rust Phone Acme 311. kAJ-EV'S Antenna Service. Com plete lnsuranca coverage. Phone 44 CARD OF THANKS JESSE HIMLUH-lThe family of -jesse xunuer wisn OcKnowl-edge with' deep appreciation the kindness, sympathy and many floral tributes -extended hv nnr friends, relative anri In time of our bereavement.

jvff cspcviaujr yvimi ui vnanK mose who acted at pall-bearers, Rev. C. A. Walls, Voss and Sons for their kind services and all others assisted in anyway. Mrs Jesse Himler and Mrs.

M. E. Meahl WE to express our deep appreciation and sincere thanks -to all who were so kind during the illness and after the death of our loved jane, Stanley A. Waggoner. wish to thank Rev.

George Florence and Rev. J. T. Moore; Voss Sons, those sending flowers and memorials, and all others who assisted in any way. The family BRIAN HILLWe wish to ex- press our sincere thanks and gratitude to our friends and neighbors who helped 'us at the time of the loss of our son and brother, Brian HilL Especially do we thank Rev.

J. Moore, the pallbearers and Voss and Sons. The Family 48 LEGAL NOTICES h6TICt OF ADMINISTRATION In the Jackion Circuit Court ,4079 Notice is hereby given that Alexander B. Greger wai on the 20th day or December 1903 appointed: Administrator of the estate of Laura A. Greger.

deceased. All persona having claims against aid estate, whether or not now due, must file the same In said court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Brownstown, Indiana, this SOU) day of December 1962. H. Jack Spuraeon.

Clerk of the Circuit Court Of Jackson County, Indiana Attorney for Estate: Montgomery Ac Montgomery d24-31-J7d NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT and! PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION "Notice is hereby -given to all persons interested in the estate of George deceased, to appear in the Jackson Circuit Court held at Browns- town, Indiana on the 22nd day of January 1963, and show cause, if any, why the Final Settlement of Account and Petition for Distribution of the state of said decedent should not be DDroved. Heirs of such decedent, and all ethers are further notified to then and there appear and make proof of their heirship or claim to any part of said estate. Louis 6c Clarence Shoemaker Co-Executors of the estate of Georse Shoemaker, rtee Attorney for personal representative: Edgar D. Whitcomb d2-'3id STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the stock holders of Home Federal Savings tc Loan Association will meejj at the office of said Association at 117 West Second Street, Seymour, Indiana, at P. M.

Thursday, January 10, 1963, lor me purpose ot electing uiree reciors ana ior oiner Dusmess. ui i CTUIIIC VUVl HI Savings tc Loan Association Glenn M. Kcacn, 1 Exec. V. Pres.

d31-j7d IrK glLflr I I HITHIMl) BACfJUSTf A I LBT'SGET HIM STRUCK THE CUXB Drug Traffic Is Being Assembled Washington UP) Senate investigators are reported assem bling evidence for a massive examination the Illicit drug traffic touching or less every major city in the United States." The Senate Investigations subcommittee- has1 worked -winY Interpol, the international police agency, and various foreign" "govern ment! in preparing for the In vestigation. Chairman John L. McClellan, D-Ark. plans an early-meeting of the. subcommittee to request an official go-ahead for the start ot hearings, and to chart a tentative schedule for other major inves tigations In the works.

One of these, still in prelimin- arey stages, will deal with gam bling on college and professional sports events and alleged efforts by gamblers to corrupt athletes. Jerome Adlerman, subcommit tee counsel, told ferjorters the drug hearings, would explore the adequacy of existing) law to deal with the traffic in narcotic drugs. McClellan and Adlerman. said the Inquiry would be a major ef fort to chart, the flow of narcotics from' sources in Asia, Europe and Latin America, to the United States. learned of the subcommltee's investigations of gambling on sports, a field that it haa explored previously.

'3t known, however, that the subcomT mittee" has used its authority to sift through the income tax re turns of gamblers and others Eight Brothers, Sisters Begin Neiv Life Together KANNAPOLiS, N.C. (API- Eight brothers and sisters begin a new life together today at the Church of God orphanage due to the efforts of a welfare Miss Andrea Triplett. Another brother, how 10 months old, will join them when he 4s 2 On Oct. 7, Abner Avery Bent-ley, 67, a retired carpenter, and his wife, 40, packed their children into the family truelr for a trip over a winding road near Morgan- ton. Bentley lost control of the vehicle and it rolled down a steep incline.

officers arrived, they found Bentley and his wife dead. The children escaped serious injury. The children were moved out of their four-room home the home of an uncle. He was unable to carry the heavy burden and they were scattered to six foster homes in mid-November. Miss Triplett, 21, the Caldwell Countv welfare worker who han dled the case, found that then Church of God orphanage wouM accept all the Bentley orphans except 10-month-old Terry Wayne.

"I talked to them as a group 1 1 explained to them this may be the only way they could remain together." Miss Triplett said. The children are Abner 14; R. 13; Bonnie, 10; Jerry, Darlene, A. B.l H. Danny Gene, 4, andJ Terry Wayne.

4,400 Gallons Of Highly Explosive Gasoline Missing RICHMOND, Ind. (AP) -Authorities continued to search today for 4,400 missing gallons of highly explosive gasoline, believed trapped beneath the city. The fuel leaked through broken storage tank line at a hew service station Saturday. Workmen repaired the leak Sunday and! firemen usil- exposure meters to begin testing sewers in the area, but with no results. Fire Chief Fred Klotz said clay soil and frozen ground may be holding the gasoline underground-.

Thomas Wright service station would remain barricaded "until it has been determined that no dan ger-exists." Answer to Previous Puzzle 31 Pugilist, Has 45 Above 46 Time gone by 49 Snoot 50 Proboscis 61 Grafted (her. S3 Miss West 64 Masculine nickname 34 Peruses 39 Foreigners 40 Bird 42 Musical note' 43 Harass 44 Demigod iREL i si dewt ei jpjg i a I ATI AX-' MW c'y l-T ftfiY LrV iivV I CltonV Sugar and' Orange ww ezmefind each of them Is scheduled tsKwi. uJ.k. nu 1W, vs. No.

2 Wisconsin, 8-1. to be televised by NBC at 5 p.m. wrr SUGAR BOWlTaY ra LAir I sAn mM mo over CBS at 3 p.m.. ORANGE BOWL at Miami Fifth-ranked AJabaJna, 9-1, vsJNo. 8 Oklahoma, 8-2, to be' televised over ABC at 8 p.m., EST.

The long wlndup weekend start ed with lour games Saturday featuring Florida's 17-7 Upset of Penn State in the Gator Bowl at Jacksonville, Fla. and continues today with the Sun Bowl In El Paso, Tex. West Texas State and Ohio each 8-2, are slated for that one. There is no national television of the Sun Bowl. Tax CutRequest Expected To Total Over $4 Billion WASHINGTON (AP) Waiter Heller, chairman of President Kennedy's Council of Economic Advisers, has indicated the tax cut the administration will request of the new Congress will total more than 84 billion.

"What is required is not a small cut of 81 billion or 82 billion, but a substantial cut. A 83 billion or 84 billion cut won't do the job," Heller said in an interview Sun day on ABC-TV's "Issues and Answers." Heller described the still-un veiled administration tax plan as a big balanced program. Included, he said, will be a large re duction in the lower brackets, a cut in tax rates above 65 per cent, more incentive for investment and a reduction in corporate rates. Opponents of tax reduction have argued that lower levies would balloon the federal deficit. On this point Heller said the choice was further deficits with a weak econ omy or tax" reduction with some temporary deficits and a growing expanding economy.

neiier saw the economy was capable of producing 830 billion to $40 billion more in goods and services without strain. This, plus full employment, would produce some $5 billion mort in taxes, he said. The state' of the nation's econ omy was. tne subject also of a yearend statement Saturday by Secretary of Commerce Luther H. Hodges.

Economic activity has achieved reqard levels, he said, and the economy is basically sound. But, he added, the rate of forward movement in recent months was slowing down. Executive Arrested After Embezzling $25,000 At Store FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) Police planned to return a executive to Fort Wayne today to face a charge of em bezzling 825,000 in Christmas receipts from the store "he man aged. James Esterline, 41, was ar rested in Bellefontalne, Ohio, Saturday night on'lt "drunken driv ing charge, one day "after he had disappeared, here.

Authorities said an audit showed 825,000 missing from Rogers Market store managed by Esterline. They accused him 'of failing to desposit all the money taken in by the store during Christmas week sales. Esterline threw the store's keys on his desk and went to lunch Friday, after the shortage was uncovered. He failed to return. Greetings! ACROSS 1,4,8 Tonight is USimiao 13 Follow after 14 Drone bet 13 Yugoslav dry 16 Animal lTYsle- 18 Deeds 5 Growing out 6 Desire earnestly 7 Demolished Indian weight Paradise 10 Electromotive force unit 11 Discord goddess 19 European nation 21 While 23 Landed 20 Important metal Broperty iapassibnate 25 Gudrun's husbend- 26 Horse's gait 27 Gibbons 29 Fish 30 French girt friend 21 Emmets 22 Noblewoman 25 Book of maps 28 City in the Netherlands 29Tixi 82 Characteristic S3 Play 35 Feminine appellation 38 High borne 37 Pronoun 38 Scottish cap 41 Small candle 2 Narrated 44 Your newspaper you will enjoy happiness i I jj nr-" 1 U.

VMm iwaw Ul fHs CAROL DEOPEP TO GO, TOO. I WHy A 1 WAUT TO BE THERB WHEN I h-f-lIJ 6 UT TELt THE- V. 3 wuSlf 3 -s nui ue ill Bl UUU U2 Ulsl scow By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 4" Brown County Tourney Scottsburg 55, Hauser 89 (con solation) Southwestern Shelby Co. 53, Brown -County. 52 (finaD Columbus Tourney -Columbus 85, New Albany 58 -'Jasper 58rTranklin 4'- New Albany 78, Franklin 45 (consolation) Columbus 73, Jasper 48 Corydon Toumty Corydon 68, Austin 64 Morgan Twp.

56, Shawswick 44 Austin 76, Shawswick 57 (consolation) Corydon 44, Morgan Twp. 42 Kokomo Tourney Kokomo' 68, Logansport 54 Anderson 66, Frankfort 54 Frankfort 66, Logansport 65 (consolation) Anderson 84, Kokomo 79 (finaD-' Orleans Tourney Paoli 56, Orleans 33 (consolation) Mitchell 61,. Springs Valley 54 (final) Richmond Tourney Muncie Central 72, New Castle 51 Richmond 80, 1 Marion 71. New Castle 74, Maroin 72 (con solation) Muncie Central 90; Richmond 70 (final) Silver Creek Tourney Charlestown 62, Clarksville Providence 60 (consolation) Clarksville 72. Silver Creek 63 (final) Weekend College Basketball TOURNAMENTS All College Championship Chicago Loyola 93, Wyoming Third Memphis St.

80, Okla City 77 Fifth Arkansas 73, Creighton 61 Toledo Baylor 59 Los Angeles Classic Championship UCLA 68, Colo. St. 64 ECAC Holiday Festival Championship "Illinois 92, West Virginia 74 Third NYU 90, St. Bonaventure 81 Fifth Penn 71, Boston Coll. 69 Motor City Championship 7 DePaul 82, Detroit 77 Consolation W.

Mich. 85, Georgetown p. 78 Milwaukee Classic a Championship Wisconsin 70, Marquette 56 Consolation Navy 73, Utah 58 Alpine Classic Championship Miami (Ohio) 74, Penn St. EvansvlHe Championship Evansville 79, Southern 111. 66 60 Other Scores Cincinnati 73, Ohio 43 Wichita 7 1', Ohio State 54 Kentucky 78, Notre Dame 70 Duke 113, Wake Forest 87 Bradley 71, Louisville 70 Michigan 82, Yale 71 Drake 67, Minnesota 65 Butler 89, Dartmouth 55.

4 PfEGLERS' Friday Night Jaywns three B. Dailey 561 (205), J. Martin 528; Wray's none Habenicht 512.. Seymour Shell three Revalee 488: none 514. Jack's Electric two James An' iderson 654 (238-226), Jack Ander son 538; Pat's Barbershop one.

Thursday Ladies 'I Nutro Bio three Nancy Dobyns 456 (195), Pat Huber 440; Cooper ative none -Diane Gill 423. Brown's Grocery two Connie Quade 439, Marlene OlUs 433, Janet Meyer 423; Tamer Candy HubertStwoBelvia Cramer 58 -Sne-Nancy "Gill 433 Tonl bultman 404. 1 Id ear vvav. pick up vi LH.H.'.H HHpSiLEWCE 4 SLUSGO AND I IXr My LIBRARY I I I 1 1 I I fl I pf-Zj A BEHEARSAL VO 'TV lS ffm OUIETfeWl tM.W.":. QSTRfKES mEspares 'rm mm II by Jo Wilmon, i a ei fv wv a a vk sa i.

i .11 mmw 1 aanaaaaav. awi a ar a. 1 si 11 Copyright, 1962, by National Newspaper Syndicate, Inc. of What Causes A Bad (Delivery? "I think I do everything right. but my ball always rolls crooked," Writes.

an Indiana bowler. The answer may lie in the push- away motion. The ball should always be pushed away from the body and straight at your target. If you push the ball out crook your armswlng win be crooked, and the ball will not be delivered properly. The answer Is to take your stance facing your target either the pin or a spot out beyond the foul line, Then, push the ball directlyjut nd toward your target -as- ywT take your first step.ThiS your backswing fajUnW straight ajid natural gixiDve.

possible rem(xlies are out lined in greater (Mail In the portable PamrAletrWur Stance and. copyrefld 1 AHtrat. to me. Joe WiTfruin, care this newspaper- The labor movement among Af rican workers, has resulted in thj organization or uve uiuuui an increase or iwq mwwu ns, C. iVkvIY WOWttXJ.

rMCWCAMltXI A rVE JUSf WEU.TtXJ SET WMAntXJ FWT FOR VI tkBi I CANT THAT APfORDTb RAlNT. SPRAY THE i- Jr Moren 613 d90-175), Beverly AckSluM 'lain 4a "For auM ism UI? Is I hi hi jj rj- 2 5rlr 3T 4T 42" v. 44 "147 J4I 44 jbl "ii STT i i i I -1 in tbecomiog 52 Girl's name 53 Iron 55 Eternity 5SLefaloint' 57 Herb 68 Type of boat, 59 Scrap eOTbeows 1 Southern DOWN 1 Nun 2 Heroic I DirecUM 4SUU ere-t 425, Sharon Miuejczs, i-ai Rumph t'kvfisch 426, Jay's Market two-'-CUkrsr'Lou Guinn 472j2luiCarolyn Wolka 447 (17'8) Cummhigs Wholesale one Marilyn Patrick ,443 C172), Wanda Ewirig 4J2, Jean Shue 438, Kate Cummings 417. REMC three Emily Reinbold 420, Vekna Tape 410, Sullfvan 402 (170); Graessle-Mer-cer none C6lleen Lewia 406V t..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


Who is famous from Seymour Indiana? ›

John Mellencamp. A native of Seymour, John Mellencamp is a seasoned musician and painter. Hits like "Crumblin Down," "The Authority Song," "Small Town," "Lonely Ol Night," "R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A." and "Cherry Bomb” remain popular today many years after their release in the 1980s.

Is Seymour Indiana a good place to live? ›

Great little midwest town to live and work in. Numerous jobs and occupations with great pay and benefits. Seymour has some of the best schools in southern Indiana.

How do I contact the Seymour Tribune? ›

If you have questions about viewing the e-edition through our app or website please contact us at (812) 379-5602 or

Is Seymour Indiana a small town? ›

Seymour, Jackson County, Indiana is the place to live your future! Seymour has a population of approximately 20,000 residents and is served by Mayor Matthew Nicholson, Clerk-Treasurer Darrin Boas and seven Councilmembers.

What is Seymour Indiana known for? ›

The city is noted for its location at the intersection of two major north–south and east–west railroads, which cross each other in the downtown area. The north–south line (the Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis Railroad) was built in the 1840s and connected Indianapolis to the Ohio River at Jeffersonville.

Are there any celebrities that live in Indiana? ›

Celebrities That Live in Indiana
  • Larry Bird. A towering figure both on and off the basketball court, Larry Bird is synonymous with Indiana. ...
  • David Letterman. For over three decades, David Letterman's name was synonymous with late-night television. ...
  • John Mellencamp. ...
  • Jane Pauley. ...
  • Jim Gaffigan. ...
  • Michael Jackson. ...
  • Jared Leto. ...
  • Axl Rose.
Mar 4, 2024

What is the poverty rate in Seymour Indiana? ›

The average household income in Seymour is $74,512 with a poverty rate of 16.72%. The median age in Seymour is 34.5 years: 33.1 years for males, and 37.5 years for females.

What is the nicest city to live in Indiana? ›

7 Best Places to Live in Indiana
#CityCommunity Well-Being Score
4.Fort Wayne56/100
3 more rows
6 days ago

Is the Tribune local newspaper? ›

The Tribune is an Indian English-language daily newspaper published from Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Bathinda, Chandigarh and Gurugram. It was founded on 2 February 1881, in Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan), by Sardar Dyal Singh Majithia, a philanthropist, and is run by a trust comprising five persons as trustees.

Who is the editor of the Tribune? ›

Jyoti Malhotra is the Editor-in-Chief of the Tribune Group, which also includes the Punjabi Tribune and Dainik Tribune.

How do I place an obituary in the Star Tribune? ›

How to place an obituary in the Star Tribune
  • (888) 823-8554.

What famous person is from Seymour Indiana? ›

As the hometown of American musician and singer-songwriter John Mellencamp, Seymour, Indiana, inspired some of his most famous songs, such as “Small Town.” Funnily enough, though, Seymour is actually the largest of the six towns in Indiana's Jackson County.

What is the crime rate in Seymour Indiana? ›

Seymour Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes27383
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)1.2517.72

What is Seymour known for? ›

Seymour's military heritage is an attraction for the town. Home to Australian Light Horse Memorial Park, and Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Walk the town is the first destination of the Military Heritage Trail. Seymour's history also has close ties with the old Victorian railway network.

Who is the most famous person from Indiana? ›

Famous People Who Are From Indiana
  1. Jim Davis – Marion, Indiana. ...
  2. James Dean – Marion, Indiana. ...
  3. David Letterman – Indianapolis, Indiana. ...
  4. Colonel Sanders – Henryville, Indiana. ...
  5. Johnny Appleseed – Fort Wayne, Indiana. ...
  6. Orville Redenbacher – Brazil, Indiana. ...
  7. Mick Foley – Bloomington, Indiana. ...
  8. Larry Bird – West Baden Springs, Indiana.
Feb 22, 2024

Was John Mellencamp born in Seymour Indiana? ›

Mellencamp was born in the small town of Seymour, Indiana on October 7, 1951. He is of German and Dutch ancestry. He was born with spina bifida, for which he had corrective surgery as an infant.

Why is Seymour called Seymour? ›

In 1841 the Government decided that the new crossing place was the likely spot for a town. Plans were laid before the Executive Council of NSW and Mitchell proposed the name Seymour which was approved on 21 December 1843. The town was named after Lord Seymour, the son of the 11th Duke of Somerset.

What famous family came from Gary Indiana? ›

The Jackson family is an American family of musicians and entertainers from Gary, Indiana. Many of the children of Joseph Walter (or Joe) and Katherine Esther Jackson were successful musicians, notably the brothers that formed the Motown boy band the Jackson 5 (later known as the Jacksons).


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.