SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (2024)

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (1)

The Journal of Fasti Online (ISSN 1828-3179) ● Published by the Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica ● Palazzo Altemps, Via Sant’Appolinare 8 – 00186 Roma ● Tel. / Fax: ++ ●;

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018

Martin Carver1 - Alessandra Molinari - Veronica Aniceti - Claudio Capelli - Francesca Colan-geli - Léa Drieu - Girolamo Fiorentino - Fabio Giovannini - Madeleine Hummler - Jasmine Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi

Il testo che segue riguarda la nostra ricerca archeologica sulla Sicilia bizantina, islamica e normanno-sveva e in particolare

riporta le ultime scoperte a Castronovo di Sicilia, che includono il riconoscimento di una chiesa del XII-XIII secolo sul Monte

Kassar, la continuazione dello scavo a Casale San Pietro e una sintesi delle nuove ricognizioni nelle sue vicinanze.

Quest’ultimo sito rimane il focus principale del Progetto ERC sictransit, ma in questa sede diamo anche conto dei primi ri-

sultati di un’indagine più ampia, che include una grossa quantità di reperti che provengono da tutta la Sicilia da siti scavati

in precedenza (Fig 1). Questi reperti consistino in ceramiche, metalli e vetri assieme a resti umani, animali e vegetali, che

vengono analizzati nei laboratori delle università partner del progetto: York, Roma e Lecce. I principali metodi scientifici ap-

plicati sono: analisi tipologiche, petrografiche e del contenuto organico delle ceramiche da cucina e da trasporto; degli iso-

topi stabili e del DNA antico sui resti umani e animali per determinare la dieta e l’ascendenza genetica; infine la identifica-

zione tassonomica e la caratterizzazione isotopica degli insiemi di resti botanici per comprendere le loro relazioni con il cli-

ma e con le diverse fasi storiche. Il progetto “Sicily in Transition” (acronym: Sictransit) combina quindi ricerche archeologi-

che, bioarcheologiche e biomolecolari in un unico progetto integrato. Gli obiettivi attesi sono stati suddivisi, per comodità e

chiarezza, in tre principali aree di studio, vale a dire: agricoltura (e cibo), scambi e demografia. Infine concludiamo con una

valutazione della ricerca svolta sul campo e delle prospettive di indagine dei tre laboratori.


This article reports archaeological research on early Medieval Sicily (acronym: sictransit), carried

out in 2017-2018 by the Universities of York, Rome and Lecce under the auspices of the European

Union 2020 programme2.

The principal activity on the ground has been the archaeological investigation at Castronovo of Sici-

lia with which our account begins. This comprises excavations and survey at three sites in the neighbou-

rhood of the town, at Monte Kassar, Colle di San Vitale and Casale San Pietro.

The project ‘Sicily in Transition’ also includes a programme of bioarchaeological and biomolecular

archaeological research using material from twenty previously excavated sites (Fig. 1). Preliminary re-

sults from this work are offered in the second half of the article3.

1 Contact for correspondence. See end of text for institutional affiliations of all authors. 2 This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-search and innovation programme (SICTRANSIT - grant agreement No 693600).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (2)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 2

Fig. 1. Sources for the Sictransit project, 2018, with sites for sampling colour-coded by period.

Investigations at Castronovo di Sicilia

The attraction of Castronovo is that it has a cluster of sites that between them span the period of interest of

Sictransit as a whole (5th to 13th century) (Fig. 2). In 2017-2018 the focus was on the investigation of the site of

a church on Monte Kassar and the long stratified sequence at Casale San Pietro. In the plain of the River

Platani where the Casale San Pietro is situated there was a sequence of settlements spread over several hec-

tares. These are being mapped by surface collection and geophysical survey. We begin with a summary of

Survey in Castronovo and its hinterland reporting progress to date.

Survey at Castronovo and its hinterland. Findings up to Aug 2018

Madeleine Hummler

The area of Castronovo was the subject of antiquarian investigation in the 19th and 20th century, remains

being noted on Monte Kassar, Colle San Vitale and at Casale San Pietro on the Platani plain.4 Intensive sur-

veys and trial excavations were carried out on surviving structures on Monte Kassar in 1997 and 20055. In

2013, Angelo Castrorao Barba recorded diagnostic sherds of pottery over an extensive area of the Tor-


3 This project has been reported through the good offices of FASTI from its inception. The first report (for 2015-2016) was pub-lished as CARVER, MOLINARI 2016; and the second (for 2016-2017) published as CARVER et al 2018; the present paper, the third interim report, covers the period August 2017 to August 2018. For a list of our interventions at Castronovo see TABLE 4 at the end of the text. 4 TIRRITO 1873, MARGAGLIOTTA 1989. 5 MAURICI 2000, CANZONIERI, VASSALLO 2007, VASSALLO et al 2015.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (3)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 3

Fig. 2. Sites under investigation at Castronovo di Sicilia.

Torto/Platani watershed, including the territory of Castronovo, with a particular focus on the Roman and Byzan-

tine periods6. Roman, Byzantine and Medieval settlement patterns in the valleys of the Torto and further south

in the lower Platani valley have also been reviewed and summarised in the last 15 years7.

From 2014, at the invitation of Stefano Vassallo (Soprintendenza Archeologica di Palermo), Castronovo

di Sicilia and its district were adopted as a research area by a partnership between the Universities of York and

Rome Tor Vergata, and in 2016 it became the central focus of the project “Sicily in Transition” (Sictransit) newly

funded by ERC. Preliminary surveys were launched on Monte Kassar and the plain of Casale San Pietro (from

2014) and (from 2016) the area of the Colle San Vitale citadel and the present upper town of Castronovo8.

Summarised here are descriptions of archaeological investigations on Monte Kassar and in the plain of San

Pietro up to August 2018.

Survey on Monte Kassar (MK)

Preliminary survey on the Kassar included geophysical mapping in areas adjacent to the walls of the

Byzantine fortification, the church and the spring of St Calogero (2014, MK Int. 1, 2, 3, 79) (Fig. 3). In general,

resistivity was unresponsive, but the fluxgate gradiometer surveys gave positive results at Monte Kassar Int 2,

where features were predicted north of the north wall of the ‘chiesetta’ (see MK Int. 11, below). On excavation

these roughly coincided with rectangular walled areas revealed by excavation. Promising anomalies were also


6 CASTRORAO BARBA et al. 2014, CASTRORAO BARBA 2015, 2016. 7 RIZZO 2004, 2005, 2010; PARELLO, RIZZO 2014; CANZIONERI, VASSALLO 2007. 8 Canzonieri, Giannnini in CARVER et al. 2018. Survey, building recording and excavation have been carried out at the medieval citadel of Colle San Vitale by the Soprintendenza (CANZIONERI, VASSALLO 2007) and by the Sictransit team. An integrated interim report is in preparation. The geophysical surveys were conducted by Helen Goodchild (University of York) between 26 August and 14 September 2014. The summary presented here is based on her archive report (Goodchild 2018). 9 Int. is an abbreviation for archaeological intervention. For a list of those carried out to date see Table 4.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (4)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 4

located by magnetometry on the high part

of Monte Kassar (Int. 7) but, on testing by

excavation, proved to be reflections of the

natural bedrock10. Productive excavation on

the Kassar has defined the structure of the

east gate (Int. 5), occupation against the

defences (Int. 6), and a fortified house (the

‘casermetta’) overlooking the defences (Int.


Survey at Casale San Pietro (CLESP)

The flat area bordering the river

Platani that stretches either side of Casale

San Pietro has long been linked to an ex-

tensive early settlement associated with

rockcut tombs at Capillo Venere and a de-

fensive site and cemetery at Ministalla12. A

previous reconnaissance survey by Angelo

Castrorao Barba had drawn attention to the

survival of pottery of many periods on the surface in the fields and olive groves on the plain that borders the


The Sictransit project set out to apply intensive remote mapping to the whole of this area, beginning in

2014 with a magnetometer and surface survey carried out in a field immediately west of Casale San Pietro

(CLESP Int. 1, 2) (Fig. 3)14. Trial excavations to the west and south of the actual Casale San Pietro made con-

tact with an extensive Byzantine settlement, much reduced by deep ploughing, but revealing two children’s

stone-lined tombs to the west (Int. 4) and the foundations of mortared stone walls to the south (Int. 6). Trial ex-

cavation to the north of Casale San Pietro located a well-preserved stratified sequence between the 3rd and 13th

centuries AD, the excavation of which is ongoing (Int. 5, see Meo, below) (Fig. 4).

A large positive (highly magnetic) anomaly was located towards the centre of the field, with two smaller

patches of high magnetism to the east of this patch, with similar characteristics (Fig. 5). The area also featured

a series of linear trends, forming a rectilinear pattern across the western half of the field. Dipolar responses re-

flect the modern fencing, as well as the concrete platform of the building that obstructed the north-eastern part

of the field15.

10 The anomalies picked up by geophysical survey on the upper part of Monte Kassar near the defensive wall (Int 7) consisted of oblong patterns appearing to indicate long buildings, such as barracks or granaries. These were tested with three test pits in 2017 (Int 10, F. Giovannini) and determined as due to an outcrop of rock, perhaps cut by quarrying. There were no indicative finds. See Giovanini 2017 in archive. 11 See CARVER et al.2018 12 GIUSTOLOSI 1999: 57-8. 13 Information kindly provided by Angelo Castrorao Barba in 2014, see CASTRORAO BARBA 2016. 14 By Helen Goodchild, September 2014. 15 Archive report by Helen Goodchild 2018.

Fig. 3. Location of geophysical Surveys at Castrono-vo di Sicilia in 2014. Location of surface collection and geophysical surveys on Monte Kassar (above) and Casale San Pietro (below) (Hummler). Above.

Fig. 4. Geophysical and surface collection surveys at Casale San Pietro, with (inset) location of pre-2014 find-spots by Castrorao Barba (2016). (Hummler). Below.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (5)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 5

Fig. 5. Magnetometer survey and interpretation of CLESP Int. 1 by Helen Goodchild (2014). The positive signals imply pits, ditches or high-ly magnetic burnt deposits. The negative signals imply walls (ie archaeologically positive features).

Systematic surface collection in the

same area (2014, Int. 2) gave a strong signal

of occupation in the western part of the survey

area and included ceramics dating to the Ar-

chaic, Roman, Late Roman, early Byzantine,

Islamic Norman, Swabian and medieval peri-

ods16 (Fig. 6). It is currently uncertain whether

this reflects one or several continuing centre(s)

of settlement or is a consequence of the site

formation process. The top of the Byzantine

children’s graves contacted in Int. 4 (c. 0.30–

0.40 m below the field’s current surface), the

height of the present San Pietro church floor

(c. 1.40 m above the surface of the road that

flanks the Casale to the north) and the slope of

the natural gravel subsoil towards the river in

Int. 5 (dropping from a depth of c. 1.7m below

the current ground level in the SE of Int. 5 to c. 2.15 m in the NE of Int. 5), all indicate that Casale San Pietro

was perched on a rise of ground which slopes away to east, west and north. However some spatial patterning

and chronological separation was already evident in this first exercise (Fig. 7).

To date, surveys and previous researches in the Castronovo district have proved valuable in locating po-

tential concentrations and stratified sequences of occupation. The sequences excavated are enabling a more

secure dating of the ceramics, which will in turn lead to more precise spatial distribution of settlement nodes by

date. Between Casale San Pietro and Monte Kassar, the narrative now extends from the 3rd century to the 13th

century, the period covered by the Sictransit project, but it is likely to extend further into the medieval and post-

medieval periods at Colle San Vitale.

16 Research by C. Mangiaracini and M. Carver in archive.

Fig. 6. Overall results of surface collection, (CLESP Int. 2) showing focus on the west side, where 76 squares, measuring 10 x 10m were surveyed, and c. 1600 sherds collected, of which c. 30% have been identified. The Casale lies on the east side of this field. (Hummler).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (6)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 6

The next phase of survey in the Castronovo hinterland is designed to discover the use of space in each

major period. To that end, the continuing programme will involve: (1) delving further into the nature of occupa-

tion within the 90 hectares defined inside Monte Kassar’s fortifications, using survey by drone to complete the

plan of the fortress, and geophysics and surface collection to locate possible concentrations of activity; (2) re-

searching the extent, structure and function of the large rural settlement adjacent to Casale San Pietro, by ex-

tending the geophysical and systematic fieldwalking survey; (3) mapping historically-recorded buildings, tracks,

field boundaries, terraces and agricultural activities in the area using documents and maps, a project being un-

dertaken by Andrea Salvatore Galizia, Nicoletta Giannini, Alessandra Molinari and Emanuele Canzonieri.

On completion, the results of the Castronovo district survey will be compared with those already under-

taken by others elsewhere in Sicily, notably in the hinterland of Entella, Segesta and Piazza Armerina/Sofiana,

in order to reveal historical trends in settlement and landscape17.

Excavations on Monte Kassar: the Medieval Church on the eastern promontory (MK Int. 11, 2017)

Paola Orecchioni and Fabio Giovannini


The site investigated was that of a suspected church, previously termed the ‘chiesetta’, on the eastern

promontory of Monte Kassar where the ruins of two rectangular structures had been noted in the 19 th century18.

In 2005, the site was cleared and examined by a team from the Soprintendenza of Palermo directed by Stefano

Vassallo. This operation revealed the wall-lines of an apsidal building with a tile floor, interpreted on the basis of

a similarity in build with the ‘casermetta’, the defensive walls and its towers, as an early Christian church con-

temporary with the Byzantine fortress. However, the area examined produced only material of medieval date,

leading to the deduction that the building had been reoccupied in the late Middle Ages, probably for agricultural


17 CORRETTI et al. 2014, MOLINARI, NERI 2004, VACCARO 2013. 18 TIRRITO 1873: 46. 19 VASSALLO et al 2015: 102-110; Fig 132, Fig 138. For other previous work on the Kassar see VASSALLO 2009, 2010; VILLA 1997.

Fig. 7. An example of the pottery distribution in Int. 2 by period, in this case 10-13th century (Hummler).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (7)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 7

At the start of the current project in 2014, a geophysical survey by Helen Goodchild showed a group of

anomalies to the north of the extant church building (MK Int. 2). A long dark anomaly showed alongside the

north wall of the church, and a rectilinear anomaly (approximately 3 x 2m) extended northwards from this. Other

anomalies showed north of the church20. These anomalies (termed positive) would normally be attributed to

ditches or pits or fired material. In this case, since the anomalies coincide with the excavated walls they would

seem to indicate extensive burning. At the north end details were obscured by the strong dipolar effect due to

the steel fencing along the fortress wall.

The investigations that followed in 2017 were aimed at understanding the church building, its develop-

ment and its context, and testing for the possible existence of an adjacent cemetery. The area of the church

was cleaned and an area 15x5m opened north of the extant north wall of the church. Within the church walls an

additional 3x5m was opened, exposing the tiled floor of the church and allowing a limited area adjacent to the

church wall to be examined. Overall excavation and preliminary analysis have defined the nature of the natural

strata, the extent of the church (CF1) and a series of structures to the north of it (CF2, 3, 421; Fig. 8).

The natural geology is composed of limestone bedrock, covered by a layer of powdered limestone,

capped by a thick layer of oxidised red clay. The site had been levelled for the constructions that followed. The

church (CF1) consisted of two structural elements: a rectangular west end (CF1A) and a segment of apse to

20 Report by Helen Goodchild in archive 2018. Note that these are ‘positive anomalies’ which equate to negative features (pits) or ditches. 21 The abbreviations used for stratigraphic units are: US – Unità Stratigrafica (context). CF – Corpo di fabbrica (element of structu-re).

Fig. 8. Monte Kassar, Int. 11. Excavations inside and to north of the church in 2017: overhead drone photo (left) and plan. The arrow marks the point at which the under-floor sequence was investigated (see text) (Orecchioni and Ciccone).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (8)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 8

the east (CF1B). The northern wall of the western part was 1.10-1.13m wide made with large roughly-squared

blocks with inserted chips of brick, bonded with clay containing flecks of limestone. It was set on a splayed

foundation of large blocks that jutted out on its north side. Running along the interior of the north wall was a

narrow wall made of smaller stones bonded with white mortar (US 1045). A similar wall had run along the inte-

rior of the south wall, and between the two was a floor made of square tiles (US1046, 20x30cm) edged with a

strip of larger tiles (30x50cm).

The remnant of the apse was an arc of wall 0.75-77m wide. The apse and the two internal walls were

aligned and were reported as having the same mode of construction consisting of irregular courses of rough-cut

stones bonded with a tough white mortar. These internal walls, and the floor between them, appeared to be ad-

ditions to the walls and foundation of the western structure. This relationship was examined by the removal of a

small portion (0.6x.0.6m) of the internal wall and the tile floor in the NE corner (arrowed on plan, Fig 8), which

indicated that both were secondary to the north wall and its foundation. Stratified in the layer beneath both the

internal wall and the floor was a sherd of green-glazed pottery datable to the mid 12th or 13th century. This

meant that the internal walls and the floor, and by similarity of construction, the apse (CF1B), were added to a

pre-existing west end (CF1A) at a date no earlier than the late 12th or early 13th century. The resulting building

now measured 15.3x6.3 m internally.

Outbuildings to the north

To the north of the church was the stub of a corridor that followed the exterior of the north wall, ending in

a threshold denoting a doorway at its east end (CF2). Its walls were built with roughly-shaped stones bonded

with clay containing flecks of limestone and the structure had the same kind of terracotta tile floor as the one

inside the church. CF3 was a building further north with a doorway in its east wall, the part of the building ex-

posed in the excavation measuring 5.4x3.6m. Between CF2 and 3 was an area of hard standing composed of

reused slabs and tiles entered at the east end of CF2 via a threshold (CF4). Local movement that may be of

seismic origin had resulted in the upheaval of the clay and had probably destabilised the buildings, which sub-

sequently collapsed, leaving heaps of rubble.

The pottery assemblage associated with these structures consisted of 346 sherds with a date-range pre-

dominately from the mid 12th to the later 13th century. Fragments of a glass beaker and a hanging lamp were

also identified, belonging to the late 12th or 13th c. The datable coins were a follis of William II (1166-1189)

struck at Messina with an Arabic inscription on the reverse, and a denarius of Charles of Anjou (1266-1282).

Coins of the 13th century were also recovered during the 2005 investigations, together with a devotional pen-

dant inscribed ecce ancilla domini [behold the handmaid of the lord] and ave [Maria] gratia plena [Hail Mary full

of grace].


Following the investigations in 2005, the building re-examined here was seen as a 6th-7th century Byzan-

tine Church built to a single design, with an apse, nave, tile floor and interior walls. No recognised Byzantine

material was found, but this is not untypical of the Monte Kassar fortress as a whole, which nevertheless sus-

tains a date between the 7th and 9th century. The medieval material was explained as deriving from the later

adaptation of the building to an agricultural use22. However, in the 2017 excavations, the discovery of a sherd of

green-glazed pottery stratified beneath the tile floor and the internal wall implied that these structures were in-

stalled after the late 12th-13th century, although possibly reusing an earlier structure represented by the rectan-

gular west end. The find of a glass hanging lamp and a devotional pendant with an invocation to the Virgin

Mary imply that the resulting structure functioned as a church in its medieval phase, rather than as an agricul-

tural building.

The structures to the north (CF2, 3, 4) were contemporary with this final building. CF2 featured a floor of

similar design at a similar level and appears to belong to a corridor running along the exterior that may have


22 VASSALLO et al. 2015 as above.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (9)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 9

had aided the circulation of worshippers for

some ritual purpose, such as visiting a relic.

CF3 may have been a store or a cell, but its

size and function was not determined. The

2017 excavations thus suggested that the

church and its out-buildings belong to an ec-

clesistical establishment founded ex novo in

the 13th century at the highest point of the

eastern promontory, perhaps served by a

modest community.

Excavations at Casale San Pietro (CLESP Int.5 2017)

Antonino Meo and Madeleine Hummler

The excavation north of the Casale San Pietro in Int 5 continued in 2017, now extended to an area

measuring 15x16m23 (Fig. 9 and 10). The following is a summary of the new discoveries based on the full re-

port held in archive, in which the stratigraphic sequence was organised into 8 Periods, 22 Phases and 64 Ac-


23 For excavations in 2015 and 2016 see CARVER et al. 2016 and 2018. The summary given here is based on the full report in ar-chive by Meo and Hummler 2017. We are grateful to Francesca Colangeli (PhD, University of Rome Tor Vergata) for the prelimi-nary data on the coins.

Fig. 9. Casale San Pietro, Int. 5. The final stages of excavation in 2017. Monte Kassar is on the horizon, centre. Fig. 10. Casale San Pietro, Int. 5. Plan of the sequence Roman to Norman (3rd to 13th century) as at October 2017 (Meo).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (10)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 10

tivities. The walls, contexts and assemblages were ordered by their stratified relationships and largely dated at

this stage by ceramics and coins24. While the current sequence is secure in outline and has great promise, it

should be regarded as provisional until the completion of the excavation in 2019.

The excavations allowed us to identify a long stratigraphic sequence which spans a period, with a few la-

cunae, from the first traces of human occupation, located above the subsoil and dated to the late Roman impe-

rial period (2nd–3rd century AD), to the dumping of material connected with the construction of the adjacent main

road in the mid-20th century.

The sequence and events that have been defined raise many important questions of cultural and social

affiliation for the history of the site and, in comparative terms, for the history of the Island.

Period I

The surface of natural deposits of river gravel and clay was contacted at c1.7m below the present ground

surface at the SE corner of the excavation and at c2.15m at the NE corner, implying that the natural terrain

slopes down south to north towards the River Platani25.

Period II (Late 2nd/3rd )

Occupation of the site probably started in the late imperial Roman period: we can provisionally assign the

construction and destruction of a settlement consisting of a single long building identified in the eastern part of

the excavation area to the Late 2nd/3rd. The deposits of this period are represented by rammed earth floors and

rubble that probably indicates drainage. Among the materials pertaining to the period, we note the presence of

coins of Antoninus Pius (AD138-161), African Red Slip Ware26 and African amphorae27.

Period III (5th - 6th /7th century)

The next period is represented by the construction of a large building on a different alignment (Fig. 10 in

yellow). Its walls were c.70cm wide, constructed of limestone blocks set in horizontal courses bonded with

white mortar (CF2), and extended for more than 16 metres. At a given moment this late Roman building was

extended to the east by an annex some 5m wide (CF3).

All the pottery retrieved so far has come from secondary deposits. It includes sherds of 5th century date28

and items dating to the 6th-7th, like an African Red Slip lamp29 and two signet-rings, dated 4-7th century30. There

were no clear indications about the use of the spaces enclosed by this building. However its dimensions sug-

gest that it functioned perhaps as a statio or the pars rustica of a villa.

Period IV (9th - 11th century)

Between the 9th and the 10th century, the area was occupied by a new group of buildings that made use,

in part, of the pre-existing structures. The large spaces characteristic of the earlier periods gave way to a series

of smaller buildings probably used as dwellings. Excavation revealed a partly-paved courtyard in the east, a

possible street or road in the north, and a room perhaps used as a kitchen in the centre (CF4). The function of

the room can be deduced from the presence of a fireplace near an opening in the east wall. The opening was

maybe biforal, as implied by the presence of some fragments of a small column found among the collapsed

stones of CF4 (Figs. 11, 12).

24 Each component of a wall, like each deposit, has a US number; thus US1147, 1159, 1165, 1182, 1218, 1228 were all identified as parts of CF4. 25 A pedological study at Casale San Pietro and Monte Kassar was undertaken by Cruz Ferro Vaquez in 2017, summarised and documented in the SicTransit online archive (restricted access) at datafiles/scientific analysis/bioarchaeology/soil sci-ence/reports/Hummler 20 Feb 2018. 26 BONIFAY 2004: Sigillée type 3; 8a. 27 BONIFAY 2004: type 22 = Africana IIa. 28 BONIFAY 2004: Sigillée type 39 = Hayes 61C; Culinaire type 10 = Hayes 197. 29 BONIFAY 2004: lamp type 69 = Atlante X tardif. 30 see Colangeli, in CARVER et al. 2018, Fig. 22.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (11)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 11

Fig. 11. Casale San Pietro, Int 5. Successive walls of Roman (CF1), Byzantine (CF3), Islamic (CF4, 6) and Norman (CF13) date viewed from the east. The location of the Islamic-period tabouna lies between the end of CF1 and the ranging pole. (Meo).

Fig. 12. Casale San Pietro, Int 5. A reconstruction of CF4 (10-11th century) (Meo).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (12)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 12

After the erection of the house an external courtyard was created in front of the building’s eastern door.

The part closest to the exit was protected by a rudimentary pavement consisting of large flagstones laid flat. In

the southern zone, part of the levelled Roman wall was used for paving. In front of the northern door a regular

pavement was set, made of large limestone flagstones set side by side. Given the precise nature of this evi-

dence, which differs markedly from the paving of the eastern courtyard, it is not impossible that this activity re-

fers to the remains of a street or road paving. In the courtyard we identified a ring of burnt clay associated with

the levelling off of wall CF1, which is interpreted as belonging to a small bread oven (tabouna)31. Following the

construction of CF4, the development of the settlement continued with buildings CF6, CF7, CF8, implying addi-

tional or modified structures.

Probably between the late 10th-early 11th century, the structures belonging to this settlement appear to

have been systematically dismantled and abandoned. The discarded masonry that came from the plundering

and the potential collapse of the walls of the complex covered the tread surfaces, causing the uneven level of

the ground in all excavated sectors to rise, reaching a maximum depth of 30-50cm in the area of the courtyard.

The high percentage of ceramics and animal bones present in these deposits may perhaps be related to the

formation of a refuse dump above this rubble. Among the materials, in addition to glass phials and “glass

coins”, we noted the presence of slow-thrown and turned cooking pots, glazed and unglazed table ware (cups,

dishes, bowls, lamps), amphoras, filter jugs and limestone trays.

Period V (11th century)

After an interval, the area was reoccupied by a new edifice (CF9), which in part reused the eastern room

of the first Islamic-period building. It is likely that the building located in the northern part of the area (CF2) re-

mained standing; this accounts for the limited nature of its transformation, although this situation may perhaps

not apply over the whole settlement. The new building (CF9) partly occupies the footprint of the western room

of the old Islamic-period building (CF4) and continues its relationship with the courtyard, onto which its only

door opens. Unfortunately, later destructive episodes have prevented us from clearly defining elements of this

structure, except for a few wall-remains preserved over only one or two courses at the most.

Period VI (Late 11th-12th century)

Sometime in the late 11th-12th century the pre-existing buildings were demolished and the ground level

was raised followed by the construction of CF13 (Fig. 10 in blue). Two walls (north and south) of this building

were defined, built a sacco using medium-sized unfinished blocks laid in approximately horizontal courses, with

clay-soil bonding and infilling. In the 12th century, a new structure that migfht have functioned as a store was

added to the house. This structure, which was very poorly preserved, was identified only in part. The fragment

of the wall, oriented N-S, consisted of a single course and, slightly further north, of an alignment attached to the

main building.

To facilitate circulation in the area, which still featured the collapse of the preceding occupation, some

levelling layers were laid down around the buildings. The use of these layers as an ancient tread surface is at-

tested by the presence of finds at their interface, especially horseshoe nails. The chronology is based on the

presence of Norman coins and new types of pottery, like glazed cooking pot and green-glazed pottery with

grooved decoration. In the late twelfth century, Norman buildings were dismantled and abandoned. The ab-

sence of large dumps of rubble makes it likely that the architectural remains were systematically plundered.

Period VII (Late 12th -14th century)

The settlement was destroyed between the late 12th-13th century, and then covered by soil that was

probably intended to convert the site to agricultural use. The only traces of later occupation in the medieval pe-

riod consist of a putative tree-pit identified in the western part of the excavation, that has yielded finds datable

to the 14th century, including maiolica arcaica from north Italy and Spanish lustreware.

31 For Tunisian parallels, see: MILANESE, GELICHI 2000: 165.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (13)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 13

Period VIII (second half 20th century)

Finally, the construction of the main modern road (Strada Statale 189), located a few metres to the north

of the excavation area, entailed a series of transformations in its vicinity. The area was (potentially) levelled flat,

causing the loss of the late medieval, early modern and recent deposits. After this a deposit of quite clean

brown clay was dumped on the site, effectively protecting the archaeological strata from further damage.


The sequence at Casale San Pietro was strengthened in 2017, in area, time span and the range of activi-

ties. Further understanding demands the expansion of the area to the maximum extent possible to map the

buildings and throw light on their function, and high precision dating to measure not only their erection and col-

lapse but the length of intervals between peaks in activity. This will be addressed by a combination of pottery

seriation to determine primary contexts and the radiocarbon dating of samples of the animal bone they contain.

Bayesian statistical analysis will then be applied to improve the precision of these dates using the stratigraphy

as the prior information.

Sicily in Transition: Summary reports from the First Plenary Seminar (York, July 2018)

Thirty members of the sictransit team assembled at York for the first of three annual seminars planned to sub-

mit the research programme to holistic review and exchange interim results. Progress reports were presented

on the scientific studies of pottery, human bone, animal bone and plants from the 20 Sicilian sites (including

Castronovo) that form part of the project’s agenda. It was there decided that the objectives of the project should

be concentrated on three major areas of study: agriculture (and food), trade and demography, and the re-

searchers have reported under these headings.

Agriculture and food

Environmental studies

Girolamo Fiorentino and Milena Primavera

Analytical work relating to Sictransit has been incorporated into the research programmes being carried

out at the Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Palaeoecology, Department of Cultural Heritage, University of

Salento (at Lecce) led by Professor Girolamo Fiorentino. The team includes Girolamo Fiorentino (director), Mi-

lena Primavera (deputy director), Angela Stellati, Matilda Stella, Ignazio Minervini, Marianna Porta, and Anna

Maria Grasso.

The programme is currently identifying plants sampled at 17 Sicilian sites (TABLE 1) and researching the

development of procedures designed to improve the precise identification of taxa from carbonised/mineralised

samples and align their occurrence with potential environmental changes and past agriculture practices.

TABLE 1: Samples of plant remains on Lecce’s agenda

District Roman Medieval

Agrigento Burgio


Agrigento QER




Sciacca Castello

Agrigento QER

Catania Rocchicella Rocchicella*

Enna Piazza Armerina


Piazza Armerina


Messina Taormina

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (14)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 14

Trapani Monte Polizzo



Mazara del Vallo

Palermo Brucato, Sciara

Monte Kassar

Casale San Pietro

Palermo al-Khalisa*

Palermo Maredolce*


Siracusa Akrai

(6th cBC- 6th c AD)

[*samples not yet acquired]

Preliminary indications

A reconstruction of the environment between the 2nd and 7th century at Insula I in Agrigento found that

the surrounding landscape was characterized by olive trees and vineyards in the 2-3rd century. During the 6-7th

century the vegetation cover shows the presence of oaks and Mediterranean shrubs. At the Roman temple,

garbage accumulating after the 4th c indicated the cultivation of cereals, pulses and tree fruits (peach, almond,

apricot, plum, olive and grape). At Akrai (in the east) there was a big change between the early and later Ro-

man periods: by the 4-6th century, fruit trees, cereals and flax are strongly represented. At Colmitella the culti-

vation of cereals was noted, together with use of the faba major bean in the 8-9th century (probably broad bean,

Vicia faba var. major). At Castronovo, Monte Kassar and Casale San Pietro, olive occurred in the Roman

and Byzantine periods, pistacio appears in the Islamic period and different species of plums (Prunus ssp.) in

the Islamic and Norman periods. At Mazara del Vallo, citrus fruits were found in 10th century contexts (Silo 2),

watermelon, aubergine and cotton were encountered in 11-12th century contexts (Silo 18), and durum wheat

and spinach in the 13th century (Silo 4). These taxa were all listed by Watson (1983) as possible imports that

arrived during the Arab regime.

Ongoing methodological research at Lecce includes the identification of plant macroremains by mor-

phometric analysis (geometrically defined shapes) and the distinction of remains belonging to different varieties

of legumes and species of the prunus genera (plums, cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots, almonds) using

the anatomical signature surviving in burnt wood from the fruit trees. Following the identification of the large va-

riety of the Vicia faba bean at Lecce (12th c) and now at Colmitella (8/9th c) the hunt has intensified for the origin

of this pulse and its first appearance in southern Europe. An important procedure is comparing the stable iso-

tope signatures of ancient plants with their modern counterparts in order to identify possible irrigation practices

in agriculture introduced by Arabs or changes in rainfall connected to climatic forces.

Animal Husbandry

Veronica Aniceti

Animal bone assemblages have now been identified to taxa from 7 sicilian sites: at Mazara del Vallo,

Casale San Pietro, Colmitella, Rocchicella and 3 sites in Palermo City (Sant’Antonino, Corso dei Mille and

Palazzo Normanni (Norman Palace). The preliminary results were presented at the 7th Postgraduate Zooar-

chaeology Forum at Palermo organised by the writer with Matteo Bormetti and Mauro Rizzetto on 27-28 June


For the Byzantine period (5-8th century) the rural sites at Rocchicella and Colmitella show an even

presence of cattle, sheep and pig. Sites of the Arab period show a varied reaction to the consumption of pork,

as between town and country: at urban sites in Palermo (Sant’Antonino and Corso dei Mille) sheep are well

represented, while pig is virtually absent, and the pattern is repeated at Mazara Del Vallo. Pig is however pre-


32 Publication forthcoming in BAR.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (15)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 15

sent in the same period at

Colmitella (AG)33. In the

Norman period, pig and

sheep appear together in

urban sites at the Norman

Palace in Palermo and at

Mazara del Vallo. Biomet-

rical analysis on sheep post-

cranial bones indicates an

increase in size of this spe-

cies between the Byzantine

and Arab periods in rural

Colmitella and between the

Arab and Norman periods in urban Palermo. The complete data-base is currently being analysed in detail in

preparation for its submission as part of a PhD dissertation which will be embargoed until 2022.

What was in the cooking pots? Understanding resource use, diet and the transport of comestibles through or-

ganic residue analysis of ceramic vessels

An introduction to the methods

Léa Drieu and Jasmine Lundy

In addition to archaeobotanical and archaeozoological study, Sictransit is investing in the detection of the

remains of plants, animals and fish in cooking pots and transport containers, using organic residue analysis

(ORA). The aim of this research is to contact and identify comestibles that were supplied, transported and con-

sumed, and so throw further light on the agriculture and food available to successive generations over the peri-

od of study. The commodities identified in cooking pots and other domestic containers (Jasmine Lundy) and

amphorae (Léa Drieu) will provide information about how cuisine (Jasmine Lundy) and trade in food (Léa Drieu)

varied in Sicily by region, space and socio-cultural affiliation. High through-put extraction and analytical meth-

ods are being applied to a range of pottery from different Sicilian sites in order to isolate and identify organic

residues absorbed in the porous ceramic matrix, thence to identify specific resources that may have been con-

tained and processed in the pottery vessel.

Organic products, such as animal adipose fats, dairy products, plant oils, fish oils or wine are complex

mixtures of several molecular compounds. During the use of the pottery, those compounds are absorbed into

the porous pottery walls. Depending on their chemical properties, they are more or less preserved in this po-

rous matrix, depending on their chemical properties, and in particular depending on their solubility in water. For

organic residue analysis (ORA), potsherds are drilled into a powder and the molecular compounds are extract-

ed with appropriate solvents. Gas-Chromatography (GC) is then used to separate the various molecular com-

pounds constituting the complex mixture that has been extracted. Each molecule is then identified through

Mass Spectrometry (MS), directly after eluting from the GC column. The analytical process is summarised in

Fig. 13.

ORA relies on the ‘biomarker’ concept: natural products are identified through the detection of molecular

compounds (or distribution of molecular compounds) that are both specific to the product and stable enough to


33 And at Castronovo, Casale San Pietro, see FASTI 2016.

Fig. 13. Organic residue analysis: trajectory of analysis, with meth-ods employed (Drieu, Lundy).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (16)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 16

be preserved over centuries34. The molecular composition of many organic products, such as beeswax and co-

nifer exudates (resin, pitch and tar) is well known and very specific. Animal adipose fats, dairy products, and

plant oils can be differentiated when their molecular distribution is well preserved, essentially through their dis-

tribution of triacylglycerols (TAGs). However, in most archaeological samples, the TAG distribution has been

altered by degradation (micro-organism activity, oxidation, hydrolysis) over time. To further understand the

origin of degraded animal products, Gas Chromatography-Combustion-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-

C-IRMS) techniques are used to determine the compound specific 13C values of the most ubiquitous molecules

identified in archaeological residues: palmitic (C16:0) and stearic (C18:0) acids35.

Although ORA has proven very efficient in studying the content of prehistoric pottery, the context of Me-

dieval Sicily presents several challenges. Firstly, no biomarkers or distribution of biomarkers have yet been

identified for several important plant products that were potentially contained and transformed in pottery be-

tween the 6th and the 13th century (for example leek, spinach, citrus, aubergine, fava beans). Secondly, there is

still little consensus concerning the detection of wine in archaeological pottery. Thirdly, plant oils can be distin-

guished from animal fats when not too degraded, but there is still no means of discriminating between various

sources of plant oil (olive, sesame, nut, pistachio oils for example). Lastly, the identification of animal fats

through carbon stable isotope analysis is complicated because no reliable references exist for animals raised in

Mediterranean environments (TABLE 2). This picture is further complicated by the potentially frequent mixing or

re-use of both cooking pots and amphorae.

Organic product Biomarker or biomarker distribu-tion

Analytical protocol to extract and detect biomarkers

Isotopic references

Dairy products Yes, if not degraded Yes Yes, for Northern Europe

Ruminant adi-pose fats

Yes, if not degraded Yes Yes, for Northern Europe

Non-ruminant adipose fats

Yes, if not degraded Yes Yes, for Northern Europe

Marine fish (garum)

Yes Yes Yes, for Northern Europe

Freshwater fish Yes Yes Yes, for Northern Europe

Plant oils Partial, if not degraded No distinction between taxa (except castor and Brassicaceae oil)

Yes Scarce

Leafy vegetables Only for Brassicaceae Yes Scarce

Wine No consensus No consensus No

Conifer exudates Yes Yes -

Cereals Yes To develop Yes, for distinguishing C3 plants (wheat, barley, etc.) from C4 plants (millet)

Fava beans No No No

Citrus No Yes No

TABLE 2: Current challenges in identifying organic products potentially contained in medieval pottery by ORA.

These challenges are being confronted in our laboratories through innovative analytical approaches. In

addition, we are conducting simulation experiments designed to reveal the decay products of different taxa. We


34 EVERSHED, 2008. 35 COPLEY et al., 2005; CRAIG et al. 2011; DUDD AND EVERSHED, 1998; EVERSHED 2008.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (17)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 17

have gathered various commodities currently grown in Sicily: meat, fish, dairy products, wine, olive oil, leafy

vegetables and cereals in order to identify biomarkers of these products and to measure their isotopic values.

We have also carried out experiments that involve cooking and storing these commodities in experimental pots

to understand the absorption mechanisms that occur during mixing, cooking and storing processes. Finally,

fragments of these experimental pots have been buried to determine the kind of decay product likely to result

from burial in selected micro-environments.

Based on the results of these studies, we hope to discover any equivalences between the type of pot and

its associated food, the likely repertoire represented by archaeological assemblages and the likely traffic in co-

mestibles that was practised (Fig. 14). This last will be of particular importance for the elucidation of trade net-

works in which Sicily was a player between the 5th and 12th centuries (see Drieu, below).

Cuisine in transition

Jasmine Lundy

The aim this ORA project is to examine the temporal variation of detectable foodstuffs residual in cooking

pots. The strategy adopted is to focus on well-documented multi-period sites (Castronovo CLESP, Mazara del

Vallo (MZ) and Palermo (PB, CSP, GA), which cover a temporal range of 9-13th century. These sites also pre-

sent a range of contrasting contexts: a well-stratified rural site (Casale San Pietro at Castronovo), the first town

to be occupied by the incoming Arabs in the 9th century (Mazara) and the city of Palermo, the effective centre of

government and most prosperous place in Sicily, 9-13th c. In addition, sites with otherwise rare assemblages

are included (Rocchicella (RCL), 9th century; Monte Iato (MI), 12-13th century). The outcome anticipated is a

new understanding of the range of foodstuffs, their association with types of pottery, settlements and communi-

ties and the social and economic implications of these variations. The findings of these inquiries also draw on

the evolving typology of pottery vessels (see Meo, below) and relate closely to the results of stable isotope

analysis for the determination of diet (see Ughi, below).

A total of 153 ceramic samples have so far been analysed for organic residues. These samples represent

153 separate vessels from 5 sites across Sicily (24 from CSP, 35 from PB, 76 from CLESP, 10 from RCL and 8

from MI). These assemblages contain a variety of cooking pots and other domestic vessels ranging in date

from the 9th century AD to 12th century AD. Of the samples so far extracted for residue analysis using acidified

methanol extraction techniques, 85% of the extracts yielded lipid concentrations above 5µg/g, which is deemed

the minimum lipid concentration that can be reliably identified to origin and interpreted36. This demonstrates

good preservation and has enabled further investigation of these extracts to identify biomarkers and begin in-

terpretation of the use of the vessels.

In-depth analysis and interpretation have begun on these extracts. Gas Chromatography techniques ap-

plied to the extracts have enabled the identification of a number of products - animal fats, plant waxes and oils

and resins. Plant waxes were evident in a number of cooking pots from all of the sites analysed. That said, the

presence of these biomarkers were most abundant in samples from Casale San Pietro, where biomarkers spe-

cific to Brassica vegetable origin were also identified in a number of samples. Two samples from Casale San

Pietro show the presence of plant oils, which is provisionally suggested as olive oil, but will require confirmation

36 EVERSHED 2008.

Fig. 14. Organic residue analysis: trajectory of interpretation (Drieu, Lundy).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (18)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 18

through further investigation. Evidence of conifer resin was present in 9 of the samples from Palermo (5 from

Castello San Pietro and 4 from Palazzo Bonagia). The detection of resin was based on the presence of

diterpenoids and oxidation by-products (abietic, dehydroabetic and 7oxo-dehyroabietic acids). It is likely this

resin was being used as a sealant to waterproof the cooking vessels. The presence of retene and methyldehy-

droabietic acid in one of the samples, could suggest the boiling of pine to make pitch, in agreement with previ-

ous studies37. Interestingly, resins have not yet been observed in cooking pots from the other sites investigated

in this study.

A large majority of the samples analysed showed evidence of degraded animal fats. Assessing the differ-

ent distributions of TAGs and their associated fatty acid components can provide some differentiation between

ruminant and non-ruminant animal origin and ruminant dairy and adipose fats38. However, these classifications

are often limited and can be complicated by degradation and the mixing of commodities. To further understand

the origin of these lipids Gas GC-C-IRMS will be used to better distinguish between adipose and dairy prod-

ucts, and ruminant and non-ruminant resources.

So far at least two samples from Casale San Pietro indicate the use of dairy products in these vessels.

The majority of these samples suggest the processing of adipose fats, from both ruminant and non-ruminant

sources. Comparisons of isotope data obtained from all the assemblages so far studied are ongoing, and at

present there seems to be some differences between the types of animal fats present in ceramics from Paler-

mo and Casale San Pietro. Further investigation and analysis of reference samples will enable a more robust

and detailed interpretation of these results.


Pottery use in Sicily, 5th -12th century

Antonino Meo

Since 2016 research on the pottery of medieval Sicily, dated between 5th-12th century, has focused on as-

semblages from three main sites: Monte Kassar and Casale San Pietro in the Castronovo area (PA), and

Mazara del Vallo (TP).

The first of these is an 8/9th century Byzantine fortified site, where two buildings with military associations

have been investigated: a house abutting the defensive walls39 and a central building (casermetta)40. On the

Kassar, the basic assemblage consisted of simple types of cooking pot and some globular amphorae.

Casale San Pietro is a large lowland village, inhabited between 2/3th-13th century (see Meo above). Be-

tween the 9th and the 10th century, the meagre assemblage consisted of hand-made/slow-thrown cooking pots

with inturned rims, together with amphorae that were perhaps imported from eastern Sicily. By contrast, be-

tween the 10th and the 11th century the village seems to have become totally dependent on Palermo: ampho-

rae, all the tableware and most of the kitchen ware were imported from the Palermo Medina (Fig. 15)41. This

mutual relationship may have been owed to trade initiatives or the tax system, something that further research

on the ceramics may well elucidate. During the 12th century, the system of production and the trade networks

changed, and new types of pottery were produced by means of previously unknown technologies42. Among

these are green-glazed pottery with grooved decoration, produced in many centres of the Island, and partially-

glazed cooking pots, probably produced in the north-eastern part of Sicily. Examples of these were found at

Casale San Pietro (Fig. 16).

The third area of ceramic study, Mazara del Vallo, is a city on the western coast of the Island, that came

under increased development from the Islamic and Norman periods. Here excavation in the Xitta quarter of the

old town in 1997 produced a sequence of rich assemblages including ceramics, animal bones and plants43 (Fig.

17). The very rich pottery assemblage from Mazara, beginning in the late 7th-early 8th century, testified the con-

37 BUONINCONTRI et al., 2017; PECCI AND GRASSI 2016. 38 DUDD AND EVERSHED, 1998; MOTTRAM et al. 1999. 39 CARVER et al. 2016, Fig. 5. 40 CARVER et al. 2018, Fig. 4. 41 For the Palermo assemblages, see: ARDIZZONE et al. 2015 and bibliography. 42 MOLINARI 2012. 43 MOLINARI, CASSAI 2010; and see Fiorentino (above) for the plants.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (19)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 19

tinuous link between the harbour and the North Africa and maybe, the Aegean sea. In the 10th to 11th century

Mazara city was not dependent on Palermo but produced its own medium-high quality table- and kitchenware

(both glazed and unglazed) (Fig. 18). Thanks to its coastal position it also received imports from Palermo and

elsewhere. In Mazara, glazed table ware from al-Andalus and Aegean amphoras are attested for the first time.

Between the second half of the 11th and the 12th century we can again notice new transformations linked to

strong political, economic and social changes.

In the future, we aim to combine these data with other sources of information, not only to show the chang-

ing commodities being traded and their networks, but the changing sociology of dining as reflected in table

wares and the size of cooking pots. This will entail the integration of the archaeological data with archaeometric

studies (C. Capelli, Università di Genova) and organic residue analysis on amphorae and cooking pots (see


Fig. 15. Casale San Pietro. Pottery from the 10th-11th century levels (Meo).

Fig. 16. Casale San Pietro. Pottery from the 12th century levels. (Meo).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (20)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 20

Fig. 17. Mazara del Vallo old town, showing the line of the medieval walls and the location of the excavations in the Xitta district (Meo). Fig. 18. Mazara del Vallo. Glazed bowl from Palermo (10th-11th cen-tury) (Meo).

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M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 21

Fig. 19. Mazara del Vallo. Decorated fine wares of the late 12th -14th century imported from North Africa and the Italian mainland (Orre-chioni).

Pottery use in Sicily, 13th-14th centuries

Paola Orecchioni

Our research on late medieval Sicilian pottery at this moment includes ceramic assemblages from two

sites, namely the chiesetta at the Kassar (MK Int. 11, above) and Via T. Gaspare Romano at Mazara del Vallo

(TP)44, dated from the late 12th to the 14th century. The work is still in progress, but it is nonetheless possible to

make some general and very preliminary reflections on the nature of these assemblages45.

It has been possible to note a clear difference between the two contexts, but this is not surprising consider-

ing that we are comparing a small rural sanctuary where probably very few people lived and the rubbish pits of

a big city like Mazara. In these pits there was a large variety of forms of vessels for cooking, storage and table

ware, together with a huge quantity of imported wares (62% of the fine decorated wares assemblage) originat-

ing in Tunisia, Spain, Campania, Puglia, Tuscan and Liguria (Fig. 19). In Castronovo the pottery was naturally

more modest, and the percentage of imports lower (22% of the fine decorated ensemble), and basically limited

to some imports from south Italy (Puglia and Campania), while the larger portion of fine decorated ware were

supplied by Palermo.

The continuation of this research on all sites, in conjunction with the application of petrographic analysis,

will allow us to detect places of manufacture, model the networks of supply and refine the chrono-typological

sequence of the pottery.

44 MOLINARI, CASSAI 2006. 45 The preliminary results have been recently presented at the AIECM3 congress held in Athens (Meo A., Orecchioni P., Pottery assemblages from Mazara Del Vallo (TP) and Castronovo di Sicilia (PA) from the 9th to the 14th century, in XIIe Congrès AIECM sur la Céramique Médiévale et Moderne en Méditerrané (Athens, 21- 27 novembre 2108), forthcoming.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (22)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 22

Amphorae distribution between the 8th and 12th century

Paola Orecchioni and Claudio Capelli

The movement of amphorae, as is well known, can be tracked from their point of origin using petrographic

(thin section) analysis of the fabric. In particular, provenance data are obtained by locating geological deposits

similar to those composing the sandy inclusions in the fabric on the Mediterranean geological maps. More pre-

cision is obtained using an integrated archaeometric and archaeological approach combining archaeological

(typology, distribution) data and the comparative thin section analysis of reference pottery samples of known

origin, where available.

New analyses made by the Sictransit project are being integrated with a data-base of thin sections already

in existence at the University of Genova (DISTAV) and the preliminary results have been recently presented at

the international seminar on “Early-medieval and medieval transport containers. Production centres, contents,

networks of exchange” held in Rome46. The focus is on the medieval period and the 8th to the 12th century in

particular. Ninety-six samples from sixteen different sites have been analysed by means of the polarizing mi-

croscope, including samples from Sicily, Sardinia, the Italian mainland, Provence and Tunisia (Fig. 20).

The investigation aims at identifying hom*ogeneous groups of fabrics that can be correlated with specific

production areas or centres and at comparing the movement of amphorae, as indicated by their fabric, with the

nature of their contents as determined by biomolecular analysis (see Drieu below). The results of this analysis

for the amphorae originating in Palermo sampled in a number of sites (in Provence, Tunisia, Sardinia, Pisa and

Naples) have endorsed the central role played by Palermo in the Mediterranean trade during the 10th and 11th


46 Capelli C., Orecchioni P., Considerazioni di sintesi sulle analisi petrografiche di contenitori anforici di VIII-XII secolo, in Atti del convegno in memoria di Fabiola Ardizzone, I contenitori da trasporto altomedievali e medievali (VIIIXII secolo). Centri produttori, contenuti, reti di scambio (Roma, 16-18 novembre 2017), in press. The proceedings also include papers on SICTRANSIT research by Alessandra Molinari, Antonino Meo, Lea Drieu, Oliver Craig, and Martin Carver (forthcoming).

Fig. 20. Map showing sites sampled for determining the provenience of amphorae from their fabric (Orecchioni).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (23)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 23

Exploring the changes in traded products in the Mediterranean between the 6th and the 13th centuries

Léa Drieu

The challenge of determining the contents carried in amphorae by means of biomarkers surviving in the

pottery fabric has had a long history of empirical experiment, while still leaving some procedures unvalidated

and important equivalences unverified, mainly those concerning plant products such as wine and plant oils

(Drieu et al., forthcoming). A major part of the present project is therefore being dedicated to methodological

research in order to discover more reliable procedures and seek greater precision in the identification of taxa.

The development of extraction protocols and detection techniques are ongoing at York in BioArCh and in the

Department of Chemistry (in a collaboration with Prof. Jane Thomas-Oates).

Eighty-three samples of amphorae are currently under examination from Sicilian sites, distributed across

periods 550-750 (6 samples), 750-900 (8), 900-1050 (15), and 1050-1250 (4), together with samples of export-

ed Sicilian amphorae that arrived elsewhere in 750-900 (6), 900-1050 (34) 1050-1250 (10). Preliminary obser-

vations on GC/MS data are that undetermined fats dominate all the periods, probably due to significant degra-

dation processes. Plant oils seem to be of more importance in Byzantine times, but these preliminary results

must be confirmed by enlarging the sampling. Containers make use of conifer products through all periods, with

an important diversity of products during the Byzantine period (resin, pitch and tar), though these practices are

far from systematic. The standard wine biomarkers are generally scarce. Up to this point, the results suggest

either that amphorae were not mainly used for wine transport or that the method we used is not able to effi-

ciently detect degraded wine biomarkers; but experimental work continues (see above).

Glass and metal finds

Francesca Colangeli

The analysis of glass and metal finds began with the study of two urban sites and a rural site in central-

western Sicily. The material comes from excavations carried out at Via Tenente Gaspare Romano (Mazara del

Vallo), at Bonagia Palace (Palermo), and from the 2014-2017 excavation campaigns at Castronovo di Sicilia

reported here47.

The contexts have different chronologies and developments: at a preliminary analysis the materials com-

ing from the wells or pits of Via Tenente Gaspare Romano seem chronologically attributable to 3 different peri-

ods: the 8th, 10-11th and 13th century48. The materials from Bonagia Palace seem to be attributable to a narrow-

er chronological horizon of the second half of the 10th - first half of 11th century49. From Castronovo di Sicilia,

the material excavated on Mount Kassar, within the Byzantine fortress belongs to contexts of the 7-9th century

while the stratified sequence at Casale San Pietro ranges from the 9-13th century50.

The majority of the metals studied during this first year of research did not provide very relevant infor-

mation. They are mostly iron objects in an extremely fragmented and oxidized state, a condition that, in most

cases, makes it very difficult or even impossible to identify the objects. Most of those recognized are nails and

artefacts relating to carpentry. However, the excavations at Casale San Pietro and Via Tenente Gaspare Ro-

mano have produced identifiable tools that can be linked to various work and production activities. In the layers

of the abandonment of the Islamic village and in the construction phases of the Norman Age of Casale San

Pietro, there are two sickles, two chisels (one with a narrow blade and one with a wide blade) and a probable

drill bit51. While the sickles are clearly related to agricultural activities, the latter three objects would be related

to stone-working activities. Another two objects come from the wells with the early-medieval materials of Via

Tenente Gaspare Romano. The identification is still uncertain but they would seem to be two harpoons; tools


47 I want to thank Professor Molinari, and the Soprintendenza ai BB. CC. AA di Palermo, especially Dott. Stefano Vassallo and Dott.ssa Carla Aleo Nero for making the material available for study. 48 Pottery study is in progress. For preliminary information, see Orecchioni and Meo here. 49 T. he dates of the contexts examined were elaborated by Viva Sacco in her PhD study of the pottery from Bonagia Palace and the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli. For a summary of the chronologies of the contexts examined (SACCO 2017). 50 Also in this case the pottery study is in progress. For preliminary information see contributions here by Orecchioni and Meo. 51 For the drill bit NAVARRO PALAZÓN, ROBLES FERNÁNDEZ 1996: 70, fig. 41.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (24)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 24

clearly linked to fishing52. Among the cop-

per alloy objects there are two seal rings

and a buckle found respectively in the area

of Casale San Pietro and Monte Kassar

and chronologically attributable respective-

ly to the 6-7th century and advanced 7-

early 8th century53.

Even if at this early stage, the glass

finds seem to provide the most interesting

data relating to the change of tableware

during the different political regimes and

for comparison between coeval sites (Fig.

21). The 8th century contexts of Monte

Kassar and Via Tenente Gaspare Romano

show a predominance of goblets generally

attributable to Isings type 11154. Regarding

Islamic-period chronologies, between the

second half of the 10th and first half of the

11th century Mazara del Vallo and Palermo

seem to share the same types of glass objects; most are small flasks with a very recessed cone base55. From

the Bonagia Palace, there are more prestigious products56. Even if the precise location of the area of the fatimid

Ḫāliṣa or Ḥārat al-ǧadīda is still uncertain, its proximity to the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli (also known as

Gancia) and the similarity of the material contexts of the two sites allows for the hypothesis that the two areas

were inhabited by the same social class57.

Finally, in the 13th century contexts prunted beakers seem to be omnipresent, as happens in most of the

late-medieval contexts already known, not only in Sicily but also in the rest of Italy and in some countries of the

Mediterranean basin and of continental Europe58. Prunted beakers mainly refer to two types: with a low and

wide cylindrical body and slightly turned-out, or with a taller and narrower cylindrical body, a very extruded edge

and a stapled foot59.

In this first phase of analysis there appear to be two gaps in the distribution of vitreous tableware. The lack

of vitreous material in 9th century contexts is a phenomenon already known in many areas of the Italian penin- 52 For an example see STERN et al. 2015: 134, fig. 2 (a-b), fig. 3. 53 For the rings see CARVER et al. 2017: 15. For the buckle BALDINI LIPPOLIS 1999: tipo 2.VIII.4, 228, nn. 17-18. 54 ISINGS 1957: 139, forma 111. 55 The typology is already known in Palermo from the contexts of the excavation of the warehouses of the Regional Archaeological Museum “A. Salinas” (TISSEYRE 1997: 71 fig. 1 e p. 74, tav. A n.1-9 e 14). Moreover, the objects seem comparable with a type pre-sent in the contexts of second half of the 10th in Ṣabra al-Manṣūriyya. FOY 2012: 105-106, fig. 8, n. 30 (type D). 56 These are mostly glasses decorated with abrasion of the surfaces. As an example, BASS et al. 2009: 44, fig. 4-3, BK17. 57 On this see SACCO 2017: 339 with bibliography. 58 For examples from other Italian and European contexts, see SEDLÁČKOVÁ et al. 2014; FIORELLA 2012; STIAFFINI 2012; RICCI

2002; WENZEL 1977. 59 Foy 2014:146, f. 21, A1 e B1.

Fig. 21. Glass from Monte Kassar and Mazara del Vallo. – nn.1-3, Goblets from Monte Kassar, 8th cen-tury context. (Cfr. Isings 111 type); nn.4-6 - Little flasks from Via Tenente Gaspare Romano (Mazara del Vallo) in a context of the second half of the 10th century (Cf, Tisseyre 1997 p.71 fig.1 e p.74, tav. A n.1-9 e 14; Foy 2012, pp.105-106, fig.8, n.30 type D); n.7 – Beaker with arch and arcade cut decora-tion, from Palazzo Bonagia (Palermo) in a context of second half of 10th – beginning of 11th century. cfr. (Similar to Bass et al. 2009, p.44, fig.4-3, BK1); nn.8-9 – Prunted beakers from Via Tenente Gaspare Romano (Mazara del Vallo) 13th century context. Cf. Foy 2014, p.146, f.21, A1 e B1 (Colangeli).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (25)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 25

sula and is probably due to the reorganization of glass production and to the capillary recycling of glass

scraps60. To this it must be added that the knowledge of the material culture of the Island in the 9th century is

still partial61.

At the moment, objects attributable to the 12th century seem to be missing. However, in the current state of

research it is not possible to state with certainty whether this absence is due exclusively to the history of the in-

dividual contexts analyzed 62 or whether it is a common data, and possibly what are the causes that may have

produced this new hiatus. The research of next year in some new sites in Palermo and in Piazza Armerina will

try to answer these and other questions by expanding the data to our knowledge with the intent also to under-

stand, in a comparative perspective, any similarities or differences between western and eastern contexts,

while also comparing different kinds of settlement (urban and rural) with each other.


Samples have now been obtained from sixteen Sicilian cemeteries, seven of Byzantine date and Christian

rite, and for the subsequent period comprising the Islamic, Norman and Swabian periods there are nine ceme-

teries that exhibit the Muslim burial rite, either alone or in adjacent Islamic and Christian burial grounds. The in-

dividuals encountered (n=172) are currently undergoing tests for their analytical viability. Current indications are

that the population to be examined will contain viable samples from at least 13 cemeteries, 60 individuals in

four cemeteries of the Christian rite from the Byzantine period, 5-8th century (Agrigento, San Miceli, Contrada

Sant’Agata and Catania Sant’Agata la Vetere), 14 individuals in three cemeteries of the Muslim rite from the Is-

lamic period, 9-11th century (Palermo Castello San Pietro, Santa Maria della Gancia, Palazzo Abatellis) and 80

individuals from 6 cemeteries from the Norman and Swabian periods, 11-13th century (of which four cemeteries

exhibit only the Muslim rite (Oratorio dei Bianchi, Monte Maranfusa, Monte Catalfaro and Villa del Tellaro) and

three consist of cemeteries where the Muslim and Christian cemeteries are paired (Segesta, Monte Iato, and

Palermo Corso del Mille). Burials in the Islamic rite are found in all the sampled cemeteries from the Islamic,

Norman and Swabian periods, distributed widely in Sicily from Trapani to Noto. Each of these cemeteries will

be studied with the aim of defining a well-dated window on the community concerned.

In addition to the contextual and archaeo-osteological data, the principal analyses to be undertaken are of

stable isotopes of C, N, O and Sr, aDNA and radiocarbon dating. Ratios of isotopes of carbon and nitrogen C

and N derived from the extraction of collagen from bones and teeth are informative about diet; they will be

compared and contrasted with the information on comestibles from organic residue analysis (Lundy above) and

the available cultivated plants and animals (Fiorentino and Aniceti, above) to produce an overall pattern of ‘food

cultures’. Isotopes of oxygen and strontium report on the mobility of individuals since their youth.

Overall, the stable isotope package offers a way of characterising the experience of people that can be

justly called demographic. The most powerful tool for analysing the composition of an ancient population is cur-

rently aDNA which reports directly on the genetic character of individuals and in some cases can be used to

write their genetic ancestry. The new methods of deep sequencing have come into the affordable range since

our project began. The radiocarbon dating programme, which has yet to begin, has been designed both to an-

chor the buried communities in time and to date individuals of particular interest.

Stable Isotope Studies

Alice Ughi

Samples of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen have so far been extracted from 88 human individuals

from nine Sicilian cemeteries. Of these, three were identified as featuring Islamic burial rites, four Christian and

two with both rites (Segesta and Corso dei Mille, Palermo) (TABLE 3). The eventual total is expected to be in

the order of 154 individuals from at least 16 cemeteries.

60 On this topic see SAGUÌ 2007: 220-221 with bibliography. 61 MOLINARI 2016: 323; MOLINARI 2014: 332. 62 For example: the area of Bonagia Palace in the 12th would seem to be occupied by the gardens linked to the church of Santis-sima Trinità, also known as “Magione”. PEZZINI 1998: 735-736.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (26)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 26

Samples of 140 animals have been obtained from four Sicilian sites (Corso dei Mille (PA), Casale San

Pietro at Castronovo (PA), Sant’Antonino (PA), and Mazara del Vallo (TP)), the families represented being

Phasianidae, Ovis, Bovidae, Suidae, and Canidae. The results from animal remains have been used as a base-

line for the interpretation of human isotope values and they also indicate differences in husbandry practices be-

tween different locations, and potentially changes through time. Together with values obtained from archaeo-

logical plants and fish remains they would represent the end points of the food sources available to the human

individuals, the main object of this study.

Site No. of Samples Rate of Success Yield C:N Faith Period

Castello San Pietro (Palermo town) 4 100% 8.5% 3:2 I 9/10th c.

Corso dei Mille (Palermo town) 16 90% 6.4% 3:2 I/C 11/13th c.

Oratorio dei Bianchi (Palermo town) 3 100% 6.7% 3:2 I 12/13th c.

Contrada Sant’Agata (Palermo Pr.) 9 100% 7.9% 3:2 C 5/7th c.

Monte Maranfusa (Palermo Pr.) 5 100% 8.4% 3:2 I 10/13th c.

Quartiere Elenistico Romana (QER)

(Agrigento Town)

15 100% 6.7% 3:2 C 5/7th c.

San Leone (Agrigento Pr.) 4 100% 6.1% 3:2 C 5/6th c.

San Micele (Trapani Pr.) 5 100% 5.1% 3:2 C 5/6th c.

Segesta (Trapani Pr.) 26 96.1% 6.7% 3:2 I/C 12/13th c.

TABLE 3 Samples analysed for Stable isotope analysis

Sufficient collagen has been extracted from 88 samples to be analysed for bulk stable isotope values for

carbon and nitrogen. On archaeological grounds, the data have been assigned chronologically to three periods

equating to Byzantine rule, Arab rule and Christian rule. However, it must be noted that the trends presented in

what follows are still under scrutiny and more research needs to be done, including dating and further statistical

and analytical work. Therefore the patterns and suggestions summarised here are strictly preliminary: their

main use lies in signalling areas needing further investigation.

In comparing the data of individuals from the regions of Agrigento and Contrada Sant’Agata (Palermo) dur-

ing the Byzantine period, some interesting differences have come to light: there was a notable enrichment in

the δ13C values of the bone collagen for some of the individuals recovered in Agrigento (QER) compared with

those at Contrada Sant’Agata in Palermo province. The increase in these values may be due to the humans in

Agrigento eating marine fish, but it can also be due to C4 plant consumption, for example millet. But assigning

the relative weight in the overall diet of these individuals to C4 plant consumption, marine consumption, or a

mixture of the two, using only bulk stable isotope analysis, will be challenging.

A recent diachronic study of a site in Greece showed a similar pattern in the ẟ13C and ẟ15N values of indi-

viduals living under Byzantine rule, some individuals showing values suggesting an intake of marine resources,

while others have values consistent with a fully terrestrial diet63. This result is paralleled by studies on individu-

als found in 11th century Crete, where the fish component was quantified as 10-25% of the total diet64. However

other studies on 8 Greek Byzantine populations (6th-15th centuries AD), both inland and coastal, highlighted a

land-based C3 diet, with a main component of animal protein, with evidence of fish and possibly C4 plants con-

sumption only in some cases65.

Migration may also be an issue here, which the analysis of oxygen and strontium isotopes may help to re-

solve. Studies of pilgrimage to Byzantine Palestine in monastic sites between the 5th and the 7th centuries for

example, showed that 36 % of the 22 individuals studied exhibited 87Sr/86Sr values outside the local range, indi-

cating a significant presence of non-locals66.

In Palermo province during both Byzantine and Arab rule, there is a relative increase in ẟ15N. This is seen

in other historic period populations including a recent study of an Islamic population from Southern Spain67.

There the analysis was carried out on stable isotopes of human and animal remains from a site in the Seville

region with environmental conditions similar to Sicily (high temperatures and salinity) and in the same date

63 BORSTAD C. et al., 2018. 64 BOURBOU, RICHARDS 2007. 65 GARVIE-LOK, 2001; BOURBOU et al. 2011. 66 SHERIDAN, GREGORICKA 2015. 67 INSKIP et al. 2018.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (27)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 27

range, the 9th -13th century AD. The results offer useful parallels. The ẟ13C and ẟ15N values obtained suggested

a diet mainly based on C3 plants with a very limited shift to C4 plant consumption, and no fish intake. These

values were similar to those observed in samples from Castello San Pietro and Corso dei Mille. The interpreta-

tion of high ẟ15N, but relatively enriched ẟ13C values may be the results of the environment (aridity) but it is of-

ten seen as a diet high in higher trophic level C3-fed animal protein or alternatively macronutrient scrambling,

where collagen incorporates carbon from C3 energy sources over marine carbon whereas nitrogen derives from

marine protein68.

In the search for variations associated with religious practice, we have at least one site where individuals

using the Islamic and Christian rites were buried in adjacent and nearly-contemporary cemeteries (at Segesta).

To date no evidence has emerged that diet varied with religious affiliation and so far no clear evidence for the

consumption of C4 crops. This contrasts with a recent study from eastern Spain (Valencia), which found that

there was a difference in diet between the two faith groups in the later medieval period (13-16th century): Mus-

lims possessed higher ẟ13C and ẟ15N values than Christians, probably due to the consumption of C4 fed ani-

mals and/or low trophic level marine fish69. This was considered to reflect socio-economic and status differ-

ences between the two populations. The numerous questions raised by these comparisons with preliminary re-

sults from Sicily will be addressed in the next stages of the research.


Aurore Monnereau

The aDNA project focuses on how cultural and ideological transitions impacted on Sicily during the Middle

Ages, as observable through ancient DNA analysis. The main aim of this part of the research is to analyse the

genetic affiliations of human remains across the temporal and geographic range. During the Middle Ages, Sicily

experienced major changes of regime from Byzantine to Aghlabid, Kalbid, Norman and Swabian. One of the

main questions to be addressed is the impact of these changes on the genetic background of the medieval Si-

cilian population. If the regime changes brought new populations, a genetic discontinuity in the uniparental

markers (mtDNA and/or Y chromosome) is to be expected. Moreover, analysis of nuclear genomic sequences

from these past populations can reveal the identification of genetic affinities with modern populations, as well as

a potential admixture between local medieval populations and incoming groups.

In the first period of research, the survival of aDNA in the archaeological specimens has been tested. 123

samples were provided from 14 cemeteries (five dated 5-8th century; three from 9-11th century, six from 11-13th

century). The first step was to cut a portion of the bone of interest, which included teeth, long bones, but most

commonly the petrous part of the temporal bone at the base of the skull. The petrous bone is targeted because

recent studies show this tissue generally yields higher proportions of endogenous DNA70. Several precautions

have been followed in order to limit contamination. First the DNA extraction steps were conducted in a dedicat-

ed laboratory. Before digesting the tissue, the exterior surface was removed with a drill to reduce contaminant

DNA from the depositional environment and the excavators. The extraction was performance using a modified

silica-based protocol created to retain short fragments of DNA71. Lastly, DNA extracts were converted to Illumi-

na libraries following the method developed by Meyer and Kircher (2010), the most commonly used approach

in aDNA research. These sequencing results will be investigated to infer endogenous content of each specimen

and then select those with sufficient human DNA to undergo further deep sequencing (Fig. 22).

68 CRAIG et al. 2013. 69 ALEXANDER et al. 2015. 70 GAMBA et al. 2014. 71 DABNEY et al. 2013.

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (28)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 28

Seventy-five samples have been ex-

tracted so far with 57 undergoing the first se-

quencing step. These first data will allow

analysis of the percentage of endogenous

DNA as well as the genetic sex, and should

permit rough estimates of genetic affinity with

modern populations. The availability of these

preliminary results will depend on the quality

and presence of endogenous DNA. Nevertheless, another sequencing run will be necessary in order to achieve

detailed study of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for the maternal history and high resolution genetic affinity with

modern populations. Results from sequencing will begin to come available during 2019.

Conclusions: Preliminary interpretations and prospects

Martin Carver and Alessandra Molinari

Assessment of sites

Examination of the site of the ‘chiesetta’ on the eastern promontory of Monte Kassar (MK Int. 11) re-

vealed a new aspect of the church – a late medieval phase. The final form of the building, stratigraphic logic

and diagnostic finds determined that the building defined was essentially a 12th or 13th century church reusing

in part some extant structure that was perhaps Byzantine in origin. Amongst the finds of the previous investiga-

tion was a late medieval pendant devoted to the Virgin Mary carrying quotations from both the Ave Maria and

the Annunciation. This might be thought to imply an establishment served or used by women. These findings

will need to be taken into account when a context is for this special place is finally determined72.

The excavations at Casale San Pietro (CLESP Int. 5) continue to provide the principal evidence for the

sequence at early Medieval Castronovo and the 2017 season enlarged understanding of its nature. A Roman

imperial phase, as yet undefined, constitutes the earliest occupation (2nd-3rd c.). The Late Roman/Byzantine pe-

riod (5th-8th century) was well represented by the construction of a major building with mortared stone walls

which survived to the 9th century and continued to provide the footprint for another three centuries of develop-

ment. Amongst these, the period of Kalbid government based at Palermo (mid-10th to mid-11th century) stood

out as the most archaeologically prominent and implies that Castronovo was making an active and important

contribution to the economy at the time, presumably through agricultural production. The strong cultural signa-

ture of Islamic Palermo did not extend to an avoidance of pork. Veronica Aniceti found a distinction between

rural producers (who ate pork) and urban consumers (who did not) in several of the sites she examined. This

suggests that, as compared with the towns, the regime in the countryside was less rigorous or that Muslims

were less in evidence. The presence of a hard surface frequented by horses in this period and the next revived

the idea of the location as providing a way-station on the route from Palermo to Agrigento. At Casale San Pietro

the Norman assemblage was impoverished in comparison to what had gone before. But important develop-

ments have been noted at San Vitale at this time, with the construction of a major church building and a newly

72 The words of Mary’s response to the Angel Gabriel (Luke 1: 38) also occur in the Angelus, said everywhere at midday, so could apply to either sex. However it seems unlikely that a man would wear a pendant saying “Ecce ancilla domini (Behold the handmaid of the Lord)” and female devotion to the Virgin Mary is well documented, for example, in later medieval Books of Hours (SCOTT-STOKES 2012: 105).

Fig. 22. The trajectory of aDNA analysis. Diagram show-ing the main steps. 1) refers to the preliminary analysis made feasible with the initial sequencing. 2) indicates the detailed genetic analyses accessible with relatively deep sequencing (Monnereau).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (29)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 29

identified castle keep. Current research on the Colle San Vitale and in the historic core of Castronovo is ex-

pected to illuminate still further the process by which central places and their mode of occupation by the aristoc-

racy are transformed by successive regimes73.

The site of the historic building at Casale San Pietro remains central to the story of Castronovo. Not only is

it perched on a prominent rise in the plain, adjacent to both ancient road and river routes, but also it has evi-

dence for having been a church, and before that a place of burial in the Islamic rite and before that a possible

Byzantine necropolis as indicated by the two infant burials found in 2014 and implied by the rock cut tombs long

known at Capillovenere74. Furthermore the area being excavated near the Casale building in Int. 5 has contin-

ued to be the one place where a stratigraphic deposit of the 2nd-12th century has been conserved. The tasks

that beckon are not only the completion and publication of the excavation, but an archaeological and architec-

tural “valorizzazione” of the Casale building and its immediate surroundings, with a view to a long-term en-

hancement of the heritage.

Assessment of analyses

Analytical work undertaken in the laboratories of our partner universities on samples kindly provided by

colleagues was first reported at the Plenary Seminar in July 2018 and has been briefly summarised here. In the

case of the Lecce laboratory, environmental research is already well advanced, with the occurrence of a wide

range of identified plants from early medieval Sicily. They are also making methodological advances of the

greatest importance, identifying taxa of historical significance with greater certainty. One may single out the use

of the anatomy of burnt wood to distinguish the different varieties of prunus fruit grown on cultivated trees and

of morphometrics to classify seeds. Among the problems being addressed are two of the most fundamental:

which plants were imported and exploited as cash crops in the 10th century – and what contribution they made

to Fatimid prosperity and the development of Palermo as a trading place of international importance. A second

task, no less important, is to establish the changing climate of the 5th to 13th century and whether its influence

was determinant. The Lecce team has also addressed the question of new plants introduced during the Islamic

regimes of the 9-11th century75. Largely as a result of the exceptional series of stratified plant remains at Maza-

ra del Vallo, they have turned around this debate (now nearly 50 years old) from a sceptical to a more positive


The medieval research group at Rome is also advancing from a pre-existing research platform on ceram-

ics, building technology and architectural history76. We are developing a stronger ceramic typology and a net-

work of supply for the 8th to 12th century that is being elaborated in ever increasing detail. Our ambitions for the

history of the wider Mediterranean have been enhanced through the economic success of Sicily itself, notably

in the 10th century and later, as a nodal point in reach of every part of the early medieval world.

The laboratory at BioArCh at York (combining biology, archaeology and chemistry) has a reputation for in-

novation, especially in proteomics and organic residue analysis, while maintaining strengths in biomolecular

procedures applied to human, animal and plant remains. At York we chose to address the Sictransit agenda

using young scientists (a PDRA and 3 PhD students) all of whom only began work in Oct 2017. Since their

techniques are in continual development, this work is especially experimental, aiming to raise the identifications

we make to higher levels of precision and significance. For these reasons, the emergence of valid results from

Sicilian sites will take time, but the evaluation stages presented here are already promising.

This publication is the latest in a series of progress reports which we plan to issue annually in recognition

of the collegiate collaboration of the senior scholars and excavators with whom we are privileged to make and

share significant advances in the knowledge of early medieval Sicily.

73 Molinari in CARVER AND MOLINARI 2018: 43. 74 GIUSTOLISI 1999: 68. 75 As proposed by WATSON 1983. 76 Note the sister ERC project 695515 Petrifying wealth also based at the University of Rome Tor Vergata (director Sandro Carocci) and at the Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Director Ana Rodríguez).

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (30)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 30


The directors and staff of the sictransit project wish to signal their appreciation of the service to scholarship provided by

FASTI FOLDER in enabling the presentation of a large and multi-faceted collaborative project in progress. We are greatly

indebted to the researchers and excavators who have provided us with samples for scientific analysis, often in advance of

their own publications. For sites referred to here, we thank in particular Lucia Arcifa (Castello San Pietro (PA), Rocchicella),

Giuseppina Battaglia (Corso dei Mille (PA)), Monica Chiovaro (Palazzo Normanno (PA)), Alessandro Corretti (Entella),

Francesco Fabbri (Segesta, Entella), Nicole Mölk (Monte Iato), Carla Aleo Nero (Sant’Antonino (PA)), Maria-Serena Rizzo

(Agrigento, Colmitella), Francesca Spatafora and Viva Sacco (La Gancia (PA) and Palazzo Bonagia (PA). Particular thanks

are owed to Agata Villa and Giuseppina Mammina who allowed us access to the archaeological store at Segesta; and we

are all especially grateful to Stefano Vassallo of the Soprintendenza Archaeologica (Provincia di Palermo) who has encour-

aged, guided and facilitated our research in every possible way from its inception.


List of Interventions at Castronovo di Sicilia

Monte Kassar (MK)

Int 1: 2014 La Porta: resistivity survey in field to the SW of the gate (Goodchild) Int 2: 2014 La Chiesetta: magnetometer survey to N of church (Goodchild) Int 3: 2014 San Calogero, sorgente: magnetometer survey (Goodchild) Int 4: 2014 Casermetta: preliminary cleaning (Carver) Int 5: 2014 La Porta: test excavation to W of the gate enlarging the excavation of Vassallo in 2005 (Vassallo 2009, 2015) (Orecchioni) Int 6: 2014, 2015 Kassar Alta; test excavation enlarging saggi C-E of A. Villa excavated in 1984 (Villa 1997, Ar-ea A) (Carver, Giovannini, Orecchioni) Int 7: 2014 Opposite tower L: Magnetometry survey (Goodchild) Int 8: 2014 Survey of building fabric along the 1.9km length of the defensive wall (Giannini) Int 9: 2016 Area excavation of the extant foundations of the ‘casermetta’, including re-excavation of test pits by A. Villa made in 1984 (Villa 1997, Area B) (Orecchioni e Giovannini) Int 10: 2017 Test excavations on the site of geophysical anomalies detected in Int 7 (Giovannini) Int 11: 2017 Area excavation of the church of the eastern promotory (‘chiesetta’) (Orecchioni) Casale San Pietro (CLESP) Int 1: 2014 Resistivity and magnetometry survey west of the Casale (Maestrangeli’s field) (Goodchild) Int 2: 2014 Surface collection of pottery west of the Casale (Maestrangeli’s field) (Hummler) Int 3: Metal detector survey [not actioned] Int 4: 2015 Test excavation west of the Casale (Maestrangeli’s field) (children’s tombs). (Hummler) Int 5: 2015, 2016, 2017 Area excavation north of the Casale (Roman to Norman sequence) (Meo e Hummler) Int 6: 2015 Test excavation south of the Casale (Fennel field N) (Byzantine wall foundation) (Hummler) Int 7: 2015 Recording of walls visible on the surface immediately south of the Casale (Hummler) Int 8: 2015 Test pit south of the Casale (Fennel field S) (Hummler) Colle San Vitale (CSV) [Int 1] 2016, 2017 Survey of standing buildings on Colle di San Vitale (Giannini) [Int 2] 2016, 2017 Survey of Castronovo old town and hydraulic system (Giannini) [Int3] 2017 Excavation north of the church of the Guidice Giusto (Giannini e Canzioneri)

Martin O. H. Carver University of York, Department of Archaeology, King’s Manor, York YO1 7EP E-mail: [emailprotected]

Alessandra Molinari Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” - Dipartimento di Storia, Patrimonio culturale, Formazione e Società

Veronica Aniceti University of Sheffield, Department of Archaeology Claudio Capelli, Università di Genova

Francesca Colangeli Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” - Dipartimento di Storia Léa Drieu, University of York, BioArCh

Girolamo Fiorentino, Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Palaeoecology, Università del Salento

SICILY IN TRANSITION New research on early medieval Sicily ...Lundy - Antonino Meo - Aurore Monnereau - Paola Orecchioni - Milena Primavera - Alice Ughi Il testo che segue riguarda - [PDF Document] (31)

M. Carver – A. Molinari – V. Aniceti – C. Capelli – F. Colangeli – L. Drieu – G. Fiorentino – F. Giovannini – M. Hummler – J. Lundy – A. Meo – A. Monnereau – P. Orecchioni – M. Primavera – A. Ughi ● SICILY IN TRANSITION – New research on early medieval Sicily, 2017-2018 31

Fabio Giovannini CSIC, Instituto de Historia, Departamento de Estudios Medievales, Madrid Madeleine Hummler University of York, Department of Archaeology

Jasmine Lundy, University of York, BioArCh Antonino Meo Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” - Dipartimento di Storia

Aurore Monnereau, University of York, BioArCh Paola Orecchioni Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” - Dipartimento di Storia

Milena Primavera, Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Palaeoecology, Università del Salento Alice Ughi, University of York, BioArCh


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What is Sicily famous for? ›

Sicily is known for landmarks like The Valley of Temples and Mount Etna, its heavenly sandy beaches, delicious wine, and mafia origins. Originally dominated by the Greeks, the island was passed on to the Romans and then the European powers during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Who were the original Sicilians? ›

Prehistory. The indigenous peoples of Sicily, long absorbed into the population, were tribes known to ancient Greek writers as the Elymians, the Sicanians and the Sicels (from whom the island derives its name).

Why is Sicily separate from Italy? ›

In 1848, a revolution took place which separated Sicily from Naples and gave it independence. In 1860 Giuseppe Garibaldi and his Expedition of the Thousand took control of Sicily and the island became a part of the Kingdom of Italy. In 1946, Italy became a republic and Sicily became an autonomous region.

Is Sicily Greek or Italian? ›

Sicily, island, southern Italy, the largest and one of the most densely populated islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Together with the Egadi, Lipari, Pelagie, and Panteleria islands, Sicily forms an autonomous region of Italy. It lies about 100 miles (160 km) northeast of Tunisia (northern Africa).

Is Sylvester Stallone a Sicilian? ›

He achieved his greatest successes in a number of action films, notably the Rocky and Rambo series. He was born to Frank Stallone Sr. (a beautician who was an immigrant from Castellammare del Golfo, Sicily) and Jacqueline "Jackie" Labofish, an American astrologer of 1/4 Russian Jewish descent.

What do Sicilians call themselves? ›

People from Sicily consider themselves Sicilians first and Italians second. Although Sicily is a part of Italy, the region has its own culture, traditions and dialect.

What DNA are Sicilians? ›

The five main MtDNA haplogroups present in Sicily are haplogroups H, K, X, W and U, which are also the five most commonly found MtDNA-haplogroups in Europe, the Caucasus and the Middle East.

What are Sicilian last names? ›

But now let's have a look to the 10 most common Sicilian surnames in Sicily!
  • Russo. Dialectal nickname related, probably, to the reddish color of the hair or the parent's complexion.
  • Messina. Related to the town of Messina.
  • Caruso. From the Sicilian dialectal word caruso which means “boy, apprentice”. ...
  • Lombardo. ...
  • Marino.
Dec 15, 2019

Are Sicilians considered Italians? ›

While Sicily is technically a part of Italy, there are some pretty big differences between the two. For one, Sicily is its own autonomous region with its own unique culture and history. And, of course, the food is different too!

Are Sicilians related to Greeks? ›

The genetic contribution of Greek chromosomes to the Sicilian gene pool is estimated to be about 37% whereas the contribution of North African populations is estimated to be around 6%.

Why are all mobsters from Sicily? ›

The Mafia's genesis began in the 19th century as the product of Sicily's transition from feudalism to capitalism as well as its unification with mainland Italy. Under feudalism, the nobility owned most of the land and enforced the law through their private armies and manorial courts.

What is traditional Sicilian food? ›

Rather than the north's eggy pastas, cheese and cured pork, many of Sicily's most famous recipes feature local, sun-soaked ingredients, such as seafood, olives, raisins, eggplant, capers and tomatoes. Home of cannoli and granita, the region is also known for Italian sweets.

What US state is the size of Sicily? ›

It is true that with over 1,000 km of coastline, there is plenty to do without going inland, but when you consider that Sicily has a surface area of 25,708 square kilometres (roughly the same size as the US states of Massachusetts or New Hampshire, one and a quarter times the size of Wales and four-fifths of the size ...

What is the closest country to Sicily? ›

Strait of Sicily
Map showing the location of the Strait of Sicily
Coordinates37.20°N 11.20°E
Basin countriesItaly, Tunisia
Max. width145 kilometres (90 mi)
3 more rows

Is Sicily expensive to visit? ›

Unlike other more notoriously expensive destinations in Italy, like the Amalfi Coast or Lake Como, Sicily has the advantages of size and variety. It's easy to find inexpensive meals, off-the-beaten-path accommodation, and even affordable public transportation to get around without racking up the bill at the gas pump.

What is Sicilians known for? ›

Sicily is famous for many things, including its charming hilltop towns, well-preserved archeological sites, its diverse and flavorful cuisine, and its excellent wines.

What is the best thing about Sicily? ›

What is Sicily best known for? Knockout beaches that inspired Homer's Odyssey, crumbling, honey-hued palazzos, mafia lore and ancient temples – Sicily effortlessly blends a sunny Mediterranean escape with lashings of history, culture and life-changing food.

What is Sicily best known for producing? ›

Sicily's mountain ranges are famous for their cheeses (formaggi), salami, sausages (salsiccia) and mushrooms (funghi), while all across the island tomatoes (pomodori), aubergines (melanzane), courgettes (zucchini), olives (olivi), capers (capperi), garlic (aglio), onions (cipolle), peas (piselli ), broad beans (fave), ...


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