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Jun 7

Trading glossary, a synthetic dictionary of financial terms may help novice traders and ordinary investors to have an idea of how the stock market really works.

Trading glossary, a synthetic dictionary of financial terms may help novice traders and ordinary investors to have an idea of how the stock market really works

#trading glossary


Jun 7

Trading glossary

Free trading glossaryTrading glossary, a synthetic dictionary of financial terms may help novice traders and ordinary investors to have an idea of how the stock market really works.Successful investing is anticipating the anticipations of others.John Maynard KeynesIn this business, if you're good, you're right six times out of ten. You're never going to be right nine times out of ten.Peter LynchThe stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.Warren BuffettPrice is what you pay. Value is what you get.Warren BuffettRule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget Rule No. 1.Warren BuffettKnow what you own, and know why you own it.Peter LynchIn the long run, a portfolio of well-chosen stocks will always outperform a portfolio of bonds or a money market account.Peter LynchThe big money is not in the buying and selling, but in the waiting.Charlie MungerThe market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.John Maynard KeynesThe stock market is never obvious. It is designed to fool most of the people, most of the time.Jesse LivermoreIt was never my thinking that made the big money for me, it always was my sitting.Jesse LivermoreIt's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong.George SorosInvesting should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.Paul SamuelsonThe stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.Philip FisherThe tape tells the truth, but often there are times when you read it wrong.Richard WyckoffA synthetic dictionary of investors and financial terms may help traders, and above all non-professional ones, to have a good knowledge of stock market vocabulary, stock market analysis, and it's conditions. Then if you want to consult a complete and full glossary of this kind, that can be made up by more than 8,000 terms, you can visit the following links:www.nasdaq.com/investing/glossary/; www.investopedia.com/dictionary/;Account Executive - A stockbroker by any other name. More specifically, the term refers to a NASD-registered securities representative, but also is used generically to describe almost any salesperson.Accredited Investor - Wealthy investors in an, generally maintaining a net worth of at least $1 million or earning at least $200,000 per year, with the privilege of investing in risky private stock sales and other securities. The term itself is defined under Regulation D of the Securities Act.Accumulation - Term used by technical analysts describing a stock whose price is holding steady, thus implying that investors are willing purchase or "accumulate" shares at this price.Active Market - Term associated with stocks or other securities that trade with a relatively high measure of liquidity, typically exhibited in high volume and narrow spreads; in an active market. It is also a matter of opinion, as one man’s active market may be another’s illiquid market.Affiliate - Any person directly or indirectly holding 10% or more of a corporation's outstanding shares -- typically directors, elected officers and immediate family members. As such, they are subject to reporting stock sales and purchases and are restricted from making certain transactions in the company’s stock.Aftermarket - (1) Sometimes called "secondary market," this term refers to the trading in a security after its initial public offering. (2) The term may also be used in referenceto trading after regular market hours.Agency - (1) Term used to describe a security issued by a U.S. Government agency; or (2) a stockbroker buying or selling a security without taking a financial risk (i.e. making a market). In the latter case, the broker simply handles the transaction between the buyer and seller for a commission.All or None - (1) Term used to describe a trading order instructing the broker to buy or sell the entire amount of the order in one transaction or not at all; or (2) a condition where an underwriter must sell every share or unit in a security's offering or the issuing company has the right to cancel the entire offering - in modern underwritings, this condition is seldom imposed.American Stock Exchange (AMEX) - Founded in 1921 and located in New York, it’s the third-largest U.S. stock exchange. While minimum listing requirements are similar to those of the more popular Nasdaq stock market, shares trade on the AMEX in the same "auction" manner utilized by the much larger New York Stock Exchange as opposed to Nasdaq's "market making" methods. In recent years, the AMEX exchange has lost prominence in stock listings and trading volume to both Nasdaq and the NYSE. However, the AMEX has enjoyed gains in trading "derivative" securities such as options and futures contracts.Analyst - Person or other party that purports to serve as an authority on the evaluation of a security for investment consideration. Most established brokerage firms employ analysts to review stocks and other securities for "buy," "sell" or "hold" recommendations. Many other analysts operate independent of brokerage firms and commonly publish their analysis in newsletters or other publications. However, analyst qualifications run to extremes and many amateurs or biased parties often distribute securities analysis that may be misleading or one-sided.Annual Report - Publication distributed once each year by public corporations to inform shareholders of company progress and attract potential investors. Most annual reports contain only financial highlights and general business information, but some also include fancy graphics printed on glossy paper - reflecting a considerable expense outlay. For detailed financial reports and disclosures, all public companies whose shares are listed on the major U.S. stock exchanges are required to file a detailed annual report with the SEC via form 10-K.

Investors and trading glossary from A to ZAnnuity - Contract between an individual and an insurance company, providing lifetime income to the person on whose life the contract is based, in return for either a lump-sum or periodic payment to the insurance company.Arbitrage - Versatile little word that takes on many different personalities, but essentially means the act of profiting from a difference in price. For example, arbitrage could apply to buying and selling currencies in different markets to take advantage of price disparities, or it may refer to an investor or market maker buying one stock and then selling it short to profit from the difference between bid and ask prices. (See "Spread")Arbitration - Two parties agree to settle a dispute by binding themselves to the decision of a third-party referee outside of the courts; frequently used for customer disputes against stockbrokers and their firms.Ask - The lowest price at which a dealer or market maker will sell a security. (See "Bid," "Offer," "Quote")Asset - Anything that an individual or a corporation owns. In corporate finance, assets include items of value such as cash, land, equipment and even intellectual properties, and are generally separated on a company’s balance sheet into two categories: current assets (those which can be converted into cash within a year or less) and fixed assets (those which are expected to remain fixed for longer than one year).Asset Financing - Companies borrow money secured by specific assets such as land, buildings or equipment rather than by general obligation. In some respects, this is the corporate equivalent of going to the pawnshop.Associated Person - Almost anyone who is employed, owns or directs a brokerage firm, including managers and salespersons but generally excluding clerical or administrative personnel.At the Close - Trade order specifically instructing the transaction to be filled in the last trade for a particular security on a trading day or to be canceled otherwise.At the Money - "Options speak" referring to a security and an option strike price which are the same. (See "In the Money," "Out of the Money.")At the Open - Trade order specifically instructing the transaction to be filled in the first trade for a particular security on a trading day or to be canceled otherwise.Authorized Stock - Maximum number of shares that a corporation may issue through its charter. The corporation must amend its charter or articles of incorporation, usually by vote of approval by a majority of shareholders, in order to increase or decrease this amount.Automatic Reinvestment - Applying to most mutual funds and about 800 stocks, the vehicle for enacting this strategy in stocks is commonly known as a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), which allows shareholders to receive dividends in the form of new shares rather than cash. It works the same way for mutual funds, and most funds offer automatic reinvestment as a choice for investors.Average Down - When you buy the same security at different times and at sequentially lower prices, in effect you are lowering, or averaging down, your cost per share. For example, if you bought 100 shares at $18, then 100 shares at $14, you would have invested a total of 200 shares at an average cost of $16 per share. Buy another 100 shares for $10 and your average would drop to $14 per share. Many investors who are confident in the long-term potential for a particular stock will consider falling prices a buying opportunity and accumulate more shares at lower prices.Average Life - Average time before a bond is likely to be called or retired, which often is less than the time until the bond matures.Away from the Market - Trade orders that cannot be executed because they are above or below the current bid or ask. For example, a limit order to sell 100 shares of Microsoft at $95 when the best or lowest offer is $89 will not be filled and is said the be "away from the market."Baby Bond - Bond with a face value of less than the traditional $1,000.Back Office - Term which refers to the administrative and clerical departments within a brokerage firm.Balance Sheet - Key financial statement showing a corporation’s assets, liabilities and shareholder capital.Balanced Fund - Mutual fund that invests in a portfolio balanced between equity, such as stocks, and debt instruments, such as bonds.Bank Quality - Term describing the highest quality of creditworthiness by an issuer of bonds or other debt securities; debt rating of BBB or higher by Standard & Poor's or Moody's.Basis Point - One hundredth of a percent; generally used to describe changes in bond yields. For example, a bond yield that changes from 6.01% to 7.11% is said to have gained 110 basis points.Bear Market - Popular term describing a period where general market conditions are marked by declining securities prices. (See "Bull Market")Bear Spread - In options, a strategy employing two contracts designed to profit from a drop in a stock’s price. Bearer Bond - Class of bonds which are not registered in the name of any particular owner, rather they are the property of the party which holds physical possession of the bond certificate. As such, bearer bonds pay interest and principal to whomever "bears" the bond itself, much in the way cash in your wallet is a "bearer" certificate.Bearer bonds are rarely issued any more by U.S. corporations, and are more likely to be the subject of a Hollywood cops-and-robbers script than your portfolio.Beneficial Owner - Person or party that really owns a security or "benefits" from the ownership. The term is used most often to describe the real, or beneficial owners of securities when those securities are held in "street name" in the person’s brokerage or bank account.Best Efforts - In an underwriting of securities, the term refers to an agreement between the issuer and the underwriter allowing the underwriter to call off the offering if it cannot sell the minimum agreed amount of securities.Beta - Measurement of the historical volatility of a stock, portfolio or mutual fund relative to the general market as measured by the S&P 500 stock index. A beta value greater than 1.0 represents greater volatility than the general market; less than 1.0 represents less volatility than the general market.Bid - Highest price at which a dealer or market maker will purchase a security. (See "Ask," "Offer," "Quote")Big Board - Nickname for the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).Block - Transaction involving a large number of shares or other units of a security. Blocks may vary in size depending on the liquidity of the security traded and the number of shares in the block transaction. Often however, blocks are transacted at a discount to the current market as an accepted cost of trading a large number of shares "away" from the market.Blowout - Slang term referring to a party selling a large number of shares into the market without regard for the demand for shares or potential effect on the market price of the security.

Synthetic trading dictionaryBlue Chip - Financially strong, established company.Blue Sky - Refers to securities registration or broker licensing, or the securities regulatory authorities of individual states. For example, if a stock broker in the state of New York has complied with licensing or registration requirements for Florida, Texas and Illinois, then he or she is said the be "blue skied" in those states and may solicit sales from account holders residing therein. Blue sky often is referred to in private placements, IPOs and secondary underwritings to designate the states in which securities may be sold. The term also is frequently used with many securities quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board or the Pink Sheets.Board of Directors - Persons elected by a company’s shareholders to make important decisions such as electing officers of the company. Directors are also considered control persons and as such, are generally restricted from transacting in the company’s securities without proper reporting.Boiler Room - Term often used to describe a brokerage firm or other sales organization where investors are aggressively solicited over the telephone; often associated with highpressure telephone sales tactics in connection with penny stocks and other risky investments.Bond - Debt security with a maturity of greater than one year; a corporate IOU. Many different kinds of bonds are available to investors, such as convertible bonds, which may entitle a holder to shares of an issuer's stock. Bond creditworthiness is commonly rated by Standard and Poor's and Moody’s investor services. (See "Baby Bond," "Bearer Bond," "Bond Fund," "Corporate Bond," "Coupon Bond," "Junk Bond," "Zero Coupon Bond").Bond Fund - Type of mutual fund whose aim is to provide stable income with minimal risk. It may invest in preferred stocks as well as corporate, government or municipal bonds.Bond Power - Form used to transfer ownership of a bond.Book Value - Balance sheet measure of a company’s net worth. Generally calculated from total assets minus total liabilities, including any preferred shares, and often expressed as a per-share value when divided by the company’s number of outstanding common shares. Although used as a measure of a company’s fundamental net worth, it may prove deceptive. A company’s assets as expressed on its "books" often includes arbitrary adjustment for depreciation and does not take into account their fair market value if they were to be sold.Boston Stock Exchange (BSE) - Regional stock exchange where shares of securities often traded on other U.S. exchanges, including NYSE, AMEX and Nasdaq, are traded.Branch Manager - The person managing a branch office of a brokerage firm and supervising the activities of its affiliated stockbrokers.Breadth - Comparison of issues traded on a stock exchange on a given day to the total number of issues listed for trading. Market trends are considered confirmed only upon reasonable breadth in the market.Breakeven - Point at which neither a profit or loss exists. The term is applied in various ways. In options, for example, it is sometimes synonymous with "at the money," whereas "in the money" refers to a potential profit position and "out of the money" a potential loss.Breakout - Used in technical analysis of securities, referring to a pattern where the price of a security changes significantly, either up or down, from a previous range where the price held relatively steady.Bridge Loan - Temporary loan used to provide a company with a portion of working capital while arrangements for permanent financing are executed. In initial public offerings, the lead underwriter often will provide a bridge loan to the company, secured by shares of the company’s stock. If the IPO is successful, the underwriter will typically be repaid its bridge loan through the sale of the security's shares in the IPO, and often at a much higher price.Broker - Stockbroker; any person who has been duly registered by the National Association of Securities Dealers and or a state’s securities regulation authority to take customer orders or to solicit the sale of a security. Brokers are also called Registered Representatives, as it is most common to become a broker by passing the NASD Series 7 examination.Broker Loan - Rate of interest charged by a brokerage firm to its customers for securities bought on margin.At the following link you can download the complete glossary: Trading-Synthetic-Dictionary.pdfDaimon E-Books Directory is a free web resource which contains links to free downloadable e-books, publishers, authors, technical papers, documents, as well as user contributed content, articles, reviews and comments. Daimon E-Books Directory is a service to students, researchers and e-book lovers.To find out more about trading and finance you can also read:Finance and tradingFinancial safety rulesTechnical Read the full article



Jun 5

Prediction and Trading

Actions and results in trading historyPrediction and Trading, failed Prediction from History and technical analysis. Some interesting quotes and advices.Failed Prediction from History. Economist and Yale professor Irving Fisher spent the early 20th century as one of the undisputed wizards of Wall Street. Today, however, he is best known for making what is perhaps the most disastrously timed stock market prediction in history. The call came in early October 1929, in the days after stock prices leapt to dizzying new heights. Some claimed the jump was a sign that a massive crash was imminent, but Fisher was famously optimistic. As reported in the New York Times, he told guests at a dinner meeting that stock prices had reached “what looks like a permanently high plateau… I believe the principle of the investment trusts is sound, and the public is justified in participating in them.” Only a few weeks later, the stock market experienced a catastrophic crash. Thousands of investors, including Fisher, lost their fortunes in the ensuing hysteria.Irving Fisher and the Stock MarketTo anticipate the market is to gamble. To be patient and react only when the market gives the signal is to speculate.Jesse LivermoreWithout passion, you don't have energy. Without energy, you have nothing.Carl William BrownI was broke in the 1970s, and I never wanted to be broke again. My philosophy was that if you make money every month, nothing bad is going to happen to you. So, you won’t be the richest person. You’ll never be the richest person anyway. What difference does it make? I’m proud of my futures trading, because I took $40,000 and ran it up to about $20 million with never more than a 3 percent draw down.Marty SchwartzTo do the job right requires such an enormous amount of concentration. It’s physically and emotionally mandatory that you find some time to relax. And you’ve got to be able to turn it off like that. There will be times though that I get so incredibly excited about a trade or even a project that I’ll wake up at 4 o’clock in the morning and there’s no way in hell that I’m going back to sleep. I’ll sit there in my dreams and trade for four hours.Paul Tudor JonesWhere you want to be is always in control, never wishing, always trading, and always first and foremost protecting your ass. That's why most people lose money as individual investors or traders because they're not focusing on losing money. They need to focus on the money that they have at risk and how much capital is at risk in any single investment they have. If everyone spent 90 percent of their time on that, not 90 percent of the time on pie-in-the-sky ideas on how much money they're going to make, then they will be incredibly successful investors.Paul Tudor JonesIf anyone in the world was stranded on a deserted island, and they could only have access to one form of trading, either all the fundamental information in the world, or the access to charts for technical analysis, I would say that, and it's not even remotely close, people would be foolish not to choose technical analysis every day of the week and twice on Sunday.Paul Tudor JonesNobody can catch all the fluctuations. In a bull market your game is to buy and hold until you believe that the bull market is near its end. To do this you must study general conditions and not tips or special factors affecting individual stocks. Then get out of all your stocks; get out for keeps! You have to use your brains and your vision to do this; otherwise my advice would be as idiotic as to tell you to buy cheap and sell dear. One of the most helpful things that anybody can learn is to give up trying to catch the last eighth-or the first. These two are the most expensive eighths in the world.Jesse Jesse LivermoreFailure to wait (for the Pivotal Point to be passed). There were two basic reasons. First, I lacked the patience to wait until the psychological time had arrived, price wise, to begin my operation. I had known that if cotton ever sold up to 12.5 cents a pound it would be on its way to much higher prices. But no, I did not have the will power to wait. I though I must make a few extra dollars quickly, before cotton reached the buying point, and I acted before the market was ripe. Not only did I lose around $200,000 in actual money, but a profit of $1,000,000. For my original plan, well fixed in mind, contemplated the accumulation of 100,000 bales after the Pivotal Point had been passed. I could not have missed making a profit of 200 points or more on that move.Jesse LivermoreOne of the allures of this business is that sometimes the greatest ignoramus can do very well. That is unfortunate because it creates the impression that you don’t necessarily need any professionalism to do well, and that is a great trap. So the major advice I would give anybody is: Recognize that this is a very competitive business, and that when you decide to buy or sell a stock, you are competing with people who have devoted a good portion of their lives to this same endeavor. In many instances, those professionals are on the opposite side of your trades and, on balance, they are going to beat you.Michael SteinhardtDaily news roundup by TradingViewTo find out more about trading and finance you can also read:Finance and tradingFinancial safety rulesTechnical approach to tradingTrading tips 1Trading lovers50 great quotes about tradingBest trading practicesPrediction and tradingPaul King trading rulesGolden rules of tradingReal Time Economic Calendar provided by Investing.com.20 golden rules of tradingPenny stocks tradingJesse Livermore trading lessonsJesse Livermore trading rulesTrading versus gamblingGreat trading adviceGolden trading rulesTrading glossaryTrading quotationsSalva Read the full article



Jun 3

Market financial and business news, an article with some quotes, tips and very useful Dukascopy Bank widgets to inform you on the most important updated economi

Market financial and business news, an article with some quotes, tips and very useful Dukascopy Bank widgets to inform you on the most important economic news

#yahoo finance

Market financial and business news

Market financial newsMarket financial and business news, an article with some quotes, tips and very useful Dukascopy Bank widgets to inform you on the most important updated economic world financial news.Personal finance is only 20% head knowledge. It’s 80% behavior!Dave RamseyIt’s simple arithmetic: Your income can grow only to the extent that you do.T. Harv EkerMoney, like emotions, is something you must control to keep your life on the right track.Natasha MunsonOpportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.Warren BuffettIn fact, what determines your wealth is not how much you make but how much you keep of what you make.David BachA big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life.Suze OrmanDon’t tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.Joe BidenBeware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.Benjamin FranklinA budget tells us what we can’t afford, but it doesn’t keep us from buying it.William FeatherMoney isn’t everything, but it’s right up there with oxygen.Zig ZiglarA man who does not plan long ahead will find trouble right at his door.ConfuciusMake sure you have financial intelligence… I don’t care if you have money or you don’t have money… you need to go and study finance no matter what.Daymond JohnYou can have excuses or you can have success; you can’t have both.Jen SinceroTough times never last, but tough people do.Robert H. SchullerThe way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.Walt DisneyLike it or not, money makes the world go round. It provides you with basic necessities and helps you achieve your savings goals. Unfortunately, money doesn’t grow on trees. That's why market, financial, and business news are crucial for making informed investment decisions.By staying informed on these fronts, investors can make better decisions, manage risks, and capitalize on opportunities. So you must be well informed about trends, sentiments and economic indicators. Market news provides insights into overall market trends and investor sentiment, which can influence stock prices. Then information on economic indicators (e.g., GDP growth, unemployment rates) helps investors gauge the health of the economy, which affects investment choices.As far as financial news they concern companies performances, and they includes earnings reports, financial statements, and performance metrics of companies. Analyzing this data helps in assessing the profitability and financial health of a company. Don't forget top watch carefully their valuation, since updates on stock valuations and comparisons with industry peers help investors determine if a stock is overvalued or undervalued.Last but not least there are business news, such as industry developments. These kind of news covers industry-specific developments, technological advancements, and competitive dynamics that can impact a company's growth prospects. And finally information on mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and other corporate actions can significantly affect a company's stock price and future performance.So, since everyone faces a difficult financial period at some point, no need of panicking or becoming overwhelmed, because it’s important to note that these times are perhaps only temporarily. Certainly you must be ready for a lot of hard work, smart planning and determination, and doing like this any financial situation can be turned around over time, no matter how bad it is.Dukascopy Financial News OnlineThe Online News web widget is an embeddable real-time financial news aggregator. It streams announcements and articles on Forex and commodity markets, companies and stocks, and global economies from approximately 500 news providers, including central banks, credit rating agencies, auditors, stock exchanges, and major news agencies such as Reuters, MarketWatch, and CNBC. The live stream is available in 22 languages.The Market Summary widget gives a quick overview of the latest developments in various Forex instruments and commodity, stock, and index CFDs. As such this widget incorporates four others – Live Quotes, Average Spreads, Daily Highs and Lows, and Sentiment, thus aggregating the data on latest bid and ask prices and trading volumes, average spreads for different time frames, high and low prices for selected dates, and current differences between buy and sell positions.The Technical Indicators web widget is an embeddable technical analysis tools that gives an overview of trading signals based on the most popular indicators: Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Relative Strength Index (RSI), Stochastic Oscillator (Stochastic), Average Directional Index (ADX), Commodity Channel Index (CCI), Aroon Oscillator (AROON), Alligator, and Parabolic Stop and Reverse (SAR). The widget translates the values of the indicators into three types of signals: “Buy”, “Sell”, and “Neutral”. The signals are available for various Forex market instruments, commodity, index, and stock CFDs, and bitcoin, for time frames ranging from five minutes to one month.You can find out more visiting the following pages:Finance and trading newsTrading and finance indicatorsManagements last newsInvestments wealth newsMarket news and eventswww.dukascopy.comYahoo business newsYahoo finance newsBloomberg last news Read the full article



May 31

Ezra Pound quotes and aphorisms

Ezra Pound quotesEzra Pound quotes and aphorisms, a collection of his literary creations that resonate across generations. From the depths of poetry to the heights of philosophy, Pound's words encapsulate the essence of human experience. Let his insights inspire and provoke thought in your journey through life.USURY is the cancer of the world, which only the surgeon’s knife of Fascism can cut out of the life of the nations.Ezra PoundMusic begins to atrophy when it departs too far from the dance... poetry begins to atrophy when it gets too far from music.Ezra PoundThere once was a brainy baboon who always breathed down a bassoon for he said, "It appears that in billions of years I shall certainly hit on a tune."Ezra PoundWith one day's reading a man may have the key in his hands.Ezra PoundThe act of bell ringing is symbolic of all proselytizing religions. It implies the pointless interference with the quiet of other people.Ezra PoundPay no attention to the criticism of men who have never themselves written a notable work.Ezra PoundNo man understands a deep book until he has seen and lived at least part of its contents.Ezra PoundA general loathing of a gang or sect usually has some sound basis in instinct.Ezra PoundFit for kings, formal gardens afford an earthly Elysium and the odd impression that we mere men might actually control nature for a time.Ezra PoundLiterature does not exist in a vacuum. Writers as such have a definite social function exactly proportional to their ability as writers. This is their main use.Ezra PoundLiterature is news that stays news.Ezra PoundThe art of letters will come to an end before A.D. 2000. I shall survive as a curiosity.Ezra PoundIf a nation's literature declines, the nation atrophies and decays.Ezra PoundA crowd pagan as ever imperial Rome was, eager, careless, with an animal vigour unlike that of any European crowd that I have ever looked at.Ezra PoundThe eyes of this dead lady speak to me For here was love, was not to be drowned out. And here desire, not to be kissed away. The eyes of this dead lady speak to me.Ezra PoundTechnique is the test of sincerity. If a thing isn't worth getting the technique to say, it is of inferior value.Ezra PoundI have tried to write Paradise Do not move Let the wind speak that is paradise. Let the Gods forgive what I have made Let those I love try to forgive what I have made.Ezra PoundArtists are the antennae of the race, but the bullet-headed many will never learn to trust the great artists.Ezra PoundGloom and solemnity are entirely out of place in even the most rigorous study of an art originally intended to make glad the heart of man.Ezra PoundThe curse of me and my nation is that we always think things can be bettered by immediate action of some sort, any sort rather than no sort.Ezra PoundGlance is the enemy of vision.Ezra PoundThe flavors of the peach and the apricot are not lost from generation to generation. Neither are they transmitted by book learning.Ezra PoundWhat thou lov'st well is thy true heritage.Ezra PoundThe modern artist must live by craft and violence. His gods are violent gods. Those artists, so called, whose work does not show this strife, are uninteresting.Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound quotes collectionThe primary pigment of poetry is the IMAGE.Ezra PoundThe natural object is always the adequate symbol.Ezra PoundThere is no reason why the same man should like the same books at eighteen and at forty-eightEzra PoundFundamental accuracy of statement is the ONE sole morality of writing.Ezra PoundBut the one thing you should. not do is to suppose that when something is wrong with the arts, it is wrong with the arts ONLY.Ezra PoundHumanity is the rich effluvium, it is the waste and the manure and the soil, and from it grows the tree of the arts.Ezra PoundIn our time, the curse is monetary illiteracy, just as inability to read plain print was the curse of earlier centuries.Ezra PoundAll great art is born of the metropolis.Ezra PoundPeople find ideas a bore because they do not distinguish between live ones and stuffed ones on a shelf.Ezra PoundAs a bathtub lined with white porcelain, when the hot water gives out or goes tepid, so is the slow cooling of our chivalrous passion, o my much praised but-not-altogether-satisfactory lady.Ezra PoundI have never known anyone worth a damn who wasn't irascible.Ezra PoundIt is difficult to write a paradise when all the superficial indications are that you ought to write an apocalypse. It is obviously much easier to find inhabitants for an inferno or even a purgatorio.Ezra PoundI guess the definition of a lunatic is a man surrounded by them.Ezra PoundA heroic figure... not wholly to blame for the religion that's been foisted on him.Ezra PoundNo good poetry is ever written in a manner twenty years old, for to write in such a manner shows conclusively that the writer thinks from books, convention and cliche, not from real life.Ezra PoundAS A MIND, who the hell else is there left for me to take an interest IN??Ezra PoundThe worst mistake I made was that stupid, suburban prejudice of anti-semitism.Ezra PoundI dunno what my 23 infantile years in America signify. I left as soon as motion was autarchic - I mean my motion.Ezra PoundAny general statement is like a check drawn on a bank. Its value depends on what is there to meet it.Ezra PoundThe jargon of these sculptors is beyond me. I do not know precisely why I admire a green granite female, apparently pregnant monster with one eye going around a square corner.Ezra PoundA great age of literature is perhaps always a great age of translations.Ezra PoundThe Image is more than an idea. It is a vortex or cluster of fused ideas and is endowed with energy.Ezra PoundA slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.Ezra PoundYou let me throw the bricks through the front window. You go in at the back and take the swag.Ezra PoundNothing written for pay is worth printing. Only what has been written against the market.Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound aphorisms and quotesA civilized man is one who will give a serious answer to a serious question. Civilization itself is a certain sane balance of values.Ezra PoundThe real trouble with war (modern war) is that it gives no one a chance to kill the right people.Ezra PoundI could I trust starve like a gentleman. It's listed as part of the poetic training, you know.Ezra PoundA man of genius has a right to any mode of expression.Ezra PoundReligion, oh, just another of those numerous failures resulting from an attempt to popularize art.Ezra PoundThe technique of infamy is to start two lies at once and get people arguing heatedly over which is the truth.Ezra PoundDemocracy is now currently defined in Europe as a "country run by Jews".Ezra PoundIf a man isn't willing to take some risk for his opinions, either his opinions are no good or he's no good.Ezra PoundWars in old times were made to get slaves. The modern implement of imposing slavery is debt.Ezra PoundReal education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing, the rest is mere sheep-herding.Ezra PoundUntil you know who has lent what to whom, you know nothing whatever of politics, you know nothing whatever of history, you know nothing of international wrangles.Ezra PoundAmerica is a lunatic asylum.Ezra PoundWhat matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it.Ezra PoundIt is the business of the artist to make humanity aware of itself.Ezra PoundWhat matters most is not the idea, but the capacity to believe in it completely.Ezra PoundWhen words cease to cling close to things, kingdoms fall, empires wane and diminish.Ezra PoundTo say that a state cannot pursue its aims because there is no money, is like saying that an engineer cannot build roads, because there are no kilometers.Ezra PoundThe temple is holy because it is not for sale.Ezra PoundWars are made to make debt.Ezra PoundThe what is so much more important than how.Ezra PoundUse no superfluous word, no adjective, which does not reveal something.Ezra PoundThe concept of genius as akin to madness has been carefully cultivated by the inferiority complex of the public.Ezra PoundEither move or be moved.Ezra PoundLiberty is not a right but a duty.Ezra PoundEvery great change is simple.Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound quote on the lunaticWhy fight for a flag when you can buy one for a nickel.Ezra PoundI guess the definition of a lunatic is a man surrounded by them.Ezra PoundAdolf Hitler was a Jeanne d'Arc, a saint. He was a martyr. Like many martyrs, he held extreme views.Ezra PoundIt would be about as easy for an American to become a Chinaman or a Hindoo as for him to acquire an Englishness or a Frenchness or a European-ness that is more than half skin deep.Ezra PoundI found after seventy years that I was not a lunatic but a moron... I should have been able to do better.Ezra PoundMan is an over-complicated organism. If he is doomed to extinction he will die out for want of simplicity.Ezra PoundThe artist is always beginning. Any work of art which is not a beginning, an invention, a discovery is of little worth.Ezra PoundI did not enter into silence. Silence captured me.Ezra PoundWhen two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary.Ezra PoundBe not cheap or mediocre in desiring.Ezra PoundSomebody said that I am the last American living the tragedy of Europe.Ezra PoundI once saw a small child go to an electric light switch as say, Mamma, can I open the light? She was using the age-old language of exploration, the language of art.Ezra PoundWhere the dead walked and the living were made of cardboard.Ezra PoundThe ant's a centaur in his dragon world.Ezra PoundThere is no topicmore soporific and generally boring than the topic of Ireland as Ireland, as a nation.Ezra PoundAnd in the mean time my songs will travel, And the devirginated young ladies will enjoy them when they have got over the strangeness.Ezra PoundDon't be blinded by the theorists and a lying press.Ezra PoundSpeak against unconscious oppression, Speak against the tyranny of the unimaginative, Speak against bonds.Ezra PoundPoetry is a language pared down to its essentials.Ezra PoundGreat literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree.Ezra PoundRhythm is form cut into time.Ezra PoundGood writers are those who keep the language efficient. That is to say, keep it accurate, keep it clear.Ezra PoundAnd the days are not full enough And the nights are not full enough And life slips by like a field mouse Not shaking the grass.Ezra PoundThe only thing one can give an artist is leisure in which to work. To give an artist leisure is actually to take part in his creation.Ezra PoundScience is unpoetic only to minds jaundiced with sentiment and romanticism... the great masters of the past boasted all they could of it and found it magical.Ezra PoundIt doesn't matter which leg of your table you make first, so long as the table has four legs and will stand up solidly when you have finished it.Ezra PoundPoetry is a very complex art... It is an art of pure sound bound in through an art of arbitrary and conventional symbols.Ezra PoundAny damn fool can be spontaneous.Ezra PoundLearn of the green world what can be thy place in scaled invention or true artistry.Ezra PoundThe artist is the antenna of the race.Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound quote on the pressCome, let us pity those who are better off than we are. Come, my friend, and remember that the rich have butlers and no friends, And we have friends and no butlers.Ezra PoundUtter originality is, of course, out of the question.Ezra PoundDiscoveries are made by gluttons and addicts. The man who forgets to eat and sleep has an appetite for fact, for interrelations among causes.Ezra PoundGenius is the capacity to see ten things where the ordinary man sees one, and the man of talent sees two or three, plus the ability to register that multiple perception in the material of his art.Ezra PoundI desired my dust to be mingled with yours Forever and forever and forever.Ezra PoundThe secret of popular writing is never to put more on a given page than the common reader can lap off it with no strain whatsoever on his habitually slack attention.Ezra PoundThere is natural ignorance and there is artificial ignorance. I should say at the present moment the artificial ignorance is about eighty-five per cent.Ezra PoundIn verse one can take any damn constant one likes, one can alliterate, or assone, or rhyme, or quant, or smack, only one MUST leave the other elements irregular.Ezra PoundReligion I have defined as "Another of those numerous failures resulting from an attempt to popularize art".Ezra PoundThis is no book. Whoever touches this touches a man.Ezra PoundUse no word that under stress of emotion you could not actually say.Ezra PoundThe history of an art is the history of masterwork, not of failures, or mediocrity.Ezra PoundThe artist is always beginning.Ezra PoundAnyone who is too lazy to master the comparatively small glossary necessary to understand Chaucer deserves to be shut out from the reading of good books forever.Ezra PoundProperly, we should read for power. Man reading should be man intensely alive. The book should be a ball of light in one's hand.Ezra PoundWhat thou lovest well remains, the rest is dross What thou lov’st well shall not be reft from thee What thou lov’st well is thy true heritageEzra PoundPoets who are not interested in music are, or become, bad poets.Ezra PoundI would hold the rosy, slender fingers of the dawn for you.Ezra PoundSmall talk comes from small bonesEzra PoundFrom the colour the nature And by the nature the sign! Beatific spirits welding together As in one ash-tree in Ygdrasail.Ezra PoundI have always thought the suicide should bump off at least one swine before taking off for parts unknown.Ezra PoundThe difference between a gun and a tree is a difference of tempo. The tree explodes every spring.Ezra PoundIf I could believe the Quakers banned music because church music is so damn bad, I should view them with approval.Ezra PoundA people that grows accustomed to sloppy writing is a people in the process of losing grip on its empire and on itself.Ezra PoundCompose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of a metronome.Ezra PoundA man's hope measures his civilization. The attainability of the hope measures, or may measure, the civilization of his nation and time.Ezra PoundIf the individual, or heretic, gets hold of some essential truth, or sees some error in the system being practiced, he commits so many marginal errors himself that he is worn out before he can establish his point.Ezra PoundThe sum of human wisdom is not contained in any one language, and no single language is capable of expressing all forms and degrees of human comprehension.Ezra PoundOur own consciousness is incapable of having produce the universe. God, therefore, exists. That is to say, there is no reason for not applying the term God, Theos, to the intimate essenceEzra PoundColloquial poetry is to the real art as the barber's wax dummy is to sculpture.Ezra PoundBureaucrats are a pox. They are supposed to be necessary. Certain chemicals in the body are supposed to be necessary to life, but cause death the moment they increase beyond a suitable limit.Ezra PoundConsider the way of the scientists rather than the way of an advertising agent for a new soap.Ezra PoundHere is our poetry, for we have pulled down the stars to our will.Ezra PoundPoetry must be as well written as prose.Ezra PoundThe apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet black bough.Ezra PoundThe man who fears war and squats opposing My words for stour, hath no blood of crimson But is fit only to rot in womanish peace.Ezra PoundRhythm must have meaning.Ezra PoundTo break the pentameter, that was the first heave.Ezra PoundA real building is one on which the eye can light and stay lit.Ezra PoundIt is better to present one image in a lifetime than to produce voluminous work. Image...that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time.Ezra PoundAmerica, my country, is almost a continent and hardly yet a nation.Ezra PoundI think an alliance with Stalin's Russia is rotten.Ezra PoundThe intellect is a very nice whirligig toy, but how people take it seriously is more than I can understand. Read the full article



May 27

Marketing, idee, citazioni e riflessioni

Marketing, promozioni e strategieMarketing, idee, citazioni e riflessioni. Un articolo che spiega l'essenza e lo sviluppo del marketing attraverso vari pensieri d'autore, con links a vari dizionari di marketing.Forse siamo arrivati tutti su navi diverse, ma ora siamo sulla stessa barca.Martin Luther King Jr.Concetti di marketing, di pubblicità, di economia, di politica, e di filosofia, con particolare riguardo al vocabolario della globalizzazione mondiale, delle nuove strategie e delle nuove realtà che obbligano necessariamente a riflettere sul ruolo della società nell'insieme delle sue dinamiche aziendali più avanzate. Particolare attenzione sarà dedicata all'information technology e alle sue leggi mediatiche che riguardano soprattutto "dati, voce, video e mobilità".Non saranno neppure trascurati gli aspetti inerenti al terzo settore del no-profit, alle problematiche ambientali, e alle relazioni tra politica, finanza e stupidità umana, infatti nessuna attività può essere pensata solo in funzione del profitto senza tenere per questo conto delle esigenze più ampie e globali della nostra specie e della nostra spiritualità, ricordo a tutti del resto che nel lungo periodo, magari anche breve, saremo tutti morti, e del nostro lavoro e del ricordo legato alle sue imprese rimarrà solo esclusivamente quello che avrà del valore sociale, morale, artistico e scientifico per le generazioni future, infatti si sa che il denaro passa sempre di mano, e a meno che non siate un Rockfeller non sarete di certe ricordati per le vostre risorse mobiliari o immobiliari!Carl William BrownIl marketing è una parte importante del ciclo produttivo. Non è solo una parte del processo di vendita, ma è spesso coinvolto nel processo di creazione di un prodotto prima ancora che venga progettato. I ricercatori di mercato scoprono quali persone vogliono comprare cosa e poi, per le campagne di vendita, quanto i potenziali consumatori sono disposti a pagare.Carl William BrownLe prime tecniche di marketing seguivano la produzione ed erano responsabili solo del trasferimento delle merci dal produttore al punto di vendita finale. Ora, però, il marketing è molto più pervasivo. Nelle grandi aziende le funzioni di marketing precedono la fabbricazione di un prodotto e coinvolgono ricerche di mercato, sviluppo, progettazione e test del prodotto.Carl William BrownUn marketing di successo significa fornire il prodotto giusto alle persone giuste: al prezzo giusto, al momento giusto, nel posto giusto, nel giusto confezionatore e con la giusta promozione.Carl William BrownInnanzitutto siamo impegnati nella creazione e promozione di un marchio, poi dobbiamo tenere ben presente che trasformare un marchio in un leader socialmente responsabile non avviene da un giorno all'altro semplicemente scrivendo nuove strategie di marketing e pubblicità. Ci vuole impegno per identificare una visione che i tuoi clienti troveranno credibile e in linea con i loro valori, come ci insegna Simon Mainwaring.Carl William BrownIl marketing migliore è quello che non sembra marketing.Tom FishburneLa cooperazione è lo sforzo comune di un gruppo per il reciproco vantaggio. La cooperazione è un lavoro di squadra. La cooperazione significa lavorare insieme pacificamente. Come ha affermato Ashley Montague, più il gruppo è cooperativo, maggiore è la capacità di sopravvivenza che si estende a tutti i suoi membri. Carl William BrownParla con il tuo pubblico usando la sua lingua e raccontando ciò che gli sta a cuore.Jonathan Lister

Marketing Idee Citazioni RiflessioniKaizen. Essere costantemente (Kai) orientati al miglioramento (Zen), imparando a progredire facendo tesoro dagli errori passati. Da una famosa pubblicità.Qualunque cosa tu faccia, il Daimon Club sicuramente può fare qualcosa anche per te, ovviamente, e insieme possiamo fare molto di più! Unisciti a noi! Sul nostro sito web troverai un'analisi tecnica del marketing online, collegamenti e strategie SEO e molte diverse possibilità per assicurarti che il tuo sito web e la tua attività siano facilmente reperibili, ottenendo così una grande popolarità e un sorprendente aumento di visitatori e opportunità di business. Crediamo infatti, come sostengono anche i grandi innovatori, che il mondo dell'impresa nella sua essenza più profonda sia fondamentalmente umano, e che la tecnica senza estetica alla lunga non interessi a nessuno. Il vero linguaggio del commercio è la conversazione naturale tra esseri umani.Carl William BrownThe American Dream never really existed. It was a marketing scam.James AltucherSolo le aziende che avranno infatti compreso le immense potenzialità che può offrire la Rete, saranno un passo avanti rispetto alla concorrenza e raccoglieranno i primi frutti del loro investimento. Carl William BrownIl nostro primo obiettivo è creare e coltivare una rete online unica e innovativa ispirata da manager, artisti e scienziati internazionali di tutti i settori al fine di potenziare un marketing e una comunicazione reali ed efficaci. Il nostro obiettivo principale è promuovere tutti i diversi rami delle relazioni per favorire la crescita professionale, intellettuale e creativa dei vari attori della cultura e dell'economia, nonché contribuire alla soluzione pratica di problemi specifici legati alla professionalità e all'esistenza di ciascuno di essi . Consapevoli del fatto che se non realizziamo opere davvero grandi, e se pensiamo solo al mero denaro, tra qualche anno tutti i nostri sforzi svaniranno e nessuno si ricorderà di noi!Carl William BrownDobbiamo imparare a vivere insieme come fratelli o morire insieme come stolti.Martin Luther King Jr.Quando le ragnatele si uniscono, possono legare un leone.Proverbio etiopeLa vera essenza del marketing, del saper fare, dell'imprenditoria, e della conoscenza stessa è la comunicazione. Per cui se un manager, un professionista, un industriale, uno scienziato o un politico vogliono migliorare la loro attività e con essa le sorti della vita sul nostro pianeta devono fare in modo che le loro competenze siano messe a disposizione della più ampia e diffusa collaborazione tra i vari elementi della società globale.Carl William BrownNon esiste legame più sicuro tra amici di quando sono uniti nei loro oggetti e desideri.CiceroneUna singola freccia si spezza facilmente, ma non dieci in un fascio.Proverbio giapponeseMeglio piegarsi che rompersi.Proverbio scozzese

Marketing e promozioniOgni grande industria una volta era un’industria in crescita. Ma alcuni che ora stanno cavalcando un’ondata di entusiasmo per la crescita sono in gran parte all’ombra del declino. Altri, considerati settori in crescita stagionata, in realtà hanno smesso di crescere. In ogni caso, la ragione per cui la crescita è minacciata, rallentata o fermata non è perché il mercato è saturo. È perché c’è stato un fallimento nella gestione.Teodoro LevittNoi crediamo infatti, come sostengono anche i grandi innovatori della filosofia tecnologica e commerciale della rete, che il mondo del business nella sua essenza profonda, è fondamentalmente umano, e che la tecnica senza estetica alla lunga non interessa nessuno. Il vero linguaggio del commercio del resto è la naturale conversazione tra degli esseri umani.Carl William BrownNon dovete pensare solo al guadagno immediato, o alle attività più meramente aziendali, riflettete invece sul fatto che il vostro lavoro deve essere creativo e se volete farlo nel migliore dei modi, dovete pensare in grande, per il beneficio ed il progresso dell'umanità, solo così avrete una chance di essere ricordati!Carl William BrownL'essere umano pur essendo un'entità finita ha però sempre più bisogno di valenze infinite!Carl William BrownQuando avete tempo, lo buttate via per il denaro, sperando inconsapevolmente di guadagnare tempo, quando poi il denaro non vi mancherà, allora però anche il tempo, suo antagonista, scarseggerà.Carl William BrownNel marketing bisogna scegliere tra noia, urla e seduzione. Quale vuoi?Roy H.WilliamsIl marketing è troppo importante per essere lasciato al reparto marketing.David PackardNon è possibile separare economia, scienze politiche, storia, istruzione, finanza, tecnologia, marketing e stupidità.Carl William BrownQualsiasi relazione interpersonale e interorganizzativa che comporti uno scambio è marketing.William J. StantonLa creatività è pensare a cose nuove. L’innovazione è fare cose nuove.Teodoro LevittUn cliente soddisfatto è la migliore strategia aziendale di tutte.Michael Le BoeufUn marchio per un’azienda è come la reputazione per una persona. Guadagni reputazione cercando di fare bene le cose difficili.Jeff BezosQuando il prodotto è giusto, non devi essere un grande marketer.Lee IacoccaSu questo globo rimpicciolito gli uomini non possono più vivere come estranei.Adlai StevensonL’amicizia è essenzialmente una partnership.AristoteleLa base della nostra strategia di partnership e del nostro approccio di partnership: costruiamo la tecnologia sociale.Marco ZuckerbergUna buona partnership deve essere utile e proficua non solo per i diversi partner coinvolti ma anche per l’intera società.Carlo William Brown

Agenzie di marketing e pubblicitàLa pubblicità è la ragione principale per cui l'uomo d'affari è venuto ad ereditare la terra.James R. AdamsTrasformare un marchio in un leader socialmente responsabile non avviene da un giorno all’altro semplicemente scrivendo nuove strategie di marketing e pubblicità. Ci vuole impegno per identificare una visione che i tuoi clienti troveranno credibile e in linea con i loro valori.Simon MainwaringIl marketing mix è facilmente spiegabile: prodotto, prezzo, persone, promozione, pubblicità, luogo, processo. Non dimenticare mai che hai solo un’opportunità per fare una prima impressione: con gli investitori, con i clienti, con le PR e con il marketing.Natalie MassenetIl lavoro di uno scienziato, di un tecnico, di un ricercatore, di un professionista o di un imprenditore è sempre riproducibile, mentre il lavoro di un artista è unico ed irripetibile. Tuttavia però nulla esclude che le due attività, anche se è raro, si possano trovare unite e in simbiosi. Carl William BrownIl marketing è ciò che ti fa notare, e quel lato di esso – questo lato, se vuoi, fare interviste – è il lato che mi piace meno, eppure rappresenta il 50% del progetto.Rowan AtkinsonIl marketing e la stampa sollevano polvere. Ti entra negli occhi e quindi non ti concentri sul prodotto.Jan KoumTutti i media esistono per investire le nostre vite con percezioni artificiali e valori arbitrari.Marshall McLuhanUn'agenzia pubblicitaria è composta per l'85% da confusione e per il 15% da commissioni.Fred AllenQuando avete tempo, lo buttate via per il denaro, sperando inconsapevolmente di guadagnare tempo, quando poi il denaro non vi mancherà, allora però anche il tempo, suo antagonista, scarseggerà. Carl William BrownLa pubblicità è l’essenza stessa della democrazia.Anton CechovLa pubblicità è la ragione principale per cui l'uomo d'affari è venuto ad ereditare la terra.James R. AdamsLa pubblicità è l’arte di convincere le persone a spendere soldi che non hanno per qualcosa di cui non hanno bisogno.Will RogersLa pubblicità è la vita del commercio.Calvin CoolidgeMolte piccole cose sono diventate grandi grazie al giusto tipo di pubblicità.Mark TwainQuando parliamo della nuova economia, parliamo d'un mondo in cui le persone lavorano più con il cervello che con le mani; un mondo in cui la tecnologia delle comunicazioni ed il progresso scientifico legato alla produzione generano competizione globale, anche se non va trascurato in ogni caso l'enorme potenziale umano delle nazioni, Cina Docet.Carl William BrownIl fatto che Bill Gates sia l'uomo più ricco del mondo rivela un enorme cambiamento nei valori del capitalismo. La sua azienda, il suo centro di ricerca, la sua fondazione sono un evidente testimonianza del potere delle idee nella nuova economia. Di certo Bill gates sarà ricordato per vari motivi dalle generazioni future.Carl William BrownUn economia dell'informazione è più aperta, per competere, non occorre una linea di produzione, basta una buona idea. Ma è anche molto più competitiva, l'informazione infatti non è solo semplice da replicare, ma anche da copiare.Carl William Brown

Marketing SEOSe una maggioranza del consiglio della Federal Reserve decidesse di portare l'inflazione al 20 per cento, tale risultato potrebbe essere raggiunto in poco tempo. Questo deve far meditare sull'enorme potere di certe istituzioni, delle nazioni dove sono radicate e della mentalità che le anima.Carl William BrownSe una nazione non investe in ricerca, in istruzione, in formazione, in comunicazione, in cultura, in serietà, ma al contrario si lascia dominare dalla corruzione, dal lassismo, dal bullismo, dalla faciloneria e dalla stupidità presto inizierà la sua decadenza e dunque sarà meno affidabile e meno ben vista dagli altri paesi, di certo perderà in competitività e i suoi prodotti, così come i suoi servizi, saranno sempre meno appetibili e le sue ricchezze con il relativo tenore di vita diminuiranno inevitabilmente nel tempo. Per contrastare questo trend tutti possono e devono fare qualcosa di utile.Carl William BrownIl marketing informa semplicemente i consumatori sui prodotti e sui servizi che potrebbero essere utili per la loro vita. La formula di marketing più semplice, AIDA, funziona per: A – attirare la tua attenzione, I – farti interessare, D – trasformare quell’interesse in un desiderio che A – ti farà agire o acquistare il prodotto o servizio. Esistono due tipi di mercati: business-to-consumer e business-to-business. Il marketing funziona essenzialmente allo stesso modo indipendentemente dal fatto che il cliente sia Joe Q. Public o Public Company Number One. Per spingere il cliente all'azione, devi convincerlo che il prodotto o il servizio che offri ha valore per lui o per la sua azienda. Qui sta il fondamento del marketing, passato e presente.Il marketing si concentra principalmente sugli acquirenti, o consumatori, determinando i loro bisogni e desideri, educandoli riguardo alla disponibilità dei prodotti e alle caratteristiche importanti del prodotto, sviluppando strategie per convincerli ad acquistare e, infine, aumentando la loro soddisfazione per un acquisto. La gestione del marketing comprende la pianificazione, l'organizzazione, la direzione e il controllo del processo decisionale relativo alle linee di prodotti, ai prezzi, alla promozione e all'assistenza.Nella maggior parte di queste aree il marketing ha il controllo completo; in altri, come nello sviluppo delle linee di prodotto, la sua funzione è principalmente consultiva. Inoltre, il reparto marketing di un'azienda commerciale è responsabile della distribuzione fisica dei prodotti, determinando i canali di distribuzione che verranno utilizzati e supervisionando il flusso redditizio di merci dalla fabbrica o dal magazzino.La promozione è una delle componenti fondamentali del marketing. Un mix o piano promozionale è formato dai seguenti elementi strategici, ovvero: vendita, pubblicità, promozione delle vendite, marketing diretto e pubblicità. Un mix promozionale specifica quanta attenzione prestare a ciascuna delle cinque sottocategorie e quanti soldi mettere in bilancio per ciascuna.Un piano promozionale può avere una vasta gamma di obiettivi, tra cui: aumento delle vendite, accettazione di nuovi prodotti, creazione del valore del marchio, posizionamento, ritorsioni competitive o creazione di un'immagine aziendale. Fondamentalmente, tuttavia, ci sono tre obiettivi fondamentali della promozione. Questi sono: presentare informazioni ai consumatori e ad altri; aumentare la domanda; per differenziare un prodotto.Esistono diversi modi per promuovere un prodotto in diverse aree dei media. I promotori utilizzano pubblicità su Internet, eventi speciali, sponsorizzazioni e giornali per pubblicizzare il loro prodotto. Molte volte con l'acquisto di un prodotto c'è un incentivo come sconti, articoli gratuiti o un concorso. Questo per aumentare le vendite di un determinato prodotto.Il marketing mix copre tutte le attività normalmente associate al marketing. Queste sono spesso conosciute come le 4P: Prodotto: trovare il prodotto o la combinazione di prodotti giusti per quel mercato (attraverso la ricerca, la progettazione e lo sviluppo); Prezzo: decidere il prezzo più vantaggioso possibile, tenendo conto della concorrenza e della domanda; Luogo: rendere disponibile il prodotto quando e dove necessario; Promozione: convincere i clienti ad acquistare il prodotto, con mezzi di comunicazione adeguati.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3L7yFPMtBwAI Marketing softwareUniversal Marketing DictionaryDizionario di Marketing (Pdf)Inbound Marketing GlossaryDaimon brand tra realtà e metaforeMarketing last newsAdvertising Read the full article



May 27

Memorial Day

Memorial Day MonumentMemorial Day, legal holiday observed annually on the last Monday in May in the United States, in honor of the nation’s armed services personnel killed in wartime.Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all our service men and women past and present. You are not forgotten!We’d like to say thank you to all the veterans of the United States of America. Thank you for the cost you paid so we could live in freedom and safety. Thank you that we have the freedom to pursue happiness, we have freedom of speech, we have all the freedoms other people only dream of. And sorry that some of us take these freedoms for granted.Memorial Day is about freedom given to us by the sacrifice of generations of soldiers. Wish a happy Memorial Day using some of these Memorial Day quotes. Send a message, or just say them personally.While only one day of the year is dedicated solely to honoring our veterans, Americans must never forget the sacrifices that many of our fellow countrymen have made to defend our country and protect our freedoms.This Memorial Day should remind us of the greatness that past generations of Americans achieved from Valley Forge to Vietnam, and it should inspire us with the determination to keep America great and free by keeping America safe and strong in our own time, a time of unique destiny and opportunity for our Nation.

Memorial DayFreedom does not come without a price. We may sometimes take for granted the many liberties we enjoy in America, but they have all been earned through the ultimate sacrifice paid by so many of the members of our armed forces.In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.Peace is the real and right memorial for those who have died in war.I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.As long as our nation is the home of the brave, it remains the land of the free. Happy Memorial Day!Memorial Day, legal holiday observed annually on the last Monday in May in the United States, in honor of the nation’s armed services personnel killed in wartime. The holiday was originally called Decoration Day because it is a time for decorating graves with flowers and flags. Over time, the designation Memorial Day became far more common.In the United States, local observances to honor the war dead became widespread following the American Civil War (1861-1865), which had taken more than 600,000 lives. These local observances inspired General John Alexander Logan, the leader of a Union veterans’ group called the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), to issue a general’s order in 1868 designating May 30 as a day for “strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land.” (By “the late rebellion,” Logan meant the Civil War, also known as the War of Rebellion.)

Memorial Day ArticleAccordingly, on May 30, 1868, several thousand people gathered to observe Decoration Day at Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. The memorial ceremonies were presided over by Washington officials such as General Ulysses Grant and included a tribute by General James A. Garfield. Following the speeches, thousands of war veterans, orphans, and other participants helped decorate the more than 20,000 graves of Civil War dead in the cemetery.A number of towns in the United States claim to have originated the custom of decorating graves in memorial of the Civil War dead, including Columbus, Mississippi; Macon, Georgia; Richmond, Virginia; Boalsburg, Pennsylvania; and Carbondale, Illinois. However, in 1966 President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a proclamation that declared Waterloo, New York, the birthplace of Memorial Day. Townspeople there had begun decorating graves of soldiers, flying flags at half-mast, and organizing parades of veterans 100 years earlier, in May 1866. Waterloo has continued this tradition every year.In 1873 New York became the first state to declare a holiday on May 30. By the end of the 1800s, states throughout the nation had declared Memorial Day a holiday.After World War I (1914-1918), Memorial Day observances were changed to honor the dead in all American wars, starting with the American Revolution. The U.S. Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday in 1971, and changed the date of observance from May 30 to the last Monday in May to give workers a three-day weekend.Memorial Day is marked by parades, speeches, and the decoration of graves. Traditionally, the president or vice president places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery, and small flags are placed on all the graves. Ceremonies also are held at Gettysburg National Military Park in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and at Antietam National Battlefield in Sharpsburg, Maryland. Many people choose to visit family graves on Memorial Day.

Memorial Day MonumentMany Southern states continue to honor the Confederate dead on a separate day. Confederate Memorial Day is observed on the fourth Monday in April in Alabama, the last Monday in April in Mississippi, April 26 in Georgia, May 10 in North Carolina and South Carolina, the last Monday in May in Virginia, and June 3 in Louisiana. Texas observes Confederate Heroes Day on January 19, the birthday of Confederate general Robert E. Lee. Tennessee observes Confederate Decoration Day on June 3, the birthday of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy (see Confederate States of America).The Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of summer activities, such as picnics and trips to the beach. A well-known automobile race, the Indianapolis 500, is held in Indiana every year on Memorial Day weekend.The weather is usually warm and sunny on the last Monday in May. Schools and offices are closed. Families and friends get together for picnics and baseball games. Beaches open for the summer season. Stores hold big sales. There are concerts and evening fireworks in parks.That is the fun side of the American national holiday Memorial Day. But Americans celebrate the holiday in very different ways. There is another, serious side which has more to do with how it all began: with giving thanks to soldiers who died in wars. Some towns organise parades in which war veterans, boy and girl scouts, and school bands in uniforms march to the inspiring sounds of trumpets, flutes, and drums.

Memorial Day HistoryPatriotic citizens, especially, and those involved with the military, visit national cemeteries, where each soldier's grave. As we said before the tradition of Memorial Day began shortly after the American Civil War (1861-1865). That bloody conflict ended in victory for the Northern, 'Union' states against eleven Southern, 'Confederate' states which had tried to break away from the USA and form a separate country. A major result was that slavery, the basis for the agricultural economy of the Southern states, was abolished. In 1865, former American slaves in South Carolina created a ceremony to honour Union soldiers who had died in the war.Starting in 1868, Memorial Day was observed annually on May 30th in many parts of the US. After the First World War, Americans began to honour their countrymen who had died in all wars. In 1971, it was decided that Memorial Day should be celebrated nationwide on the last Monday in May, whatever the date, creating a three-day Memorial Day Weekend. Today many people say that change made it possible for people to have a mini-vacation. They think the government should restore the single-day holiday on May 30th. In that way, citizens wouldn't only amuse themselves and forget the soldiers who died to defend freedoms that are central to the American way of life.The vast majority of Americans agree that Memorial Day should be a time to give thanks to all men and women who died in military service. Yet many citizens, especially pacifists, now criticise what they see as the blind patriotism of some people on Memorial Day. They think that Memorial Day parades and ceremonies should not be used as propaganda for US participation in controversial wars across the world, such as in Iraq and in Afghanistan.For almost 70 years, no Memorial Day parade was held in Washington DC. It is interesting that the tradition of the parade in the US capital was revived in 2005, during the presidency of the unpopular, self-declared "war president", George W Bush.

Memorial Day USAThey say that summer in the United States begins at the end of May with Memorial Day Weekend. The whole country takes a holiday on Monday and enjoys a long weekend. But what exactly is Memorial Day? It is in honour of all the veterans who died serving their country and, in the current political climate, some people find the military nature of the holiday offensive. Edwin Rutledge served in the US Navy from 1958 to 1961, but today he is a pacifist and lives in Germany, where he runs" the Munich American Peace Committee.In his own opinion there are certain societies in the States that are susceptible to the military aspect. For example, the Indians are very conscious - it's strange, they've been treated not very well in the States - but they're very proud to have served in the service. Other people have a little bit of difficulty with the idea of war, so they don't particularly like to think that way. There are certain populations in the US, for example the Oriental population, mainly the Japanese population, that has trouble celebrating Memorial Day, after some of the problems that they faced being put into camps during the Second World War.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsQ3E5pGWwQHere are the major U.S. holidays. In some cases, businesses, government offices, and schools will be closed, and also the International Days list.New Year’s Eve/New Year’s DayMLK Jr. DayPresident’s DayValentine’s DaySt. Patrick’s DayEaster/Spring BreakMother’s DayMemorial DayFather’s Day4th of JulyLabor DayHalloweenThanksgivingChristmas EveChristmas DayInternational Days List Read the full article


Marketing Evolution

The evolution of marketing in our societiesMarketing evolution in our societies through history. A short article that explains the development of marketing science and strategies and its great importance.Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.Theodore LevittEvery major industry was once a growth industry. But some that are now riding a wave of growth enthusiasm are very much in the shadow of decline. Others that are thought of as seasoned growth industries have actually stopped growing. In every case, the reason growth is threatened, slowed, or stopped is not because the market is saturated. It is because there has been a failure of management.Theodore LevittA satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all. Michael LeBoeufA brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well. Jeff BezosWhen the product is right, you don't have to be a great marketer.Lee IacoccaAdvertising is the principal reason why the business person has come to inherit the earth.James R. AdamsThe Evolution of Marketing: A History of How Companies Generate BusinessMarketing simply informs consumers about products and services that may be of value to their lives. The simplest marketing formula, AIDA, works to: A - get your attention, I - get you interested, D - turn that interest into a desire that will A - make you act or buy the product or service. There are two types of markets: business-to-consumer and business-to-business. Marketing works essentially the same way whether the customer is Joe Q. Public or Public Company Number One. To prompt the customer to action, you must persuade them that the product or service that you offer is of value to them or to their company. Therein lies the foundation of marketing, past and present.Pre-19th Century MarketingWhen Johann Gutenberg created the first printing press, printing was expensive and time-consuming. It was the 15th century, and religious institutions—churches and monasteries—were the only ones with the ability to afford one of the estimated 180 printed Gutenberg Bibles, one of the earliest examples of a mass-produced printed work. People looked to the church for life guidance and placed value on survival in an age where life expectancy did not exceed 30 years as a rule.With the advent of the printing press, you would think that it wouldn’t take long for books and magazines to fall into the hands of the average man. However, this didn’t happen until the late 19th century. During the 18th century, only society’s upper crust read books and “magazines,” which were more like small books of “soapbox” essays, created to impart opinion and history. The working and non-working poor resorted to reading newspapers and tabloids.19th CenturyColonial and European consumers discovered new products or services by word of mouth, rather than solely through print advertisem*nts. Reading habits were vastly different then, as compared to modern times. People didn’t care about what the cover or pages within a magazine looked like; they were interested mainly in content, which they devoured column-by-column, from the front to back cover.Marketing in the late 1800s was indelibly tied to circulation, not aesthetics (as is the case with many of today’s magazines). Congress allowed the U.S. Postal Service to offer second-class mail beginning in 1879. Publishers began to cut the prices of their magazines, so as to increase circulation. The principle was the same then as it is now regarding printing and mailing; it was cheaper to print and mail in bulk. When McClure’s magazine slashed its prices, Munsey’s magazine, its rival, undercut its pricing by a nickel. Both circulations went through the roof. Soon, all upper-crust soapbox magazines were affordable to the masses—leading to the birth of mass media.20th CenturyAmerica’s six major wars of the 20th century led to intense marketing of products and services, as a means of supporting war efforts. It was the coming-of-age era for mass-marketing. Free, compulsory education helped to maintain literacy levels in the high 90th percentile for most of the century. Technology flourished, as radio replaced television. Silent movies became “talkies,” and books and magazines infiltrated every home, learning institution, and business. As personal politics, the economy, and morals changed, however, marketing became less of a science and more of an art.Mass media began to use photos to liven up their pages and to give stories a “punch,” as journalism became more immediate with technological advances. From Ernie Pyle’s battlefield reporting, to TV’s first debates, to the invention of the Internet, the 20th century saw it all. Marketing became more personalized, technology grew, and big business was on the rise.During the 20th Century, there grew a need for marketers who were educated in business theory and practical marketing. Universities such as Harvard and Ohio State began to offer business and marketing classes. Soon, every viable postsecondary institution offered marketing degrees and business programs.On the social front, masses became more affluent, concentrating less on survival and more on pleasure. Radio and television ads began to pop up in the 1950s, mostly geared toward network sponsors, and not toward personal consumer wants. This changed in the 1960s, as popular culture changed the way America branded products and services. By the end of the 20th century, marketing became firmly entrenched in the newest of consumer gateways: the Internet.21st CenturyThe Internet has over two billion users around the world, with Asia and Europe combining nearly two-thirds of all users, according to 2011 Internet Usage Statistics. This means that the world’s marketing framework must take into account not only consumer wants and needs, but also nationality and locality. Online marketing and new technologies, such as Quick Response (QR) codes, seem to be the wave of future marketing integration. What began as a simple AIDA strategy is now a full-fledged campaign, tracing the world’s every want and need.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgj55z0mt98Other pages on these topics:English for BusinessManagement newsNews and eventsMarketing newsMarketing and SEOFinance and tradingAdvertising and MediaThe marketing mixMarketing basicsMarketing quotes Read the full article



May 19

The Marketing Mix

The marketing mix easiliy explainedThe marketing mix easily explained: product, price, people, promotion, publicity, place, process.Transforming a brand into a socially responsible leader doesn't happen overnight by simply writing new marketing and advertising strategies. It takes effort to identify a vision that your customers will find credible and aligned with their values.Simon MainwaringMarketing is the devil.Billy Bob ThorntonNever forget that you only have one opportunity to make a first impression - with investors, with customers, with PR, and with marketing.Natalie MassenetMarketing is what gets you noticed, and that side of it something - this side of it, if you like, doing interviews - is the side of it that I least enjoy, and yet is 50% of the project.Rowan AtkinsonMarketing and press kicks up dust. It gets in your eye, and then you're not focusing on the product.Jan KoumThe Marketing Mix.The marketing mix covers all the activities normally associated with marketing. These are often known as the 4Ps: • Product: finding the right product or combination of products for that market (through research, design and development); • Price: deciding the most profitable price possible, bearing in mind the competition and demand; • Place: making the product available when and where necessary; • Promotion: persuading customers to buy the product, with suitable means of communication.Product. Branding and packaging are two aspects of marketing strategies that consumers hardly ever notice but that serv to differentiate products, which may in fact be very similar. Branding Brand-naming agencies specialise in evaluating the product, the image the company wants to project to the consumer (perhaps its high-tech or homely nature, its price advantage, or style) and finding the best name for it.A good brand name should be memorable and appropriate, it should be pronounceable and hay no unpleasant connotations in any relevant language or culture where the product may he sold. Successful brand names are often the most important asset} a company may have as consumers will often pa; a lot more for a brand that has a good reputation. Since it is very difficult, time-consuming and expensive n create successful new brands, companies often find it quicker and cheaper to take over companies whose finance may not be in great shape, but whose products are well-known to consumers.Packaging The type of packaging a product is sold in is determined by several factors: what best protects the characteristics of the product, what is perceived by the consumer as being practical or attractive, what the best size of packaging is for that product, how the product may be made to look different from its competitors.Price. Good marketing means putting a product on the market at a price that is competitive (so in line with what competitors are charging), but still profitable. The final price depends not only on production and marketing costs, but also on the company's general strategy: there are a lot of reasons for deciding on one price rather than another.Pricing strategies Definitions. Loss leaders - products sold at less than cost to attract customers to buy other, more profitable products. Capturing pricing - selling the equipment cheaply and the consumable material necessary at a high price. Cost-plus pricing - price based on costs and a profit margin. Market-led pricing - setting prices according to competitors' pricing.Market-oriented-pricing - used to influence customer behaviour. Penetration pricing - cheap initial prices to gain market share. Market skimming - charging a high initial price for an innovative new product.Place. The "right place" is where and how you sell your product. You have to decide whether you want to distribute it directly to consumers (for example, through the Internet), or through wholesalers, agents or retailers. The choice will depend on the type of consumers you are targeting, your competitors' choices, and your company's resources (what you can afford).Promotion. Promotion is used to: • launch new products; • increase sales of existing products; • improve the company's image and/or strengthen its brand, (or even to change it). Often more than one type of medium will be used.Informational items. These make up the company's official face. Information about a company is regularly circulated in letterheads, business cards, on panels on the sides of company vehicles, in leaflets, flyers and catalogues. Public relations (PR). Another "informational" way of promoting a product, brand or the company is through public relations. PR can be in the form of press releases, sponsorships, advertisem*nts (also called ads or adverts), etc.Advertising Advertisers choose from the large variety of available means the medium which best delivers their message to potential customers in the most cost-effective way. This can be done in various ways. There is usually one primary medium, e.g. television or the press, which is used to lead the campaign, and one or more other means support the campaign (secondary media). These could be billboards (cartelloni pubblicitari) or the radio, etc.Read more about these topics downloading English Living Commerce in Summarieshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMZMrnNWY-AOther pages on the topic:English for BusinessManagement newsNews and eventsMarketing newsFinance and tradingAdvertising and MediaMarketing and SEOMarketing basicsMarketing quotesMarketing evolution Read the full article



May 19

Aforismi sulla vita, grandi citazioni per affrontarla meglio.

Aforismi sulla vitaAforismi sulla vita, grandi citazioni per affrontarla meglio. Del resto come diceva Jung, l'uomo deve sentire che vive in un mondo che, per certi aspetti, è misterioso; che in esso avvengono e si sperimentano cose che restano inesplicabili, e non solo quelle che accadono nell'ambito di ciò che ci si attende. L'inatteso e l'inaudito appartengono a questo mondo, perciò meditare sulle nostre vite può sempre insegnarci qualcosa.Vivere è la cosa più rara del mondo: i più, esistono solamente.Oscar WildeIl mistero dell’esistenza umana non sta semplicemente nel restare in vita, ma nel trovare qualcosa per cui vivere.Fëdor DostoevskijLa vita è una freccia infuocata che esce dal mistero delle tenebre, illumina l'oscurità della nostra vanità per un istante, e poi scompare per sempre nel buio infinito di una notte senza tempo.Carl William BrownLa vita, è solo un’ombra che cammina: un povero istrione, che si dimena, e va pavoneggiandosi, sulla scena del mondo, un’ora sola: e poi non s’ode più. Favola raccontata da un idiota, tutta piena di strepito e furore, che non vuol dir niente.William ShakespeareE questa nostra vita, libera dalle pubbliche cure, trova parole negli alberi, libri negli schiumosi ruscelli, eloquenza nelle pietre, e bene in ogni cosa.W. ShakespeareVivere in questo mondo è già una preghiera molto spirituale, certamente è abbastanza vana e inutile, ma siamo obbligati a recitarla almeno fino alla morte.Carl William BrownLa soluzione del problema della vita si coglie nello scomparire di questo problema. E non è proprio questa la ragione per la quale uomini, cui dopo lungo dubitare fu chiaro il senso della vita, non seppero dire in che cosa consistesse?Ludwig WittgensteinChe cosa è la vita di un uomo, se non una commedia, in cui ognuno va coperto di una maschera sua particolare e ognuno recita la sua parte sinché il capocomico lo allontana dalla scena?Erasmo da Rotterdam

Aforismi e citazioni sulla vitaTalvolta anche solo lo sguardo di una persona che amiamo può aiutarci a sopportare meglio il peso della vita. Carl William BrownPurtroppo il nostro pianeta è sempre più pieno di uomini vuoti, per dirla con Eliot, figure senza forma, ombre senza colore, non anime, perdute e violente, ma solo, uomini vuoti, uomini impagliati...Carl William BrownSoltanto tre cose son qui, quali sono? Nascita e amplesso e morte. Tutto qui, tutto qui, tutto qui, nascita e amplesso e morte. E se tiri le somme è tutto qui: nascita e amplesso e morte.Th. S. EliotNoi siamo fatti della stessa sostanza dei sogni, e nello spazio e nel tempo d’un sogno è raccolta la nostra breve vita.William ShakespeareEstremamente breve e travagliata è la vita di coloro che dimenticano il passato, trascurano il presente, temono il futuro: giunti al momento estremo, tardi comprendono di essere stati occupati tanto tempo senza concludere nulla.SenecaIl mio tempo non è ancora venuto; alcuni nascono postumi.Friedrich NietzschePer vivere con onore bisogna struggersi, battersi, sbagliare e ricominciare da capo e buttare via tutto, e di nuovo ricominciare e lottare e perdere eternamente.Lev TolstojLa vita è un sogno dal quale ci si sveglia morendo.Virginia WoolfSenza entusiasmo, non si è mai compiuto niente di grande.Ralph Waldo EmersonNon affezionatevi troppo alla vita, anche perché è un bene che presto vi verrà a mancare!Carl William Brown

Aforismi e massime sulla vitaPer ogni problema complesso, c'è sempre una soluzione semplice. Che è sbagliata.George Bernard ShawSolo i poveri riescono ad afferrare il senso della vita, i ricchi possono solo tirare a indovinare.Charles BukowskiIl più solido piacere di questa vita, è il piacere vano delle illusioni.Giacomo LeopardiE' un vero peccato che impariamo le lezioni della vita solo quando non ci servono più.Oscar WildeLa vita umana è come un pendolo che oscilla incessantemente fra noia e dolore, con intervalli fugaci, e per di più illusori, di piacere e gioia.Arthur SchopenhauerLa vecchiaia è l'unico sistema che si sia trovato per vivere a lungo.Charles de Sainte-BeuveTutti siamo nati matti. Qualcuno lo rimane.Samuel BeckettSiamo tutti costretti, per rendere sopportabile la realtà, a coltivare in noi qualche piccola pazzia.Marcel ProustPer vivere con onore bisogna struggersi, battersi, sbagliare e ricominciare da capo e buttare via tutto, e di nuovo ricominciare e lottare e perdere eternamente.Lev TolstojLe cose più belle della vita o sono immorali, o sono illegali, oppure fanno ingrassare.George Bernard Shaw

Aforismi, massime e citazioni sulla vitaDecise di cambiar vita, di approfittare delle ore del mattino. Si levò alle sei, fece la doccia, si rase, si vestì, gustò la colazione, fumò un paio di sigarette, si mise al tavolo di lavoro e si svegliò a mezzogiorno.Ennio FlaianoSenza letteratura la vita è un inferno.Charles BukowskiTutto è relativo. Prendi un ultracentenario che rompe uno specchio: sarà ben lieto di sapere che ha ancora sette anni di disgrazie.Albert EinsteinIo non amo la gente perfetta, quelli che non sono mai caduti o che non hanno mai inciampato. A loro non si è svelata la bellezza della vita.Boris PasternakSulla stessa tematica potete anche leggere:Massime di vitaArs longa Vita brevisLetteratura e vitaAforismi per autoreAforismi per argomentoRiflessioni e pensieriSaggi e aforismi Read the full article



May 6

Aforismi sulle donne

Citazioni famose sulle donneAforismi sulle donne, citazioni, pensierini, idee, e le migliori frasi famose di vari autori, sulla donna, le donne e il gentil sesso.Non si nasce donne: si diventa.Simone de BeauvoirLe donne non sono altro che organi genitali articolati e dotati della facoltà di spendere tutto il denaro che uno possiede. W. FaulknerNon avessimo bisogno delle donne saremmo tutti signori.Giovanni ArpinoRicordatevi, o giovani, che le donne sono bestie. Non potete acchiapparle perché non hanno la coda, ma se le picchiate in testa sentono. B. FenoglioAl mondo ci stanno molte donne, ma poche ci stanno.TotòChi non ama le donne il vino e il canto, è solo un matto non un santo.AnonimoLe donne non sanno cosa vogliono, ma sanno benissimo come ottenerlo.AnonimoCerte donne somigliano al nastrino della Legion d'onore. Non le si vuole più perché si sono sporcate con certi uomini.Charles BaudelaireVoi, uomini, avete dei diritti verso le vostre donne, ma anche le vostre donne hanno dei diritti su di voi. Trattatele bene, esse sono il vostro aiuto. CoranoL'immaginazione delle donne è molto rapida: balza in un attimo dall'ammirazione all'amore, dall'amore al matrimonio.Jane AustenLa volubilità delle donne che amo è eguagliata solo dalla infernale costanza delle donne che amano me.George Bernard ShawAnche il Chaplin di Monsieur Verdoux confessa ad un certo punto che le donne sono “troppo carnali, troppo realistiche” avvicinandosi così ad Orwell che nel suo romanzo più famoso sentenziava: ”La donna è rivoluzionaria dalla cintola in giù”.Carl William BrownMi fanno ridere adesso queste donne emancipate, queste donne che vogliono rendersi indipendenti e credono di attirarsi la simpatia e l’ammirazione degli uomini L’uomo è la cosa più importante della nostra vita! L’uomo è tutto quel che ti dico, e qualche volta è peggio ancora, molto peggio. Ma la nostra felicità, il nostro successo dipendono da lui. Una donna senza un uomo è un campo secco, Dio ne liberi. F. CialenteAlle donne piacciono gli uomini taciturni. Credono che le ascoltino. Marcel Achard

Aforismi sulla donna e le donneDa dove venivano le donne? Ce n'era una scorta infinita. Ciascuna di esse era diversa, unica. Avevano la passera diversa, i seni diversi, la bocca diversa, ma nessun uomo poteva godersele tutte, ce n'erano troppe, con le gambe accavallate, a far impazzire gli uomini. Che pacchia!Charles BukowskiA parte mia madre, le donne mi hanno sempre stimolato ad approfondire la conoscenza della profonda illogicità esistenziale.Carl William BrownLe donne leggere sono quelle che pesano maggiormente sul portafoglio di un uomo.Marcel AchardCi sono due cose che ho sempre amato alla follia: le donne e il celibato. N. ChamfortNoi occidentali non capiamo nulla; abbiamo fatto malissimo ad elevare le donne al nostro livello! I popoli d'Oriente sono stati più intelligenti e giusti dichiarando che esse sono esclusiva proprietà dell'uomo.Napoleone BonaparteUna delle più grandi opere d'arte del mondo: una donna con delle belle gambe che esce dalla macchina.Charles BukowskiCi sono solo due tipi di donne, quelle semplici e quelle che si truccano. Le donne semplici sono molto utili. Se vuoi farti la reputazione di persona rispettabile, devi solo uscire con loro a cena. Le altre donne sono molto affascinanti, ma commettono un errore: si truccano per cercare di essere e di apparire giovani. Oscar WildeOh, l’improntitudine di quegli uomini che insultano delle donne innocenti! Somigliano a dei ladri che al momento di rubare gridano "al ladro, al ladro". Antico testo indianoTutte le donne hanno la propria fortuna in mezzo alle gambe.Honoré de BalzacLe donne, quando non amano, hanno tutto il sangue freddo di un vecchio avvocato.Honoré de BalzacBisogna scegliere tra amare le donne e conoscerle: non c'è via di mezzo. Nicholas De ChamfortCerte donne amano talmente il loro marito che per non sciuparlo, prendono quello delle loro amiche. Alexandre figlio DumasLe donne son venute in eccellenza, di ciascun’arte ove hanno posto cura. Ludovico AriostoLe donne sono il più gran malanno che Dio abbia creato: sebbene talvolta appaiano utili, presto diventano motivo di fastidio per i loro padroni.SimonideLe donne sono fatte per essere amate, non per essere comprese.Oscar WildeLe persone private dei diritti giuridici sono i minori, le donne maritate, i criminali e i deboli di mente. Codice Civile NapoleonicoMolte donne si danno a Dio quando il diavolo non le vuole più.Sophie ArnouldLa migliore qualità delle donne è l'ipocrisia.Carl William BrownLe donne sono naturalmente capaci di quelle medesime virtù che son gli uomini. B. CastiglioneLe donne non vogliono altro che una posizione sicura. Arthur RimbaudIl passaggio dal grembo alla tuta è lento perché la maggior parte delle donne devono portarli entrambi nello stesso tempo. AnonimoTutte le cose fatte dalla mano di Dio sono necessariamente buone; e poiché le donne sono creature di Dio, chiunque le offende offende in ciò stesso l’opera di Dio. D. de San Pedro

Citazioni sulle donneLe donne sono senz'altro più aggressive dell'uomo, non a caso portano anche le unghie più lunghe.Carl William BrownNon c'è nessun bagno tiepido a 27 gradi e nessun buon sapone anidro che non sia in grado di mondare tutti i peccati delle donne.Peter AltenbergLa donna è coinvolta sessualmente in tutti gli affari della vita. A volte perfino nell’amore.Karl KrausIo divido le donne in tre classi: quelle di nobile famiglia e di alto rango – che vengono tenute in alta considerazione e portate a modello anche nascondendone qualche imperfezione; quelle di medio rango, di cui ciascuno può pensare ciò che crede, vista la quantità di testimonianze discordi; della classe inferiore non mette pena di parlare. M. ShikibuLa femmina è tale in virtù di una certa assenza di qualità; dobbiamo considerare il carattere delle donne come naturalmente difettoso e manchevole. AristoteleLe donne oneste non si sanno consolare degli errori che non hanno commesso. S. GuitryDonne si diventa. S. FreudHai mai visto donne che si innamorino di poveri? M. PagnolLa parola è stata data all'uomo per nascondere il pensiero, e alle donne per ucciderlo.Carl William BrownNo, mio caro, io non ammetto che le donne si intendano di sentimento. Esse lo percepiscono solo in maniera personale e relativa. Sono gli esseri più duri e crudeli del mondo. G. FlaubertI tipi femminili che la nostra società ha prodotto nel passato, i ruoli che le donne hanno o non hanno sostenuto, scaturiscono dalle imposizioni e dalle attese maschili. Le donne sono state in larga misura confezionate artificialmente dall’uomo. E. FigesCi sono uomini così perversi che dicono che le donne sono tutte sgualdrine, solo perché una non volle esserlo. B. J. Feij-O-Y MontenegroIn assoluto le migliori giocatrici di scacchi sono le donne, sono imbattibili, nessuno può infatti vincere contro la stupidità.Carl William BrownCome l'ostrica, anche le donne più dure, a volte, nascondono una perla. Michel de CerteauE' un infame chi pretende dalla moglie il pudore, ma seduce le donne altrui. SenecaSiete un uomo cortese nei riguardi delle donne? Ne avete mai conosciuto uno? Oh! Sì, molti Ebbene io mai. George Bernard ShawLe donne sono superiori a noi...: muoiono meglio di noi, ci sono superiori insomma nella cosa più importante, nella scienza pratica della vita che, come sapete, è un correre alla morte. Ippolito NievoSapendo che il primo posto nel cuore dei loro uomini è incontrastatamente occupato dai cavalli, le donne inglesi cercano di assicurarsi almeno il secondo posto in graduatoria, facendo di tutto per assumere un aspetto equino. E di solito ci riescono. George Bernard ShawNon è dicibile quanto le donne sieno agli uomini superiori per verecondia, per pieghevolezza, per affabilità, per compassione, per bella creanza e per quelle altre virtù che rendono il quotidiano vivere men grave e meno fastidioso di quello che è naturalmente. G. BarettiEssere adorati? una seccatura. Le donne ci trattano proprio come gli esseri umani trattano i loro dei. Ci adorano e non fanno altro che seccarci chiedendoci di fare qualcosa per loro. Oscar Wilde

Massime sulle donnePiù le donne sono impegnate culturalmente più rischiano di incappare in turbe sessuali. Farnham/LundbergLe donne sono poco dotate rispetto agli uomini per ciò che riguarda la speculazione astratta (filosofia, matematica), mentre sono molto più dotate per tutto ciò che richiede intuito e sensibilità. I. MontanelliPer l'aumentato benessere medio l'uomo e la donna si vanno orientando verso una morfologia utilitaria. Nelle classi giovani circolano già i modelli che verranno prodotti in larga serie nel futuro; uomini agili, sicuri, di buon affidamento e di basso consumo; donne di media statura, di facile manutenzione e dalle prestazioni standard. Lievi differenze nelle rifiniture. La natura fa ancora pochi esemplari di uomini e donne lusso, destinati allo spettacolo e al consumo collettivo d'informazione, alla pubblicità, ai rotocalchi. Ennio FlaianoCi sono tante donne no? che se vogliono vivere in pace con il proprio marito, devono dargli da bere! E sempre stato così! Quando un uomo è sobrio si accorge di avere una coscienza, e allora diventa un disgraziato! George Bernard ShawDate il voto alle donne e fra cinque anni ci sarà una tassa astronomica sul celibato.George Bernard ShawLa volubilità delle donne che amo è eguagliata soltanto dall'infernale costanza delle donne che mi amano. George Bernard Shaw

Aforismi, citazioni e massime sulle donneCi sono innumerevoli tipi di donne: a elencarli tutti si finirebbe subito. A. BusiGli uomini guardano le donne per vederle; le donne guardano gli uomini per essere viste. NormandGli uomini bramano sempre essere il primo amore di una donna, e questo è un effetto della loro stupida vanità. Le donne hanno un istinto più sottile. Ciò che a loro piace essere... ? l'ultima storia d'amore di un uomo. Oscar WildeGli uomini hanno gli anni che sentono, le donne quelli che mostrano. ProverbioQueste donne sono dotte per natura; gli uomini, la loro dottrina la imparano sui libri. Detto indianoGli uomini che meglio riescono a stare con le donne sono gli stessi che sanno starci benissimo senza. Charles BaudelaireGli sbagli delle donne sono altrettanti atti d’accusa contro l’egoismo, la strafottenza e la nullità dei mariti. H. de BalzacPer le donne l’attività domestica costituisce una scelta coatta. F. PiselliLa donna sarà anch'essa poeta quando cesserà la sua schiavitù senza fine, quando avrà riconquistato per sé la propria esistenza (nel momento in cui l'uomo, che è stato fino ad allora ignobile nei suoi riguardi, la lascerà libera).Arthur RimbaudVoluttà m’addolora. Ma donne a veder sole più m’accora, ché nulla ad esse, tranne amore, par vita; nel frantumo del giorno nel vuoto della sera giuocan l’attesa a rimando. C. ReboraAbbiamo finora giocato alla bambola con le donne. Ciò dura ormai da troppo tempo. Quando, giovani donne, diventerete nostri fratelli, nostri fratelli intimi, senza la segreta ambizione di approfittare di noi? Quando ci daremo una vera stretta di mano? J. LaforgueIo delle donne mi innamoro sempre di più, vorrei baciarle tutte, con amore, nelle loro pieghe di grasso, nelle loro rughe sudate, nei loro culi disfatti, nelle fiche rovinate, negli occhi allucinati, nelle bocche sgangherate, dappertutto dove viene offesa e lapidata, per il trionfo del cazzo padrone. D. MarainiQuando le donne sono onorate gli dei si rallegrano; quando non lo sono, i riti religiosi non giovano. Dove le donne sono offese, la famiglia perisce; dove esse non soffrono, la famiglia gioisce. Le case che una donna maledice perché non vi è stata onorata, periscono come per incantesimo.Libro di Manu, testo indiano

Aforismi sulle femmineGli uomini si sposano perché sono stanchi, le donne perché sono curiose. Entrambi vengono delusi. Oscar WildeI briganti ti chiedono la borsa o la vita; le donne le vogliono tutt'e due. Samuel ButlerI diritti delle donne sono doveri degli uomini. K. KrausLe donne appartengono alla famiglia, non alla società politica; la natura le ha create per le cure domestiche, non per i pubblici affari. L.G.A. de BonaldPoche sono tra le donne oneste quelle che non sono stanche del loro mestiere. F. de La RochefoucauldProvo un disgusto mortale per le donne oneste e per l’ipocrisia che è loro indispensabile. StendhalIl fatto che nelle posizioni di vertice si trovino con maggiori probabilità donne sole che non sposate, è il risultato del fatto che la famiglia è una istituzione che grava pesantemente sulla donna. Coser/RokoffLa tendenza di parecchie donne a dilapidare il denaro esprime una ostilità nei confronti del marito, al quale vengono in tal modo tolti i suoi ‘mezzi’; si tratta dunque (...) di una manifestazione del complesso di evirazione femminile nel senso della vendetta nei riguardi del maschio. K. AbrahamI mariti delle donne che ci piacciono sono sempre degli imbecilli.Georges FeydeauCi sono donne le quali in virtù del fatto che non fanno all’amore, ritengono di poter fare tutto quanto il loro comodo; esse si trincerano fieramente e costantemente dietro la loro posticcia onestà (pruderie), guardando tutti dall’alto in basso e pretendendo che tutte le più belle qualità che posseggono le altre siano niente comparate al loro miserabile onore, di cui nessuno si cura. MolièreI problemi degli uomini hanno tre cause: i soldi, le donne ed entrambi. CarsonIn generale, per andar d’accordo con le donne (...) il segreto è d’aver torto. A. CampanileIl coraggio si infiacchisce e si travia per l'accoppiamento con le donne. M. de MontaigneLe donne si sono adattate ai desideri dell’uomo, convinte che quell’adattamento corrispondesse alla loro vera natura. Insomma, si vedono o si sono viste come proiezione dei desideri maschili; inconsciamente hanno ceduto alla suggestione del pensiero maschile. K. HorneyI preti si consolano di non essere sposati, quando ascoltano le confessioni delle donne.Armand SalacrouI tedeschi sono come le donne, non potete scandagliarne le profondità; non ne hanno Friederich NietzscheSullo stesso argomento poetete anche leggere:Aforismi divertenti sulle donneAforismi umoristici sulle donneRiflessioni sulle DonneFesta delle Donne 8 MarzoWomen quotes and aphorismsAforismi per argomentoAforismi per autorePensieri e riflessioniSalva Read the full article



May 6

Rolex best watch investment

Rolex best watch investmentRolex best watch investment, an article that explains the history, quality, and market performance of this brand with a full list of the different models value.Discover why Rolex stands out as the premier choice for savvy investors. From its unparalleled craftsmanship to its enduring value, delve into the timeless appeal and financial benefits of owning a Rolex timepiece.Explore the factors that make Rolex watches a sought-after investment, including their history, quality, and market performance, and a full list of the different models value. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a novice investor, uncover the reasons why Rolex remains the epitome of horological investment excellence.Rolex watches were supplied to the first successful Everest expedition; have been to the bottom of the deepest ocean chasm known to man, up in the stratosphere at speeds much greater than sound, in the Arctic, the jungle and the desert. No other watch has such a record. Wherever men explore and experiment, their success, even their lives, will depend on their equipment. It is hardly surprising that they so often choose Rolex watches.The Story Of Rolex (1964)The thing I like about Rolex is that they don't compromise. If you're going to do something, you might as well be the best at it. That's why I've worn a Rolex for over two decades.Roger PenskeHumanity's days are numbered, Chinese replica Rolex time.Carl William BrownRolex accuracy is all one could desire and it has run continuously without winding ever since I put it on some nine months ago. I count my Rolex watch amongst my most treasured possessions.Sir Edmund HillaryMy wife Joanne gave me my Rolex Daytona when I started racing back in 1972.Paul NewmanEvery person who wears a Rolex has the right to be robbed.AnonymousMy Rolex is a continual pleasure, and works admirably.Sir Winston Churchill

Rolex Daytona CosmographThe egalitarian luxury policy for the Chinese consists in trying to give all citizens of the world the opportunity to buy a nice fake Rolex.Carl William BrownRolex watches behaved flawlessly under any and all the worst conditions imaginable, not only this time but also on previous expeditions to Mount Everest, of which I happened to have also been a member.Tenzing NorgayHe could not just wear a watch. It had to be a Rolex.Ian FlemingIt is certainly true that Rolex watches are highly desired for several reasons. As a matter of fact Rolex has a reputation for exceptional craftsmanship and high-quality materials. Each watch is meticulously assembled with precision and undergoes rigorous testing to ensure accuracy and durability. The brand's commitment to excellence has established it as a symbol of luxury and prestige.Rolex also has a long and storied history dating back to 1905. Over the years, the brand has become synonymous with success, innovation, and adventure. From being the first watch to reach the summit of Mount Everest to its association with iconic figures and events, Rolex has built a legacy that captivates enthusiasts and collectors alike.Then Rolex watches are known for their timeless and iconic design. Many of their models, such as the Submariner, Daytona, and Datejust, have achieved iconic status and remain highly sought after by collectors. The brand's designs are characterized by their simplicity, elegance, and functionality, making them suitable for both casual and formal occasions.What's more Rolex watches often retain their value or even appreciate over time. This is due to their reputation, craftsmanship, and limited availability. As a result, owning a Rolex is not only a symbol of status and luxury but also a wise investment. This is due to the fact that Rolex maintains strict control over its production and distribution, resulting in limited availability of its watches. This exclusivity adds to their desirability, as owning a Rolex is seen as a mark of distinction and exclusivity.Overall, Rolex watches represent a blend of craftsmanship, heritage, design, and exclusivity that appeals to a wide range of people, from watch enthusiasts and collectors to those who simply appreciate fine craftsmanship and luxury. In fact Rolex invests heavily in marketing and branding efforts that reinforce its image as a luxury brand. The brand's endorsem*nts, sponsorships, and advertising campaigns help to maintain its allure and desirability among consumers.

Rolex GMT MasterRolex's success can indeed be attributed to a combination of factors, and its promotional strategies have played a significant role. Rolex has carefully crafted its image as a luxury brand through various means, including original and expensive advertising campaigns. These campaigns often emphasize the exclusivity, precision, and timeless elegance associated with Rolex watches.By investing in high-quality advertising, Rolex has effectively positioned itself as a status symbol and a mark of prestige. Its campaigns often feature celebrities, athletes, and adventurers, further enhancing its appeal to consumers who aspire to the lifestyle and values associated with these figures.Moreover, Rolex has been strategic in its sponsorship and partnerships, aligning itself with prestigious events such as sports competitions, cultural events, and philanthropic initiatives. These sponsorships not only increase brand visibility but also reinforce Rolex's image as a symbol of achievement and excellence.Overall, while Rolex's success cannot be attributed solely to its promotional efforts, these campaigns have undoubtedly contributed to the brand's iconic status and enduring appeal among luxury consumers.As far as investments are concerned we can say for sure that Yes, it's true that buying a Rolex can be considered a form of investment, although it's important to approach it with some nuance. Rolex watches often retain their value well over time, and in some cases, they can even appreciate in value. This is particularly true for certain models that are in high demand or have historical significance. Therefore, purchasing a Rolex can potentially yield a return on investment if you decide to sell it in the future.As we said before Rolex maintains a strict control over its production and distribution, and this policy results in a limited availability of certain models. This scarcity contributes to their desirability and can drive up prices in the secondary market, making them attractive investments for collectors.That's why many Rolex models have demonstrated a track record of holding or increasing in value over time. However, it's important to note that past performance is not indicative of future results, and the value of a Rolex watch can fluctuate based on various factors such as market trends, condition, and demand. The condition of the watch, its rarity, and any accompanying documentation (such as box and papers) can significantly impact its value as an investment. Well-maintained, limited edition, or vintage Rolex watches tend to command higher prices in the resale market.While Rolex watches can be a sound investment for some individuals, it's essential to approach the purchase with a long-term perspective. Investing in a Rolex solely for the purpose of financial gain may not always yield the desired results, as market conditions can be unpredictable. In summary, while buying a Rolex can potentially be a form of investment due to factors like resale value and rarity, it's crucial to consider other factors such as personal enjoyment, appreciation for craftsmanship, and the inherent risks associated with investing in luxury goods.So, what's the real value of your Rolex? We can suggest you this website Edelmetaalrichard where you can find a complete list of the different models and the indicative price you can sell them. If you'd like to sell, or buy a second hand Rolex watch, a number of factors determine the final price.It's possibly already obvious, but you have to consider the watch condition carries a lot of weight during its taxation. Malfunctions or damage decreases its worth. For instance, there might be mechanical failures, parts of the case missing, a broken glass, water damage, scratches, a worn-out metal watchband, the original clasp of a leather band missing and so on.

Rolex DatejustWhen it comes to metal watchbands, if they were ever shortened, you should have the removed links. Accessories like the brand's original box and/or pouch are also assets. Of the utmost importance are certificates with the serial number and date of purchase. If you bring also a purchase invoice, it is still the better.Here are some examples:Ref. 1002 (M) Type: Oyster Perpetual Description: Steel or steel and gold, smooth bezel, Oyster bracelet - all gold up to Value: € 1.800Ref. 1016 (M) Type: Vintage - Explorer Description: Stainless steel, black dial, 36 mm Value: € 4.500Ref. 1019 (M) Type: Vintage - Milgauss Description: Stainless steel, 38mm, anti-magnetic (specifically produced for scientists at CERN) Value: € 18.000Ref. 116244 (M+F) Type: Datejust Description: Stainless steel, natural diamond bezel, natural diamond dial, sapphire crystal, 36 mm, Oyster or Jubilee bracelet - deduct Value: € 6.300Ref. 6671 (F) Type: Cellini Cellisimma Description: 18k white gold, natural diamond bezel, quartz, leather strap Value: € 1.800Ref. 116518 (M) Type: Daytona Description: 18k yellow gold with leather strap, cosmograph, tachymeter, engraving on bezel, sapphire crystal, 40 mm, yellow gold deployant clasp Value: € 16.200Ref. 116610 (M) Type: Submariner Description: Stainless steel, ceramic bezel, pressure proof to 1000 ft, time lapse bezel, quickset, sapphire crystal, 40 mm, Oyster bracelet Value: € 7.650Ref. 116618 (M) Type: Submariner Description: 18k yellow gold, ceramic bezel, pressure proof to 1000 ft, 40 mm, Oyster bracelet Value: € 27.000Ref. 116688 (M) Type: YachtMaster II Description: 18k yellow gold, ceramic bezel, 44 mm, sapphire crystal, Oyster bracelet Value: € 28.800Ref. 126715 (M) Type: GMT Master II Description: 18K rose gold, ceramic bezel, Oyster bracelet, 40 mm, new model Value: € 29.700Ref. 1665 (M) Type: Vintage - Sea Dweller Description: Stainless steel, pressure proof to 2000 ft, automatic movement with date, domed crystal, silver date disk , double red Value: € 27.000Ref. 5517 (M) Type: Submariner - Vintage Description: Stainless steel, sub for British military, solid case, sword hands, military marks Value: € 90.000Ref. 6200 (M) Type: Submariner - Vintage Description: Stainless steel, third series circa 1954, no crown guard, 8 mm crown, James Bond, pressure proof to 330 ft Value: € 180.000Ref. 6241 (M) Type: Cosmograph - Vintage Description: 14k yellow gold, 37.5mm, "John Player Special Paul Newman" Value: € 90.000ref: 80299 (F) Type: PearlMaster Description: 18K white gold, 32 natural diamond bezel, natural diamond dial, 29 mm, Pearlmaster bracelet Value: € 10.800For more information and the full list visit: Whats the value of your rolexhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWULkzGY6TAIf you like shopping you can also visit:Shopping coolest storesFinance and TradingBest shopping quotesHot flash salesBlack Friday DayCyber Monday Read the full article



May 6

Aphorisms and quotes about the mother

Quotes and aphorisms on momQuotes and aphorisms about the mother, ideas and thoughts by different and famous authors on the mom and the great importance of her presence in everyone's life.Mother's Day in most European states, the United States, Japan, Australia and numerous other countries is celebrated on the second Sunday of May; in Spain, Portugal and Hungary on the first Sunday of May; in the Balkan countries on March 8; in many Arab countries the holiday instead falls on the day of the spring equinox.Sigmund Freud said many profound, revealing and often frightening thing about God, and also about Mothers; yet he failed to see the connection between the two. The first God in every baby's life is its mother. She is the Universal Explanation, the Great Protector, the Stern Disciplinarian, the Source of all Wisdom and the Supreme Guide. God was not born of a virgin, but all virgins, male and female, are born of a God. When the growing human child realises, to his sorrow and bewilderment, that his mother is not God, he starts searching for a substitute God: a plain-clothes God or a God in disguise.George MikesAfter the end of time, mother, we will find ourselves in the reality that does not exist, in a fictional and mythical world; we will be happy, serene, at peace, and finally we will be able to enjoy what we are not.Carl William BrownWhere there is a mother in the home, matters go well.Amos Bronson AlcottOn the verge of death he remembered his mother who was waiting for him in the reality that does not exist and almost pleased he consoled himself.Carl William BrownWhat do girls do who haven't any mothers to help them through their troubles?Louisa May AlcottChildren and mothers never truly part; bound in the beating of each other’s heart.Charlotte GrayI am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars.E. M. ForsterA mother who is really a mother is never free.Honore De BalzacMy wife is the kind of girl who will not go anywhere without her mother, and her mother will go anywhere.John BarrymoreThe mother's heart is the child's schoolroom.Henry Ward BeecherBe kind to your mother-in-law, but pay for her board at some good hotel.Josh BillingsFrom now on I want to imagine death as a tender and affectionate mother who with extreme love, smiling and holding me at her breast for all eternity, instead of giving me life will take it away forever.Carl William BrownThe best thing that could happen to motherhood already has. Fewer women are going into it.Victoria BillingsThe Holy Virgin is the universal essence of woman, she is the divine symbol of the mother par excellence, she is the spirit of life and love who endures and resists pain, suffering and death, to make the memory of her children immortal.Carl William BrownYou do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. Albert EinsteinThere are so many times you will feel you have failed, but in the eyes, heart and mind of your child, you are supermom.Stephanie PrecourtA mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary.Dorothy Canfield FisherWhen a woman is twenty, a child deforms her; when she is thirty, he preserves her; and when forty, he makes her young again.Leon BlumLet France have good mothers, and she will have good sons.Napoleon Bonaparte

My Mom InnocenzaLiterature and art, as well as memory and memories, are the only places where we can revive our dear and beloved deceased. They are sad palliatives that unfortunately will never give me back the emotions and comfort of my mother's smile.Carl William BrownWomen know the way to rear up children (to be just). They know a simple, merry, tender knack of tying sashes, fitting baby-shoes, and stringing pretty words that make no sense. And kissing full sense into empty words.Elizabeth Barrett BrowningSome are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same - and most mothers kiss and scold together.Pearl S. BuckThe kind of power mothers have is enormous.Angela CarterThere are lots of things that you can brush under the carpet about yourself until you're faced with somebody whose needs won't be put off.Angela CarterFor Eliot, April is the cruelest month, and I agreed, in fact my father died in April, but then my mother passed away in October, so now the cruelest months are certainly two.Carl William BrownThe chain of wedlock is so heavy that it takes two to carry it - and sometimes three.Alexandre (the Younger) DumasFor that's what a woman, a mother wants - to teach her children to take an interest in life. She knows it's safer for them to be interested in other people's happiness than to believe in their own.Marguerite DurasAs my mom always said, ‘You’d rather have smile lines than frown lines.’Cindy CrawfordSome mothers are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together.Pearl S. BuckNo culture on earth outside of mid-century suburban America has ever deployed one woman per child without simultaneously assigning her such major productive activities as weaving, farming, gathering, temple maintenance, and tent-building. The reason is that full-time, one-on-one child-raising is not good for women or children.Barbara EhrenreichTake motherhood: nobody ever thought of putting it on a moral pedestal until some brash feminists pointed out, about a century ago, that the pay is lousy and the career ladder nonexistent.Barbara EhrenreichA mother's yearning feels the presence of the cherished child even in the degraded man.George EliotBut the mother's yearning, that completest type of the life in another life which is the essence of real human love, feels the presence of the cherished child even in the debased, degraded man.George EliotThe lullaby is the spell whereby the mother attempts to transform herself back from an ogre to a saint.James FentonSee also It's not over when you lose, but when you end it. UnknownThe mother as a social servant instead of a home servant will not lack in true mother duty. From her work, loved and honored though it is, she will return to her home life, the child life, with an eager, ceaseless pleasure, cleansed of all the fret and fraction and weariness that so mar it now.Charlotte P. Gillman

Quotes on momMoms should never die, they should disappear and then appear when you need to see them again, even just for a moment.Valeria FabriziMother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are.Cheryl Lacey DonovanA mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.Princess DianaMorality and its victim, the mother - what a terrible picture! Is there indeed anything more terrible, more criminal, than our glorified sacred function of motherhood?Emma GoldmanThe patience of a mother might be likened to a tube of toothpaste – it’s never quite all gone. Author UnknownDeath freed my father and mother from their evils and imprisoned me even more in mine.Carl William BrownWhen I was a child, my mother said to me, ‘If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general. If you become a monk you’ll end up as the pope.’ Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.Pablo PicassoOnly after losing your mother forever can you understand the essence of true love and the excruciating pain of life passing away.Carl William BrownA mother is the one who is still there when everyone else has deserted you.Author UnknownYou realize that you habitually thought of Mom when something in your life was not going well, because when you thought of her it was as though something got back on track, and you felt re-energized.Shin Kyung SookNo influence is so powerful as that of the mother. Sarah Josepha HaleA man’s work is from sun to sun, but a mother’s work is never done. Author UnknownEvery man must define his identity against his mother. If he does not, he just falls back into her and is swallowed up.Camille PagliaHe that would the daughter win must with the mother first begin.English ProverbA mother understands what a child does not say.Jewish ProverbGod couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothersJewish ProverbMen are what their mothers made them.Ralph Waldo Emerson

My mom when she was 20All that remains to the mother in modern consumer society is the role of scapegoat; psychoanalysis uses huge amounts of money and time to persuade analysis and to foist their problems on to the absent mother, who has no opportunity to utter a word in her own defense. Hostility to the mother in our societies is an index of mental health.Germaine GreerThe moments of happiness... We have had the experience of them, but the meaning has escaped us, as Eliot said. Or rather, we didn't realize it, so life passed by and in the end all I was left with was the pain of losing my dearest person, my mother.Carl William BrownWoman is the salvation or the destruction of the family. She carries its destiny in the folds of her mantle.Henri Frederic AmielA mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.Victor HugoIf at first you don’t succeed, do it the way your mother told you to. Author UnknownOne good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters. George HerbertThe tie which links mother and child is of such pure and immaculate strength as to be never violated. Washington IrvingA mother’s love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking. Helen RiceA man never sees all that his mother has been to him until it's too late to let her know he sees it.William Dean HowellsLife began with waking up and loving my mother’s face.George EliotBeing a mom has made me so tired. And so happy.Tina FeyBehind every successful man is a proud wife and a surprised mother-in-law.Hubert H. HumphreyWhatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not.James JoyceThe watchful mother tarries nigh, though sleep has closed her infants eyes.John KebleOf all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.Yutang, LinAll that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.Abraham Lincoln

Quotes and aphorisms on mothersMy father and my mother are no longer with us, but their spirit lives in me, and therefore is still alive, except that I am already dead.Carl William BrownIt seems to me that the nursing mother of most false opinions - both public and private - is the excessively high opinion one places on oneself.Michel Eyquem De MontaigneAnyone who doesn't miss the past never had a mother.Gregory NunnMaternity is on the face of it an unsociable experience. The selfishness that a woman has learned to stifle or to dissemble where she alone is concerned, blooms freely and unashamed on behalf of her offspring.Emily James PutnamThere is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one. Jill ChurchillWhenever I’m with my mother, I feel as though I have to spend the whole time avoiding land mines. Amy Tan, The Kitchen God’s WifeFew misfortunes can befall a boy which bring worse consequences than to have a really affectionate mother.W. Somerset MaughamThe Enemy, who wears her mother's usual face and confidential tone, has access; doubtless stares into her writing case and listens on the phone.Phyllis McGinleyIt seems to me that the nursing mother of most false opinions - both public and private - is the excessively high opinion one places on oneself.Michel Eyquem De MontaigneWhen I stopped seeing my mother with the eyes of a child, I saw the woman who helped me give birth to myself. Nancy FridayWomen’s natural role is to be a pillar of the family.Grace KellyI know how to do anything – I’m a mom.Rosanne BarrA busy mother makes slothful daughters.Portuguese ProverbAn ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy.Spanish ProverbIf Freud had had my mother's dreams at his disposal, he would have become even greater than he was.Carl William BrownThink of your mother and smile for all of the good precious moments.” Ana Monnar

Aphorisms and quotes on the motherA mother understands what a child does not say. Jewish proverbMother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are. Cheryl Lacey DonovanA mother loves her children even when they least deserve to be loved. Kate SamperiAs her sons have seen her: the mother in patriarchy: controlling, erotic, castrating, heart-suffering, guilt-ridden, and guilt-provoking; a marble brow, a huge breast, an avid cave; between her legs snakes, swamp-grass, or teeth; on her lap a helpless infant or a martyred son. She exists for one purpose: to bear and nourish the son.Adrienne RichThe worker can unionize, go out on strike; mothers are divided from each other in homes, tied to their children by compassionate bonds; our wildcat strikes have most often taken the form of physical or mental breakdown.Adrienne RichMother – that was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries.T. DeWitt TalmageA little girl, asked where her home was, replied, “where mother is.”Keith L. BrooksI never knew how much love my heart could hold until someone called me “mommy.”Author UnknownMother’s love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. Erich FrommMothers are all slightly insane. J.D. SalingerThat best academy, a mother’s knee. James Russell LowellSetting a good example for your children takes all the fun out of middle age. William FeatherEducation commences at the mother’s knee, and every word spoken within hearsay of little children tends toward the formation of character. Hosea BallouIn a child’s eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or terrible, benevolent or filled with wrath, but she commands love either way. I am convinced that this is the greatest power in the universe.N. K. JemisinI love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine — she helps me grow, prosper and reach great heights. Terri GuillemetsA mother’s love liberates.Maya AngelouBiological possibility and desire are not the same as biological need. Women have childbearing equipment. For them to choose not to use the equipment is no more blocking what is instinctive than it is for a man who, muscles or no, chooses not to be a weightlifter.Betty RollinOnly in America do these peasants, our mothers, get their hair dyed platinum at the age of sixty, and walk up and down Collins Avenue in Florida in pedal pushers and mink stoles - and with opinions on every subject under the sun. It isn't their fault they were given a gift like speech - look, if cows could talk, they would say things just as idiotic.Philip RothApart from my mother, women have always encouraged me to deepen my knowledge of the profound illogicality of existence.Carl William BrownA mother holds her children’s hands for a while…their hearts forever.Author Unknown

Quotes and ideas on mothersThere was never a great man who had not a great mother.Olive SchreinerMothers are the most instinctive philosophers.Harriet Beecher StoweMother is the name for God on the lips and in the hearts of little children.William M. ThackerayMy mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.Mark TwainA Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.Author UnknownThere’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.Jill ChurchillAcceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me.Lady GagaMost mothers are instinctive philosophers.Harriet Beecher StoweMy mother’s menu consisted of two choices: Take it or leave it.Buddy HackettMy mother always said I was beautiful and I finally believed her at some point.Lupita Nyong’oA mother's heart is always with her children.Author UnknownMother weaves her loving art and leaves her magic in our hearts.Author UnknownMother-in-law: A woman who destroys her son-in-law's peace of mind by giving him a piece of hers.Author UnknownMen never think, at least seldom think, what a hard task it is for us women to go through this very often. God's will be done, and if He decrees that we are to have a great number of children why we must try to bring them up as useful and exemplary members of society.Queen VictoriaHow simple a thing it seems to me that to know ourselves as we are, we must know our mother's names.Alice WalkerMy mother is my root, my foundation. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that is the belief that the ability to achieve starts in your mind.Michael JordanMothers work, not upon canvas that shall perish, nor marble that crumbles into dust, but upon mind, upon spirit, which is to last forever, and which is to bear, for good or evil, throughout its duration, the impress of a mother's plastic hand.George WashingtonThe best place to cry is on a mother’s arms.Jodi PicoultIt is not until you become a mother that your judgment slowly turns to compassion and understanding. Erma BombeckMother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. Marion C. Read the full article



Apr 30

Riflessioni varie sul lavoro

Riflessioni varie sul lavoroRiflessioni varie sul lavoro, pensieri, idee, meditazioni e brevi testi semiseri o umoristici sull'arte di lavorare e sul significato profondo di tale attività.Ogni individuo che lavora ha diritto ad una remunerazione equa e soddisfacente che assicuri a lui stesso e alla sua famiglia una esistenza conforme alla dignità umana ed integrata, se necessario, da altri mezzi di protezione sociale.Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani (Articolo 23), 1948Il progresso tecnico ha avuto due conseguenze per il lavoratore: da un lato ha modificato la divisione delle prestazioni tra l’uomo e la macchina, dando sempre più importanza alla macchina a danno del lavoratore; d’altro lato esso ha trasformato l’attività umana che, inizialmente muscolare, è diventata soprattutto percettiva e mentale. P. CazamianDicono che la donna nel mondo del lavoro è ancora discriminata e tuttora meno occupata. Io comunque guardandomi in giro osservo che tra i lavoratori ve ne sono molti del gentil sesso, per esempio le suore , le infermiere, e ancora le domestiche, le insegnanti, le commesse, le impiegate di banca, le cassiere dei supermercati, le parrucchiere, le maestre d'asilo, le massaggiatrici, le prostitute, le ballerine, le ragazze immagine e così via.Carl William BrownLa soddisfazione di ammazzare il tempo e di trovare uno sbocco, sia pure modesto, all'ambizione, viene offerta da ogni lavoro, e basta, nella media, a rendere più felice di un uomo che non fa nulla persino un uomo che fa un lavoro monotono. Ma quando il lavoro è interessante, esso è capace di dare soddisfazioni di ordine molto più elevato del mero sollievo dal tedio.Bertrand RussellIl ricercatore conoscerà a fondo il gergo del suo capo, e ne conoscerà tutta la letteratura e le sue ramificazioni, ma molto spesso sarà portato a considerare l’argomento più prossimo come qualcosa che riguarda il suo collega (tre porte più in là nel corridoio) e a ritenere un eventuale interessamento da parte sua come una deprecabile indiscrezione. N. WienerNon vedo nulla di più preoccupante, politicamente, di questi nuovi sistemi industriali. Quando un artigiano si dedica sempre e unicamente alla fabbricazione di un solo oggetto, finisce col rifinire questo lavoro con perizia particolare. Però, al tempo stesso, perde la capacità generale di applicarsi alla direzione del lavoro; ogni giorno egli diventerà più abile e meno industrioso, e si può affermare che in lui l’uomo si avvilisce a misura che l’operaio si specializza. A. de TocquevilleIl lavoro, come tutte le altre cose che si comprano e che si vendono ha il suo prezzo naturale e il suo prezzo di mercato. Il prezzo naturale del lavoro è il prezzo necessario per mettere i lavoratori nel loro complesso in condizione di sussistere e perpetuare la loro specie senza né aumenti né diminuzioni. David RicardoUno dei sintomi dell'arrivo di un esaurimento nervoso è la convinzione che il proprio lavoro sia tremendamente importante. Se fossi un medico, prescriverei una vacanza a tutti i pazienti che considerano importante il loro lavoro. Bertrand RussellNon è solo un ammortizzatore sociale, un’umiliazione operaia, è qualcosa che assomiglia nei suoi effetti alla nube atomica di Cernobil, una minaccia che non sai come combattere, un limbo da cui non sai se uscirai, un sacrificio che non sai a chi attribuire, se al padrone o alle nuove macchine o alle minacciose vicende di un mondo preso dalle convulsioni. Giorgio Bocca

Riflessioni sul lavoroI missionari cattolici sono sempre andati nelle zone più primitive e lontane non solo per diffondere la propria religione e la propria morale, ma anche per sottomettere gli indigeni del luogo alla propria autorità. Oggigiorno si assiste ancora allo stesso tipi di fenomeno da parte dei ricchi paesi arabi, che per spargere il seme dell'islamismo, donano moschee alle zone più povere del mondo, è il caso per esempio dell'Albania. Mi si obietterà che tutto ciò crea lavoro ed in paesi poveri questa è una buona cosa; al che non posso che apprezzare tali riflessioni, ma al tempo stesso vorrei pure ricordare che anche buttare giù delle chiese o delle moschee o qualsiasi altra edificazione religiosa crea ugualmente del magnifico lavoro, magari per il futuro. Pensateci, quando avrete delle crisi di occupazione.Carl William BrownLa sapienza dello scriba cresce nella quiete del riposo, e chi è libero da faccende diventa savio. Come può acquistare la sapienza chi regge l’aratro ed è intento a tracciare solchi? E il fabbro ferraio che lotta col calore della fucina O il vasaio? Tutti costoro sperano nell’opera delle proprie mani e ciascuno è saggio nel suo mestiere. Senza di loro nessuna città può essere costruita, né abitata, né frequentata. Ma essi non sono accolti nel consiglio del popolo, e nell’assemblea non hanno un posto. La Bibbia, EcclesiasteVi sono due specie di lavoro: la prima consiste nell’alterare la posizione di una cosa su o presso la superficie della terra, relativamente a un’altra cosa; la seconda consiste nel dire ad altri di farlo. La prima specie di lavoro è sgradevole e mal retribuita, la seconda è gradevole e ben retribuita. Bertrand RussellLa mia religione, la mia fede? Sperare di trovare una ricca donna che mi mantenga e che sovvenzioni i miei studi e le mie ricerche. Il mio lavoro? Andare a caccia di ereditiere; si lo so, non è facile, a volte si spreca tutta la vita alla ricerca di una facoltosa preda e ahimè, niente, non se ne trova neanche una! Ma ciò è pur sempre la mia attività, il mio credo, la mia dottrina, la mia filosofia, la mia terapia; è l'unica cosa che mi conforta e che mi da la forza di continuare, di sopportare questa triste e monotona esistenza, e poi, e questo è il motivo fondamentale, è l'unica cosa che so fare. E non ditemi che è una stupida illusione, perché vi risponderei che non c'è nulla di più serio e di più veritiero di questa mia semplice ed efficace religione.Carl William BrownOgni uomo sarà ricco o povero secondo la quantità di lavoro di cui può disporre, o che può permettersi di comperare. Adam SmithCertamente il lavoro produce meraviglie per i ricchi, ma produce lo spogliamento dell'operaio. Produce palazzi, ma caverne per l'operaio. Produce bellezza, ma deformità per l'operaio. Esso sostituisce il lavoro con le macchine, ma respinge una parte dei lavoratori ad un lavoro barbarico, e riduce a macchine l'altra parte. Produce spiritualità, e produce l'imbecillità, il cretinismo dell'operaio.K. MarxSignori, noi, bambini occupati presso fabbriche di Manchester, ci permettiamo presentare alle Loro Signorie questa umile e rispettosa memoria. Imploriamo la Loro pietà e compassione per le nostre sofferenze, per il gran carico di lavoro gettato sulle nostre spalle infantili, per la lunga durata di questo lavoro quotidiano, eseguito in gran parte nell’aria chiusa di un locale surriscaldato, per la debolezza che provoca in noi piccoli, e per le infermità e deformazioni che colpiscono molti di noi, per la soverchiante fatica che debilita i nostri sensi e per l’esclusione di qualunque opportunità di imparare a scrivere e a leggere ; vogliamo un po’ di tempo per un po’ di riposo, per un po’ di gioco e per imparare a leggere e a scrivere. Petizione inglese a favore dei minori che lavorano nei filatoi, 1833Una volta rispondendo ad un'offerta di lavoro mi è capitato che il direttore di un giornaletto di annunci economici di provincia mi ha persino chiesto se sapessi scrivere degli articoli, come se per scrivere quelle stupide fesserie servisse pure una particolare abilità, al che gli risposi di no, infatti le mie capacità sono scarse in materia di imbecillità.Carl William Brown"Il lavoro non deve essere sfruttamento d'un uomo ad opera di un altro uomo, che detiene nelle sue mani il capitale e il potere politico" disse il Socialismo. Va bene, ma quando si è dato il capitale in mano allo Stato e lo Stato in mano a capi "proletari", cessa il lavoro di essere sfruttamento di uomini da parte di altri uomini? Luigi GrandeIl lavoratore diviene un rivoluzionario quando si libera del proprio 'operaismo', quando giunge a detestare il proprio ruolo di classe senza mezzi termini, qui e ora, e quando comincia a scrollarsi di dosso quei caratteri che i marxisti più gli ammirano – l'etica del lavoro, la struttura caratteriale derivante dalla disciplina industriale, il rispetto per la gerarchia, l'obbedienza ai capi, il consumismo, le scorie del puritanesimo. Murray Bookchin

Sfruttamento del lavoroSe oggi il lavoratore non è più un proletario, se il prototipo di questo lavoratore, il ‘povero che lavora’ della prima generazione degli operai inglesi, non è più riconoscibile nell’operaio dei nostri giorni, questo è per massima parte merito del sindacato. E si tratta di un’azione che non poteva essere attesa dall’esterno: non dallo Stato, non dall’imprenditore paternalistico, non dalle tanto lodate istituzioni sociali; doveva scaturire invece dallo spirito e dalla volontà della classe lavoratrice. L’unica forma sociale che essa ha creato è il sindacato. G. BriefsFreud nell'Avvenire di un'illusione scriveva che è probabile che gli oppressi sviluppino una certa ostilità nei confronti di una civiltà che il loro lavoro ha reso possibile, ma di cui non ne condividono le ricchezze, ma probabilmente era piuttosto ottimista, ed è perciò che c'è bisogno che qualcuno fomenti questa ostilità, magari trasformandola in aggressività.Carl William BrownCiò che muove il lavoratore a dichiararsi malcontento è la speranza del meglio; egli spera di lavorare sempre meno e di godere sempre più: è questa la formula della profezia socialista: il massimo dei beni col minimo dello sforzo; formula contro la quale protestano la ragione, la logica, le leggi del mondo organico e fisico dove gli effetti sono sempre rigorosamente proporzionati alle cause.Federico De RobertoLa gente vuole vivere e deve vendersi; ma disprezza chi sfrutta le sue necessità e compra i lavoratori. È curioso che la soggezione ai potenti, agli individui che ispirano paura e perfino terrore, ai tiranni e ai condottieri d’eserciti, non sia sentita in modo tanto doloroso come la soggezione a persone anonime e poco interessanti quali sono i capitani d’industria. Nel datore di lavoro l’operaio vede di solito un astuto figlio di cane che gli succhia il sangue e che specula sulle sue necessità, il cui nome, aspetto e carattere gli sono del tutto indifferenti. F. NietzscheLa maggior parte dei lavori penosi, monotoni erano ritmati al suono della musica. Il flauto, il piffero e lo zufolo regolavano i movimenti e davano gli ordini nei cantieri di costruzioni marittime. In tutti i mestieri si erano conservate vecchie canzoni per ciascuna occupazione Come la ginnastica e la danza, il lavoro manuale si ritmava e si ricreava. G. KlotzVi è stato sempre detto che il lavoro è una maledizione e la fatica una sventura. Ma io vi dico che quando lavorate compite una parte del sogno più avanzato della terra, che fu assegnata a voi quando quel sogno nacque. E che sostenendo voi stessi col lavoro amate in verità la vita, e che amare la vita nel lavoro è vivere intimamente con il più intimo segreto della vita.Kahlil GibranIn genere quando lavoro in luoghi pubblici prefersico vestirmi bene. In primo luogo perché viceversa sembrerei uno appena scappato di prigione, così facendo non è che cambi poi molto, però almeno do l'impressione di uno che ha avuto il tempo di cambiarsi. Una seconda ragione è che in questo modo offro l'occasione di pensare a chi mi guarda di essere sul punto di andare ad un matrimonio, ed in effetti è così, infatti la stupidità si sposa tutti i giorni. Infine, poiché, da buon samurai, cammino sempre con lo spirito della morte al mio fianco, se dovesse succedere l'irreparabile, almeno sono già pronto e bell'addobato per entrare nella bara.Carl William BrownLe manifatture (inizio XIX sec.) (...) erano luoghi dell’orrore. Se il più delle volte erano collegati con orfanotrofi, manicomi e ospedali, ciò non significa affatto che i luoghi di lavoro fossero una sorta di ospizio, ma piuttosto che l’ospizio stesso era un luogo di lavoro, e gli uomini morivano di lavoro come di un’infermità. M. HorkheimerNessuno allora parlava inglese, le donne cucinavano e allattavano i loro bambini in strada, sbucciavano i piselli, lavavano i loro panni nelle tinozze. Erano le faccende quotidiane dei loro paesi d’origine, solo che qui strappate dal loro ambiente, dal sole del Sud, dalla loro lingua, quelle povere donne apparivano sperdute e avvilite in tutta la loro miseria e tristezza Le donne che allattavano i bambini esponevano con fierezza seni abbondanti e rigogliosi. P. Di DonatoIn un migliore ordinamento della società il lavoro e le necessità pesanti della vita saranno affidati a chi ne soffre di meno, cioè al più insensibile, e così gradualmente su su, fino a colui che è sensibile al massimo alle specie più alte e sublimate di sofferenza e che perciò continua a soffrire anche quando la vita gli viene alleviata al massimo.Friedrich NietzscheQuando più individui funzionano insieme in vista di un obiettivo comune nello stesso processo di produzione o in processi diversi ma collegati, il loro lavoro assume allora la forma cooperativa A parte la nuova potenza che risulta dalla fusione di numerose forze in una forza comune, il solo contatto sociale produce una emulazione ed un eccitamento degli spiriti animali (animals spirits) che aumentano la capacità industriale di esecuzione Ciò proviene dal fatto che l’uomo è per natura, se non un animale politico secondo l’opinione di Aristotele, almeno in ogni caso un animale sociale. K. MarxIl lavoro è innanzitutto un atto tra l’uomo e la natura. L’uomo vi gioca, di fronte alla natura, il ruolo di una potenza naturale. Le forze di cui il suo corpo è dotato, braccia e gambe, testa e mani, egli le mette in movimento al fine di impadronirsi della materia dandole una forma utile alla sua vita. Contemporaneamente, mentre con questo movimento egli agisce sulla natura esteriore e la modifica, egli modifica la sua stessa natura e sviluppa le facoltà che vi erano in potenza. K. MarxTutti a risparmiare tempo, a pungolare il rendimento, a stigmatizzare l’assenteismo, ma soltanto nell’industria mentre altrove il tempo si butta Una maggiore produttività e un migliore utilizzo del tempo non dobbiamo cercarli sempre e soltanto nel lavoro di fabbrica. A. AccorneroSe uno è costretto per nascita e malasorte a lavorare, meglio che lavori di continuo finché non muore, e se ne stia fermo sul posto di lavoro. Io non capisco tanta gente che sgobba per farsi la casa bella nella città dove lavora, e quando se l'è fatta sgobba ancora per comprarsi l'automobile e andare via dalla casa bella. Luciano BianciardiDurante la campagna elettorale di Berlusconi c'è stato un momento in cui ho iniziato veramente a preoccuparmi, infatti il demiurgo aveva promesso un milione di nuovi posti di lavoro, al che mi sono detto: "Sta a vedere, che ora dovrò iniziare anch'io a lavorare". Per fortuna però era un falso allarme e così sono tuttora felicemente disoccupato; e i soldi, direte voi, beh, per quelli non c’è problema, a lui non mancano, e poi non li mangiano neanche le galline.Carl William BrownSulla tematica del lavoro potete anche leggere:Aforismi e citazioni sul lavoroUmorismo nero e lavoroScuola, ozio e lavoroLabor Day explainedAforismi sulle pensioniAforismi sulle pensioni di C.W. BrownAforismi per autoreAforismi per argomentoRiflessioni e pensieriSaggi e aforismi Read the full article



Apr 29

Ezra Pound best famous quotes

Ezra Pound best famous quotesEzra Pound best famous quotes, a brief collection of the most significant aphorisms of the great writer to better understand his poetics and his literary art.All my life I believed I knew something. But then one strange day came when I realized that I knew nothing, yes, I knew nothing. And so words became void of meaning. I have arrived too late at ultimate uncertainty.Ezra PoundUSURY is the cancer of the world, which only the surgeon’s knife of Fascism can cut out of the life of the nations.Ezra PoundI guess the definition of a lunatic is a man surrounded by them.Ezra PoundI found after seventy years that I was not a lunatic but a moron... I should have been able to do better.Ezra PoundMan is an over-complicated organism. If he is doomed to extinction he will die out for want of simplicity.Ezra PoundMusic begins to atrophy when it departs too far from the dance… poetry begins to atrophy when it gets too far from music.Ezra PoundWith one day’s reading a man may have the key in his hands.Ezra PoundThe act of bell ringing is symbolic of all proselytizing religions. It implies the pointless interference with the quiet of other people.Ezra PoundPay no attention to the criticism of men who have never themselves written a notable work.Ezra PoundNo man understands a deep book until he has seen and lived at least part of its contents.Ezra PoundLiterature does not exist in a vacuum. Writers as such have a definite social function exactly proportional to their ability as writers. This is their main use.Ezra PoundLiterature is news that stays news.Ezra PoundIf a nation’s literature declines, the nation atrophies and decays.Ezra PoundTechnique is the test of sincerity. If a thing isn’t worth getting the technique to say, it is of inferior value.Ezra PoundArtists are the antennae of the race, but the bullet-headed many will never learn to trust the great artists.Ezra PoundGloom and solemnity are entirely out of place in even the most rigorous study of an art originally intended to make glad the heart of man.Ezra PoundThe modern artist must live by craft and violence. His gods are violent gods. Those artists, so called, whose work does not show this strife, are uninteresting.Ezra PoundThe primary pigment of poetry is the IMAGE.Ezra PoundThere is no reason why the same man should like the same books at eighteen and at forty-eightEzra PoundHumanity is the rich effluvium, it is the waste and the manure and the soil, and from it grows the tree of the arts.Ezra PoundIn our time, the curse is monetary illiteracy, just as inability to read plain print was the curse of earlier centuries.Ezra PoundA great age of literature is perhaps always a great age of translations.Ezra PoundThe Image is more than an idea. It is a vortex or cluster of fused ideas and is endowed with energy.Ezra PoundNothing written for pay is worth printing. Only what has been written against the market.Ezra PoundThe real trouble with war (modern war) is that it gives no one a chance to kill the right people.Ezra PoundA man of genius has a right to any mode of expression.Ezra PoundWars in old times were made to get slaves. The modern implement of imposing slavery is debt.Ezra PoundReal education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing, the rest is mere sheep-herding.Ezra PoundWhat matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it.Ezra PoundIt is the business of the artist to make humanity aware of itself.Ezra PoundWhat matters most is not the idea, but the capacity to believe in it completely.Ezra PoundWars are made to make debt.Ezra PoundThe concept of genius as akin to madness has been carefully cultivated by the inferiority complex of the public.Ezra PoundLiberty is not a right but a duty.Ezra PoundThe artist is always beginning. Any work of art which is not a beginning, an invention, a discovery is of little worth.Ezra PoundPoetry is a language pared down to its essentials.Ezra PoundGreat literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree.Ezra PoundGood writers are those who keep the language efficient. That is to say, keep it accurate, keep it clear.Ezra PoundThe history of an art is the history of masterwork, not of failures, or mediocrity.Ezra PoundColloquial poetry is to the real art as the barber’s wax dummy is to sculpture.Ezra PoundBureaucrats are a pox. They are supposed to be necessary. Certain chemicals in the body are supposed to be necessary to life, but cause death the moment they increase beyond a suitable limitEzra PoundPoetry is about as much a ‘criticism of life’ as red-hot iron is a criticism of fire.Ezra PoundYou can also read:Ezra Pound quotes and aphorismsEzra Pound thoughts and reflectionsEzra Pound the best craftsmanT.S. Eliot quotes and aphorismsT.S. Eliot thoughts and reflectionsQuotes by authorsQuotes by argumentsEssays with quotesThoughts and reflectionsNews and events Read the full article



Apr 29

Aforismi e citazioni sul lavoro

Aforismi e citazioni sul lavoroAforismi e citazioni sul lavoro, una raccolta di varie citazioni di autori famosi su una delle attività più importanti e spesso faticose della nostra società. La festa internazionale dei lavoratori si celebra il 1 maggio di ogni anno, una tradizione che continua ancora oggi in più di 60 paesi.Tutte le professioni sono delle cospirazioni contro i profani.George Bernard ShawIl lavoro mi piace, mi affascina. Potrei starmene seduto per ore a guardarlo.Jerome Klapka JeromeDobbiamo lavorare di meno, perché un uomo sfinito dalla fatica è costretto ad essere fedele alla propria moglie. Occorre del tempo, invece, per danzare, cantare, amare la propria donna e quella degli altri. Rajneesh BhagwanPiù desidero che qualcosa sia fatto, meno lo chiamo lavoro.Richard BachÈ troppo difficile pensare nobilmente quando si pensa a guadagnarsi da vivere.Jean-Jacques RousseauTutti gli sventurati, tutti coloro la cui schiena brucia / sotto il sole feroce e che vanno, che vanno / con la fronte che scoppia in un lavoro infame. / Giù il cappello, borghesi. Questi sono i veri uomini.Arthur RimbaudLavoriamo senza pensare: è il solo mezzo per rendere sopportabile l’esistenza. VoltaireIl lavoro è uno sforzo diretto ad ottenere una remunerazione. Th. R. MalthusSi gusta doppiamente la felicità faticata.Baltasar GraciánNon voglio raggiungere l'immortalità con il mio lavoro. Voglio arrivarci non morendo.Woody AllenSi sa che il lavoro ha sempre addolcito la vita: rimane tuttavia il fatto che non a tutti piacciono i dolciumi. Victor HugoDecise di cambiar vita, di approfittare delle ore del mattino. Si levò alle sei, fece la doccia, si rase, si vestì, gustò la colazione, fumò un paio di sigarette, si mise al tavolo di lavoro e si svegliò a mezzogiorno.Ennio FlaianoL'avidità è il pungolo dell'operosità.David HumeAl mondo non ci sono che due modi per fare carriera: o grazie alla propria ingegnosità o grazie all'imbecillità altrui.La Bruyère De, JeanSto lavorando duro per preparare il mio prossimo errore.Bertolt BrechtE' impossibile godere appieno dell'ozio se non si ha un sacco di lavoro da fare.Jerome Klapka JeromeIl lavoro allontana tre grandi mali: la noia, il vizio ed il bisogno.VoltaireOccorre che un uomo muoia per divenire forza-lavoro. È quella morte che egli trasforma in salario. Jean BaudrillardDopo tutto, l’intera storia del lavoro umano è una storia di resistenza all’organizzazione del lavoro, al potere politico, all’ideologia del lavoro. Vittorio FoaLa grande maggioranza delle persone lavora soltanto per necessità e da questa naturale avversione umana al lavoro nascono i più difficili problemi sociali. Sigmund FreudLavorare è meno noioso che divertirsi.Charles BaudelaireIntelligenza: quando ti accorgi che il ragionamento del tuo principale non fila. Saggezza: quando eviti di farglielo notare. AnonimoPer ridurre il costo del lavoro si potrebbe ritornare allo schiavismo puro, no!Carl William BrownFa’ sempre qualcosa, di modo che il diavolo ti trovi sempre impegnato. San GerolamoAlla fin fine, il lavoro rimane sempre il miglior mezzo per far passare la vita. Gustave FlaubertI consumatori ricercano la massima soddisfazione, i produttori il massimo profitto e i lavoratori devono lottare contro il massimo sfruttamento.Carl William BrownSpesso le grandi imprese nascono da piccole opportunità.DemosteneUna persona che usa merci e servizi, senza produrre merci e servizi equivalenti, arreca al Paese esattamente lo stesso danno che arreca un ladro: in effetti si tratta proprio di un furto. G.B. ShawQuando il caos è intorno a te, ricorda: quello che sopravvive alla storia è il lavoro dell'uomo.AnonimoSe il riposo non è un po' ancora lavoro, è subito noia.Jules RenardLa riduzione della giornata lavorativa a un punto in cui la quantità del lavoro non impedisce lo sviluppo umano, è il primo elemento di libertà.H. MarcuseE noi qui in tuta a far la classe operaia, come dei pirla.AltanNon dimostrarti insostituibile; se non puoi essere sostituito, non sarai promosso.AnonimoOggi anche il cretino è specializzato.Ennio FlaianoTutti lavoriamo per arrivare al riposo: è ancora la pigrizia a renderci laboriosi.Jean-Jacques RousseauLa schiavitù umana ha toccato il punto culminante alla nostra epoca, sotto forma di lavoro liberamente salariato. G.B. ShawIl lavoro non è altro che uno stupido sforzo per un inutile spostamento.Carl William BrownSiamo arrivati a un tal grado di imbecillità da considerare il lavoro non solo come onorevole, ma addirittura come sacro, mentre non è che una dolorosa necessità. R. de GourmontMani inanellate non sanno mungere vacche Mani nere e callose fanno pane bianco. Canto popolare lituano, XVIII sec.Noi viviamo nell'epoca in cui la gente è così laboriosa da diventare stupida.Oscar WildeIl lavoro d'equipe è essenziale. Ti permette di dare la colpa a qualcun altro.Arthur BlochSi sa che il lavoro ha sempre addolcito la vita: il fatto è che non a tutti piacciono i dolciumi.Victor HugoUn uomo non è un pigro, se è assorto nei propri pensieri; esistono un lavoro visibile ed uno invisibile.Victor HugoErano in tre e si doveva eseguire un lavoro; il più forte decise che avrebbe diretto le varie fasi dell'esecuzione, il più furbo disse che avrebbe controllato il buon esito dell'operazione e al più debole non rimase altro che iniziare.Carl William BrownLa paura della noia è la sola scusa del lavoro.Jules RenardOgni volta che basta una sola persona per eseguire un compito con la dovuta applicazione, il compito viene eseguito in modo peggiore da due persone e non viene affatto eseguito se l'incarico è affidato a tre o più persone.George WashingtonI malvagi lavorano più duramente per andare all'inferno di quanto non facciano i giusti per andare in paradiso.Josh BillingsLa fatica rende le donne loquaci e ammutolisce gli uomini.Clive Staples LewisAd ogni periodo di attività deve seguirne uno di riposo.Mao Tse-tungIl frutto del lavoro è il più dolce dei piaceri.Luc de Clapiers de VauvenarguesOgni abitudine rende la nostra mano più ingegnosa e meno agile il nostro ingegno.Friedrich NietzscheL'uomo è l'unica creatura che consuma senza produrre.George OrwellIl lavoro duro paga nel lungo periodo. La pigrizia paga subito.AnonimoIl lavoro è il rifugio di coloro che non hanno nulla di meglio da fare.Oscar WildeLa vera libertà individuale non può esistere senza sicurezza economica ed indipendenza. La gente affamata e senza lavoro è la pasta di cui sono fatte le dittature.Franklin Delano RooseveltRecessione è quando il tuo vicino perde il lavoro. Depressione è quando lo perdi tu. Panico quando lo perde anche tua moglie.Boris MakareskoIl lavoro è la maledizione delle classi alcolizzate.Oscar WildeVivere del proprio lavoro, una necessità; vivere del lavoro altrui, un'aspirazione.Alessandro MorandottiLui non sa nulla e pensa di sapere tutto: tutto ciò fa pensare chiaramente ad una carriera politica.George Bernard ShawSe fossi un medico, prescriverei una vacanza a tutti i pazienti che considerano importante il proprio lavoro.Bertrand RussellLa religione ci rende inadatti ad ignorare la nullità e ci butta nel lavoro della vita.John UpdikeNon un giorno senza una riga.Plinio il VecchioLavoro è vita, lo sai, e senza quello esiste solo paura e insicurezza.John LennonNon ci sono lavoro stupidi, è evidente... Ma ce ne sono di quelli che vengono lasciati agli altri.Miguel ZamacoïsIl lavoro è stato il primo prezzo che si è pagato per ognicosa ed è la misura reale del valore di scambio di ogni merce. Adam SmithIl Governo ha due doveri, quello di mantenere l'ordine pubblico a qualunque costo ed in qualunque occasione, e quello di garantire nel modo più assoluto la libertà di lavoro.Giovanni GiolittiSe fai il lavoro male, dopo magari non te lo fanno fare più.Bill WattersonL'etica del lavoro è l'etica degli schiavi, e il mondo moderno non ha bisogno di schiavi.B. RusselGli errori, come pagliuzze, galleggiano sulla superficie: chi cerca perle deve tuffarsi nel profondo.John DrydenUna piccola quantità di denaro che cambia di mano rapidamente farà il lavoro di una grande quantità che si muove lentamente.Ezra PoundL'artista è niente senza il dono, e il dono è niente senza il lavoro.Émile ZolaEssere uomo è un mestiere difficile, soltanto pochi ce la fanno.Ernest HemingwayUna macchina è in grado di lavorare come cinquanta uomini comuni, ma nessuna macchina può svolgere il lavoro di un uomo straordinario.Elbert HubbardL'opera esce più bella da una forma ribelle al lavoro dell'artista: verso, marmo, onice, smalto.Théophile GautierDio mi perdonerà: è il suo mestiere.Heinrich HeineLa differenza tra un intellettuale e un operaio? L'operaio si lava le mani prima di pisciare e l'intellettuale dopo.Jacques PrévertSulla tematica del lavoro potete anche leggere:Umorismo nero e lavoroScuola, ozio e lavoroLabor Day explainedAforismi sulle pensioniAforismi sulle pensioni di C.W. BrownAforismi per autoreAforismi per argomentoRiflessioni e pensieriSaggi e aforismi Read the full article

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Name: Van Hayes

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.