Holiday Quiche Recipe — Caralyn Mirand Koch (2024)

Holiday Quiche Recipe — Caralyn Mirand Koch (1)

I have memories of my mom making a Christmas quiche every Christmas morning! As I got older and started creating my own Christmas morning traditions with Brian, I began making it too. It’s quickly become a leisurely weekend brunch staple in our home. Trust me when I say it is FOOLPROOF; you cannot mess it up! It took me a few tries to get the crust looking nice, but it will taste good either way. You can use anything you have on hand; I’ve made it with sausage, bacon, and ham or even just a veggie one. It’s also great without the crust; you can use the shredded cheese as a base. Just be sure to spray your pan before adding ingredients. You can make it your own and you can prepare it the night before so you can pop it in the oven the next day.


  • 1 pie crust - I like to use Pillsbury, but you can use any store-bought brand

  • 6-8 eggs, whisked in a bowl (amount of eggs will depend on how many toppings you’re using)

  • Dash of milk or half and half (optional)

  • 1/3 cup of any meat of choice (diced ham, cooked crumbled sausage, bacon bits)

  • About 3/4 cup any fresh vegetables of choice (chopped spinach, diced bell pepper, sliced green onion, broccoli, olives)

  • About 3/4 - 1 cup of shredded cheese (I like to use sharp cheddar)

  • 3 tablespoons of pecorino Romano cheese

  • A generous shake of black pepper

  • You’ll also need a pie dish; I like this one and this one!


  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and take your pie crust out of the fridge; allow it to come to room temperature before rolling out.

  • Dice your desired vegetables and meat into small pieces.

  • Combine your eggs. I like to use a whisk. Add a splash of milk (if using). I never know how many eggs I use. I usually mix about six to eight, and if the dish is not filled about a 1/4 inch from the top of the crust once all ingredients are added, I’ll scramble and add a couple more.

  • In a 9.5” pie dish, unfold your pie crust and pinch the ends to create a crimped look. Tutorial on that here.

  • Add your vegetable and meat into the pie crust, be sure to distribute ingredients evenly. Top with shredded cheese. At this point, I like to use my finger and gently make holes within the ingredients without damaging the crust so that the egg evenly distributes.

  • Add your scrambled eggs, be sure it covers your meat and veggies. If not, add another or two. Top with more shredded cheese + pecorino Romano cheese. Top with fresh cracked black pepper.

  • Put your pie dish on a baking sheet (makes it easier to take in and out of the oven, just be careful not to let it slide) and cook for about 30-40 minutes. Be sure to check on it; cooking times will vary depending on your oven. I like to make sure the egg does not “wiggle” in the center before taking it out.

  • Allow quiche to rest for at least 30 minutes before cutting into it and serving. It tastes great room temperature or even cold the next day…. if it’ll last you that long. :)

  • Store leftover pieces in the fridge in an airtight container or bag. Re-heats nicely too.

Holiday Quiche Recipe — Caralyn Mirand Koch (3)

I have the step-by-step tutorial saved to my “Ugly Eats” highlight as well as a Reel posted today. Feel free to make this your own with the ingredients you have in your fridge. It’s a really easy and delicious recipe, I hope you enjoy! From my family to yours, we wish you a very happy holiday season! Please let me know if you try it, would love to see. Thanks for reading. xx CMK

Holiday Quiche Recipe — Caralyn Mirand Koch (4)

Photos by Ryan Kell

Lifestyle, Holiday

Caralyn Mirand Koch

quiche, egg, recipe, recipe inspiration, easy recipe, christmas, christmas recipe, quiches, queesh, recipe christmas, holiday recipe, christmas morning, caralyn recipe, caralyn quiche recipe, quiche recipes


Holiday Quiche Recipe  — Caralyn Mirand Koch (2024)


What is the formula for quiche? ›

Ratios: The best way to make a quiche is to add the eggs to a large measuring cup, then add the cream or milk. For every egg used you should add enough milk or cream to create a 1/2 cup. Meaning for 1 egg you will add enough cream or milk to make 1/2 a cup of mixture.

Do you have to bake crust before quiche? ›

And yes, as you'll see, you should always prebake quiche crust to avoid a gummy pastry. Preheat the oven to 450°F.

Why is quiche lorraine? ›

According to Larousse Gastronomique, quiches (sometimes spelled kiches) originated in the eastern French region Lorraine. The name may derive from the German Kuchen, a term used for similar dishes.

What is the milk to egg ratio for quiche? ›

Quiche Ratio: 1 large egg to 1/2 cup of dairy

You'll need to increase the amount of eggs and milk based on the size of your quiche, so knowing the basic ratio makes it really easy to scale up or down. For a standard 9-inch quiche: Use 3 large eggs (6 ounces) 1 1/2 cups of whole milk or cream (12 ounces)

Is milk better than heavy cream in quiche? ›

Heavy Cream and Milk – For the best tasting quiche, use a combination of whole milk and heavy cream. (Or simply use half-and-half.) Using just heavy cream produces an overly thick filling. Whole milk is great, but a combo of heavy cream and milk is better.

Should quiche be cooked at 350 or 375? ›

BAKE in center of 375°F oven until center is almost set but jiggles slightly when dish is gently shaken and knife inserted near center comes out clean, 30 to 40 minutes.

Why do you put flour in quiche? ›

Roll it out a tad bit thicker than you normally would for a standard pie if possible, and absolutely use it all. Confidently press any overhang or extra pieces into the walls of your pan. Add flour to your filling: Adding a bit of flour to your quiche filling helps absorb moisture and stabilize things in general.

What is the best cheese to use for quiche? ›

You can use any shredded cheese you like; one winning combination is havarti, colby, and Parmesan. Quiche is an excellent choice for any meal, including a busy weeknight dinner. It can even be prepared in advance and refrigerated or frozen, then quickly reheated.

What do French people eat with quiche? ›

Quiche is traditionally served with a green salad and crusty French bread, but the sky is the limit when you start thinking of other options. Here are some ideas: A simple green salad such as arugula tossed with an olive oil and lemon vinaigrette.

What causes quiche to collapse? ›

Excess moisture is one reason why quiches collapse in a watery pool on your plate. Vegetables and meats like ham give off tremendous amounts of water when they're cooked. Therefore, if you're using vegetables in your quiche, it's imperative that you cook them first.

What is quiche filling made of? ›

How to Make Quiche Filling
  1. Blend eggs together: In a mixing bowl, whisk eggs with a fork until blended.
  2. Mix in remaining ingredients: Add heavy cream, ham, cheese, green onions, parsley and season with salt and pepper to taste. ...
  3. Pour into blind baked crust: Pour mixture into pie crust.
Mar 23, 2021

What is a quiche base made of? ›

Quiche crusts are made with shortcrust pastry. The name “shortcrust” refers to the baking term “short” which means pastries that are flaky and crumble when you cut into them.

What is the ratio of egg to milk in quiche reddit? ›

That's 12 fluid ounces. So that would be approx 6 fluid ounces of egg and 6 fluid ounces of cream, or a 1:1 ratio.

What is the ratio of eggs to cream in quiche reddit? ›

I use the rules 1 egg to 1/2 cup dairy, so my standard is 3 eggs and 1.5 cups of a mix of cream and milk (depending on how healthy I'm making it!). More cream = more rich. I've seen recipes fully heavy cream, and recipes fully semi-skimmed milk. I tend to do half and half or 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup cream.


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